Scientist Michio Kaku Was Interviewed About The Upcoming Apocalypse - Alternative View

Scientist Michio Kaku Was Interviewed About The Upcoming Apocalypse - Alternative View
Scientist Michio Kaku Was Interviewed About The Upcoming Apocalypse - Alternative View

Video: Scientist Michio Kaku Was Interviewed About The Upcoming Apocalypse - Alternative View

Video: Scientist Michio Kaku Was Interviewed About The Upcoming Apocalypse - Alternative View
Video: Michio Kaku: 3 mind-blowing predictions about the future | Big Think 2024, July

Scientist Michio Kaku was interviewed by journalist Anderson Hayes Cooper about the upcoming apocalypse. According to the researcher, he warned the world about disasters for a long time.

Doomsday warnings appear regularly this year. And not only conspiracy theorists talk about this, but also scientists - in particular, climatologists, note the terrible state of the environment. The researchers also stated that, according to the predictions of Nostradamus, a war and a semblance of a zombie apocalypse will begin in 2018.

Michio Kaku also warned of cataclysms in advance, calling them natural anomalous phenomena. In his new interview, he again replied that an apocalypse awaits the planet, and was extremely outraged by the inaction of the authorities on this matter.

“I warned, shouted from the beginning of the year about intensified natural disasters. If I list everything that happened in 2017, the evening will not be enough. The official media and scientific services are silent, but I declare with confidence that everyone is in shock. But many states have official orders to hide this data from the public - in particular, about meteorology, seismology, climatology. There are such instructions in Europe and the USA, which I cannot say in Asia and Russia,”the scientist noted. Kaku also believes that everything will be worse - both the strength of natural anomalies and the number of victims: in 3 years they will begin to number in the billions.

The scientist said that an international group of researchers has already been established, but it may be too late. “The governments of the countries are not ready do not want to prepare. They think they can sit out in the bunkers, but they won't,”said Michio Kaku. True, he refused to give more accurate information about the upcoming apocalypse.

Author: Ekaterina Kuznetsova