The Spraying Of Chemtrails Has Stopped Everywhere! Is The Planet Ready For The Arrival Of The Masters? - Alternative View

The Spraying Of Chemtrails Has Stopped Everywhere! Is The Planet Ready For The Arrival Of The Masters? - Alternative View
The Spraying Of Chemtrails Has Stopped Everywhere! Is The Planet Ready For The Arrival Of The Masters? - Alternative View

Video: The Spraying Of Chemtrails Has Stopped Everywhere! Is The Planet Ready For The Arrival Of The Masters? - Alternative View

Video: The Spraying Of Chemtrails Has Stopped Everywhere! Is The Planet Ready For The Arrival Of The Masters? - Alternative View
Video: Chemtrails Explained In Under 2 minutes 2024, September

Everyone knows very well that in the USA alone there are dozens of sites dedicated to chemtrails.

Chemtrails are really a problem. There are chemtrails, they have been sprayed for many years, but the government does not explain anything.

The most common version explaining chemtrails assumes geoengineering - global climate change.

Whether this is so or not, no one knows for sure, but what is absolutely certain: in the summer of 2018, the spraying of chemtrails stopped! This fact is universally noted by people on conspiracy forums.

And on sites that collect photos and videos of chemtrails, even confusion reigns; to attract the public, they publish videos of contrails of fighters all summer, trying to pass them off as chemtrails. And the owners of the resources can be understood: there are sites dedicated to chemtrails, but there are no chemtrails anymore.

In addition to the absence of chemtrails, the summer of 2018 has another anomalous feature: everywhere, on all continents, in all countries of the planet, unprecedented heat reigns, about which all newspapers in the world write.


The second feature of this summer is the bloody Moon on July 27, with the arrival of which many Christian prophets associate the coming of the End of the World:

Promotional video:


It will not be just a "blood moon" - it will be the largest "blood moon" that has not existed for many centuries. And this moment coincides with the lunar eclipse, which has never happened at all!

The third feature of the summer of 2018 is two solar eclipses that take place in a row: July 13th and August 11th.


The fourth feature of this summer is the great opposition of Mars, which occurs every few decades:


All of the listed astronomical signs - the great opposition of Mars, solar eclipses, lunar eclipses and bloody moons, often accompany dramatic events affecting the whole world: epidemics, disasters, wars and conflicts.

Another formidable sign of something bad is the appearance of a comet in the sky. And this summer, in August, the comet will also be visible!


According to the legends of many peoples, all of the listed astronomical phenomena are associated with the "arrival of the gods" who come to Earth or have fun (like Mars descending to fight), or collect tribute in the form of sacrifices (as was customary among the Incas and Aztecs), or administer their own judgment (so the Christians say).

An interesting interpretation of these legends was used by the directors of the film "Predator", according to the script of which it was the Predators who created civilization on Earth and people worshiped them as gods:


And what is interesting. Predators are a race of reptiles, so they love a warm climate and come to collect victims and hunt only in particularly hot summers.

And it is very strange that, according to most conspiracy theorists, chemtrails are being sprayed to create a greenhouse effect on Earth and raise temperatures so that the world's elites, who are, as some think, clones of reptilians feel comfortable.

If we look at the question of stopping the spraying of chemtrails in this aspect, then it turns out that the temperature on Earth has risen to the required level, so the need for geoengineering has disappeared: the planet is fully prepared for the arrival of its real Masters. And all the astronomical signs (the great opposition of Mars, the comet, the lunar eclipse, the Bloody Moon) also speak of this. It looks like the Masters will appear very soon and the performance of sacrifices in their honor will begin.