The Tale Of Bygone Years: Why It Was Ruled - Alternative View

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The Tale Of Bygone Years: Why It Was Ruled - Alternative View
The Tale Of Bygone Years: Why It Was Ruled - Alternative View

Video: The Tale Of Bygone Years: Why It Was Ruled - Alternative View

Video: The Tale Of Bygone Years: Why It Was Ruled - Alternative View
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According to the established tradition, each new ruler who ascends to the throne rewrites the history of his country in a new way. Russia is no exception. According to modern historians, even the famous "Tale of Bygone Years" was corrected in the Middle Ages under the dictation of the famous freemason and sorcerer Jacob Bruce.

Why defame history?

In modern Russia, "The Tale of Bygone Years" is considered one of the main historical documents, which study the history of our country at the dawn of its existence. Meanwhile, a number of historians have doubts that we are reading exactly the work that was composed by the monk Nestor. The acquisition of the chronicle took place only in the times of Peter the Great. At the same time, as is known, the Tale of Bygone Years was translated into modern Russian by V. N. Tatishchev, who worked at the court of Peter I. The most interesting thing is that the famous historian owed his entire career to the freemason, who was reputed to be a sorcerer, an associate of Peter I - Yakov Bruce. In his youth V. N. Tatishchev graduated from the engineering school led by Jacob Bruce. Abroad to Berlin, Breslau, Dresden, Danzig V. N. Tatishchev also went under the command of Yakov Bruce. Finally, on his personal proposal, Peter I commissioned V. N. Tatishchev to write a detailed "Russian history". Knowing how Peter I felt about Russian antiquity, it is not difficult to assume that in the translation of the chronicles made by V. N. Tatishchev made significant additions and amendments.

Medieval "comics"

In 18th century Russia, it was believed that Yakov Bruce had the same hypnotic influence on Peter I that Grigory Rasputin later had on Nicholas II. The question arises as to why the Scottish prince, the founder of Russian Freemasonry, should be given an assignment to create a "Russian history". A question to which there is no answer. It is noteworthy that "to seed" the whole case, Yakov Bruce personally handed over to V. N. Tatishchev a copy of the Radziwill Chronicle from his personal book depository. How she got there and how reliable it was, history is silent. It is well known that the Chronicle of Bygone Years was an integral part of the Radziwill Chronicle and had an unusual content. It had 618 drawings and looked like "history comics." The ancient history of Russia on its pages was reflected in numerous illustrations with a minimum of text. At the same time, Russian people for some reason were depicted in the clothes of medieval Europeans on the engravings of the chronicle. It is not possible to logically explain where the Gothic roofs of buildings, the Western European clothes of knights and many others do not come from in Russia.

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Parcel from Warsaw

No less strange is the fact that after its creation the "Radziwill Chronicle" disappeared. One of her lists was found only in 1606 at Stanislav Zenovich, a Polish forester. From him the document passed into the possession of the Vilna voivode Janusz Radziwil. After the death of his father, the son of the voivode transferred the priceless manuscript for safekeeping to the Königsberg library, where it was discovered in 1711 by Jacob Bruce. Only 50 years later the chronicle ended up in the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moreover, there are historical financial documents, according to which Jacob Bruce paid for the census of the Radziwill Chronicle from state money. At the same time, it is interesting to note that, only after taking up work, V. N. Tatishchev personally discovered the author of the Chronicle of the Time Years, Nestor, the monk of the Feodosiev Monastery of Pechora, in it. Soon he personally added additional lists to the chronicle: Raskolnichy, Golitsynsky and Iosifovsky. In general, he approached the matter creatively. Under him, the chronicle increased significantly. Of course, it was not without additions. At the same time, the place where the original of the 11-12 centuries disappeared is still not known. Trust the same transferred by Jacob Bruce V. N. Tatishchev's list, which the historian creatively revised, can be trusted with a certain amount of skepticism. Obviously, changing the life of our state, Peter I needed a history of the country that was correct from his point of view. It was created for him by Yakov Bruce and V. N. Tatishchev with the help of the “Radziwill Chronicle” “discovered in time” in Poland, which included the “Tale of Bygone Years”. Obviously, real events with fictional ones were intertwined in this document. About the same thing as everything really happened,it will be possible to find out when the original chronicle of the XI-XII centuries is found.

Dmitry Sokolov