The Child Will Be Presented By The Saint - Alternative View

The Child Will Be Presented By The Saint - Alternative View
The Child Will Be Presented By The Saint - Alternative View

Video: The Child Will Be Presented By The Saint - Alternative View

Video: The Child Will Be Presented By The Saint - Alternative View
Video: Your Life As A Believer - You Might Want To Watch This Right Away 2024, September

When the doctor told the Italian Gina Capezano that she would never be able to have children, the woman was desperate. Gina's husband has seven brothers and sisters, and she has six, and therefore she herself always wanted to have the same big family. But the doctor's verdict was final.

Capezano shared her misfortune with a neighbor. And she, in turn, told her about an acquaintance who also believed that she would never be able to give birth, but is now pregnant with twins. Surprised, Gina decided to find out her secret.

And this is what this woman named Rose said. Once during a prayer, she heard a voice that told her to ask for help from a spring in the center of the village, where she and Gina live. Indeed, there is an old fountain in the village square, which is more than 200 years old, and spring water flows from it. Rose came to the spring and, as soon as she began to pray, she noticed how something flashed in the dense bushes. Pushing aside the branches, the woman found there … a statue of St. Joanna, holding a baby in her arms. And a few weeks later I learned that she would soon become a mother of twins.

Both women went together to the holy place and prayed. Soon, Gina also became pregnant. And now everyone who could not have a child comes to Saint Joanna. They say that she has already helped many women find motherhood.

And although doctors still do not believe in the miraculous healing of women, but: "How can you doubt God's providence!" - exclaims the happy Gina Capezano.

Larisa Muravskaya