"I Participated In A Seance And Summoned My Double" - Alternative View

"I Participated In A Seance And Summoned My Double" - Alternative View
"I Participated In A Seance And Summoned My Double" - Alternative View

Video: "I Participated In A Seance And Summoned My Double" - Alternative View

Video: Seance Gone Wrong (Very Scary) Paranormal Activity Caught on Camera 3AM 2024, July

A resident of St. Petersburg during her youth managed to summon during a spiritualistic seance … her own double!

Here's what she says about this truly rare phenomenon:

“It all started with a humorous seance. I myself did not believe in anything supernatural then, and neither did my friends. But the demon pulled us on Saturday evening to try to "twist the saucer." We drew a circle on whatman paper, drew the alphabet, lit a candle.

Although none of us had ever tried to summon spirits before, everything immediately began to work out. The singer and poet Vladimir Vysotsky was summoned. The saucer kept running across the table from letter to letter, but it was a solid mat and obscene language.

I got tired of this, and as a joke I suggested:

- What if you summon the spirit of myself?

The girlfriends agreed. And, strange to say, as soon as we uttered the formula of the challenge, I felt a wild pain in the solar plexus area. But she endured it, and then the pain went away, and the saucer immediately moved …

My "spirit" answered our questions at length, avoiding sharp corners. We demanded specifics, and the saucer got off with general phrases. Then we stopped the session, and the friends went home … I was left alone in my apartment. Then it all started!

Promotional video:

I was washing the dishes when I heard light steps behind me. She turned around, and in the dark corridor, which was visible from the kitchen, a human silhouette flashed. Then suddenly the bathroom light came on by itself and the sound of pouring water was heard. I jerked open the bathroom door. Empty. The tap is closed, but water splashes are visible on the walls of the sink. I looked in the mirror and adjusted my hair.

And she was horrified! Then it dawned on me that my reflection in the mirror was in a dressing gown, and I had not yet changed after my friends left. As she was in a blouse with short sleeves, she remained in it.

“Either I’ve gone crazy, or there, in the mirror, my spirit, which we called,” flashed a crazy thought.

It became creepy …

Suddenly I see a ghost from the mirror reaching out to me. And right then, bottles of perfume, a glass with a toothbrush, flew at me from the shelf in front of the mirror.

I rushed into the kitchen and, closing the door, leaned back against it. I feel the knob is slowly turning. I clung to the rotating handle with a death grip, trying to hold it. The pressure has eased. I hear footsteps in the corridor.

Remembering that they had fought against evil spirits with the help of silver and a cross, I scooped out silver forks from the kitchen cabinet and fastened two of them crosswise with the help of an elastic band from a curler. Holding this cruciform weapon in front of her, I went into the room. There was no one there, but there was some movement in the air.

Then I began to swing the cross around me. And at some point he - that's horror! - caught on something. But there was emptiness. There was a crackle of tearing tissue, and a few drops of blood fell to the floor, which, however, immediately melted without leaving a trace.

At this point, I obviously lost consciousness. And when I woke up five minutes later, lying on the floor, my whole body ached wildly and my head was spinning … Nothing like this ever happened in my house."
