Cases Of Catching Unusual Fish, Which Were Then As If Erased From The History - Alternative View

Cases Of Catching Unusual Fish, Which Were Then As If Erased From The History - Alternative View
Cases Of Catching Unusual Fish, Which Were Then As If Erased From The History - Alternative View

Video: Cases Of Catching Unusual Fish, Which Were Then As If Erased From The History - Alternative View

Video: Cases Of Catching Unusual Fish, Which Were Then As If Erased From The History - Alternative View
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The oceans in our space age are full of mysteries and obscurity. Every year, scientists find dozens of new species of living beings in it. True, these are mainly small fish, crustaceans and mollusks, but scientists do not exclude that much larger creatures are found there, which have not yet fallen into the hands of man.

But, as the following stories show, even if this creature is caught by a person, it can still disappear without a trace and then not the slightest mention will remain of it.

In 1905, the San Francisco Call newspaper reported that a very unusual fish had been caught by a fisherman on September 20, 1905, off the coast of Honolulu, Hawaii. The fisherman in surprise called her a frog fish, because she had gills and fins, but in addition to this, the fish had well-developed limbs with feet, on which there were sharp claws (!).

According to the article, this fish was caught alive and then placed in an aquarium in Waikiki, Honolulu. It was mentioned that different specialists came to look at it later, but no one could identify to which family this fish belongs.

What kind of fish was it? What then happened to her in the aquarium? Nothing is known about this. There is no mention of this fish in subsequent newspaper articles or in the history of Waikiki and Honolulu.

And it would be okay if some local newspaper wrote about this, but it was a fairly authoritative publication, in which Mark Twain even worked at his time.

An even stranger fish was caught on May 22, 1912, as reported in the same San Francisco Call. Fisherman Steve Gio was fishing with nets in Southern California and unexpectedly caught what he thought was a creature from another planet. The fish was 2 feet (60 cm) long and had eight legs (!). She also made frightening sounds, similar to the barking of a dog.

The creature was immediately put into a large tank of water and transported to San Diego in that tank. There they walked him on the pier, tied around his neck with a rope, like a dog, and this fish walked on its feet, breathing air. Hundreds of curious people have been reported to have observed this bizarre creature.

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This completely surreal story ended with a certain Dr. Ritter examining the fish from the biological station in La Jolla, and then putting the fish on public display in an aquarium. But what happened to her next is completely unknown. This fish, like the first one, was never mentioned by anyone else.

It would seem that from such a strange living creature that hundreds of people have seen, at least sketches could remain. But there are no photos, no drawings, no mentions from contemporaries.


The next strange fish, which also disappeared in a strange way safely, was found on a beach in Venice, California. Several local newspapers wrote about this find at once and journalists reported that the fish is large, but mainly consists of a mouth, head and tail, like a huge tadpole.

Maybe it was just a large eel? However, subsequent descriptions of its appearance cast doubt on this version, the fish's eyes were simply huge and "the size of a plate", and the teeth went in four rows and were in jaws that were huge compared to the head.

What became of this creature and whether its remains were studied by any scientists is not known.

Another bizarre fish was caught in 1923 off the coast of Western Australia. This was reported in the Great Southern Herald on July 18, 1923. The fish got caught in the net of the fishing vessel of Captain Charles Thompe.

This creature was truly gigantic in size, 45 feet (13 meters) long and 8 feet (2.4 meters) wide. On his back he had a long fin, and the fish weighed as much as 15 tons. Moreover, this was exactly a fish, not a whale or a dolphin. She had gills and dark spots on her head. The mouth was huge and filled with thousands of sharp teeth. However, it was not a shark either.

When the monster fish was opened and the contents of its stomach were seen, the remains of a very large octopus and, oddly enough, a large number of corals were found inside. Maybe these corals were used as pebbles in the stomachs of chickens, that is, for additional grinding of food?

The fish's eyes were unexpectedly small, and the skin was very thick. According to Captain Tompe, this fish probably lives somewhere very deep, where it is very dark, and it got to the surface by accident, possibly due to some kind of underwater cataclysm like a volcanic eruption.


Further, this fish was examined by American scientists and unexpectedly declared that it was still very small, and an adult specimen would be twice as large.

This is where the story of this huge unusual fish ends. What happened to her body next? Why did no one mention it anywhere else? Riddle.

In 1930, another strange creature was caught by fisherman Henry Smith in Redondo Beach, California. As reported by the Madera Tribune, issue 120, March 14, 1930, the creature is unlike any known species and may have come from a deep cave under the rocks.

It was 5 feet (150 cm) long with a stocky and sturdy body, plus a tail the same length as the body. That is, the total length of the creature is 3 meters. His mouth was very wide and full of sharp teeth. When this creature was put into a tank and curious stared at it, it clicked its teeth viciously.

Overall, it is described as very aggressive. Even more interesting, this creature could go without water for a long time. Further, any mention of this fish was not found anywhere else.

In 1945, the same Madera Tribune reported how four fishermen from Lynn, Massachusetts, caught a 20-foot-long "beast" that looked like a barrel-headed eel.


It can be assumed that in those distant years the newspapers could have confused something or even added something, but let us throw off one more note.

In a November 19, 1976 article, the California newspaper The Desert Sun reported literally the following:

Sounds interesting, right? 3.6m shark with glowing mouth! Which floats at almost a kilometer depth and was only accidentally discovered by the military during their incomprehensible work at the same depth. This sounds not only interesting, but like the beginning of some fantastic story.

And of course you thought that this shark was not mentioned anywhere else either.

But no. In fact, this note is about the first sighting by humans of the so-called pelagic bigmouth shark (Megachasma pelagios). It was this fish that was found by naval sailors from the AFB-14 ship near the Hawaiian island of Oahu on November 15, 1976, at almost a kilometer depth.

An effigy of this shark is still kept in the Honolulu Museum.


This shark looks quite unpleasant and can rightfully be called strange and frightening. Gray, nondescript, but with a huge mouth and a sluggish elongated body. And she really has a "luminous" mouth. More precisely, it is covered with a litter of photophores, the glow of which lures small fish and plankton into the shark's mouth.

The discovery of this fish was one of the most significant moments in the discovery of new species of large living things in the 20th century. However, this shark is so rare that since then only about a hundred specimens have been found. And this is despite its large size.

This case also proves that “sensational” newspaper articles about unusual fish may not be fakes or complete inaccuracies.

What, however, happened to those fish that the newspapers wrote about at the beginning of the 20th century? Why did they disappear from history? Especially that strange fish with 8 legs.

It is possible that it was a matter of ordinary negligence. The fish were poorly looked after, fed with the wrong food and they died, and then their remains were slowly thrown away. And if serious researchers were to study these creatures, new species would be officially discovered.

Or maybe someone specially made sure that these bizarre creatures would remain undiscovered people. And maybe their stuffed animals are still kept somewhere in a secret private collection for the elite.