Consciousness And Evolution: A Lifelong Journey - Alternative View

Consciousness And Evolution: A Lifelong Journey - Alternative View
Consciousness And Evolution: A Lifelong Journey - Alternative View

Video: Consciousness And Evolution: A Lifelong Journey - Alternative View

Video: Consciousness And Evolution: A Lifelong Journey - Alternative View
Video: 💖Pick-A-Card💖 What Would It Be Like To Date Them? 2024, September

More and more famous world-famous physicists (like Roger Penrose) are telling us that our usual view of life is not entirely correct. We are accustomed to believe that life was first born on Earth, and then it gained consciousness and embarked on the path of evolution. But is it really so? More and more scientific data indicate that in matter and "non-matter" there is no primary and secondary, these are dual principles, and life and, in particular, a person exists at their junction. The aura, the "biofield" of a person - direct evidence of this.

In total, there are about 22 physical characteristics responsible for the possibility of the origin of life. And all of them in the earthly case are in "optimal mode". Coincidence? But its probability from a scientific point of view is negligible. Consequently, we have to talk about directed evolution. About the presence of a certain non-material "protoconsciousness" that formed this directed force and moves life and evolution forward. From simple to complex. From ignorance to knowledge.

Life evolves (and we evolve with it), because this is its original purpose. You can even talk about a kind of "altruistic impulse" inherent in the Universe, which contributes to life and allows it to develop. Feel yourself. Know yourself.

We live in the world of matter, but it does not exhaust our tasks. A person has consciousness (soul) and a fragment of "protoconsciousness" (spirit). Our aspirations are guided (should, in any case) by them, and not only by bodily urges. For this is the eternal striving of nature for perfection, and us, as its parts.

Life is a moment. Tomorrow we will dissolve and leave - into the non-material world, in order, perhaps, to return again. But today we are. We think, we try to understand. We read these lines. We think and, therefore, we exist.

If the world gives us the opportunity to live and love, to know this moment, perhaps this is our task? See and improve. Go high. Find the keys to evolution. And - to pass on the circle the opportunity, expanding its horizons …
