The Mystery Of The Krasnosulinsky Poltergeist - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The Krasnosulinsky Poltergeist - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Krasnosulinsky Poltergeist - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Krasnosulinsky Poltergeist - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Krasnosulinsky Poltergeist - Alternative View
Video: The curse of Poltergeist: Heather O’Rourke 2024, July

Externally, a five-story building on the street. Bratskoy, 26, in Krasny Sulin, usual. A fairly clean courtyard, battered in some places asphalt. However, in December 2012, in the entire second entrance, strange things began to happen with electricity.

Many had their bulbs burned out, some of the residents took a damaged TV set to the dump, sockets melted. Moreover, most of all the troubles fell on the one-room apartment of the former social worker, a respected person in the city - Lydia Dmitrievna ZHUKOVA, who by that time was already over 80. An elderly woman called her eldest daughter and her son-in-law.

The problems didn't stop. Moreover … Sparks ran along the walls of the apartment, almost everything from the kitchen sink, the toilet bowl, the batteries, etc. shocked.

- Do you have any idea how enormous the tension must be for such phenomena to occur! - said the management company that serves the house. - Of course, there is no such tension.

However, the utilities also could not understand the reasons for the problems with electricity. The house has been recently renovated, the wiring is new and of high quality. However, in January the electrical oddities faded away, but by February even more inexplicable things began to happen by themselves in apartment # 28. Combs, tubes of cream, and other items flew through the air here. In front of the amazed neighbors' eyes, the phone could … break out of hands, jump, and then hit the floor.


The refrigerator jumped up, boots shook at the front door. One evening, the doors in the kitchen wall opened, from where everything flew - knives pointed forward, cutting boards, plates … The sideboard in the hall was shaking at that moment.

Anomalies rolled in waves. In February of that year, there was a peak of horror, and then suddenly everything suddenly disappeared, but in the summer it began again.

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… Talking about what was happening, the daughter of the hostess - Valentina SINYAVINA did not cry for little.

She and the neighbors became really scared when the gas stove burners in the locked apartment opened themselves. The neighbors called the Sinyavins (they temporarily moved out, tired of the surprises), as there was a strong smell of gas in the entrance.

As a result, the Krasnosulinsky District Administration was forced to intervene. She ordered a survey of the house by a group of scientists from the South-Russian regional branch of the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences. Its leader is Igor MIROSHNIK, a mathematician, one of the founders of the laboratory for the study of abnormal risk factors at the Academy of Architecture and Arts of the SFedU.

Yellow haze

- I want to emphasize that we were not engaged in the study of mystical phenomena, but in science. Another thing is that the phenomenon of poltergeist is very little studied. For 25 years, I have encountered similar phenomena two dozen times. Isolated, one might say, cases. But these are only those when this situation caused panic. In fact, I think there are many more similar cases.


- Igor Vladimirovich, here you are a researcher, but you are serious about the little ones

“I don’t dismiss inexplicable phenomena just because I don’t understand it. And there is a completely scientific explanation for such facts. We are not dealing with mysticism, but with completely earthly physical processes. Look … (Opens a photo of a room in Zhukova's apartment on the monitor). Do you see the TV? He jumped, including in front of the EMERCOM employees. In front of the neighbors' eyes, various objects were flying through the air - a vase of sweets, a TV remote control. Batteries floated in the air. What is the explanation? It is obvious that if some factors coincide - the presence of a geopathogenic zone, certain human properties that he does not know about, etc., the physical characteristics of space may change.

Which ones?

- First of all, electromagnetic. Here's an example. With a magnetic storm, the change in the electromagnetic field is negligible - by 0.1 - 0.5%. However, even such a small change can have a serious impact on the health of some people. Apparently, some changes in the parameters of the magnetic field (its intensity, frequency, etc.) can change the world around us. Next, the physicochemical properties of some substances change significantly. Our world is already becoming different. For example, at low temperatures, a substance can suddenly turn into plasma, ignite. Or, say: a ray of the sun, the touch of a person or some animal, is enough for the grass in the forest to burst into flames. Such phenomena are already being studied quite seriously abroad.

What did you find in the Krasnosulinskaya apartment?

- Changes in a number of field characteristics, primarily the electromagnetic field. In the photographs, when I took them through filters (thereby changing the optical range), at some point suddenly began to appear as if a haze - an electronic fog. It also formed on the street - it was visible from the balcony and in the apartment. And then the haze, figuratively speaking, rose to its full height. Almost the entire room was filled. How can this fantasy be explained? We have recorded a geo-anomaly, which is concentrated in the area of this entrance. Why did this apartment suffer the most? Apparently an accident.

Geoanomaly is associated with the system of cavities in the ground (apparently, mine drifts), as well as with the location of underground water bodies. When we with the help of the equipment normalized the frequency characteristics of the electromagnetic field, the "miracles" stopped.

Mass hallucination

- You mentioned that you have repeatedly encountered similar phenomena

- There was a very loud, well-known case in Chaltyr at one time. There, in one of the private houses, spontaneous combustion suddenly began even of something that, in principle, cannot burn - an unpainted concrete wall, etc. Firefighters said that a leather diplomat flew past in front of their eyes.

A similar case with the flight of dishes was in the Western microdistrict. You can talk about others too. By the way, once I encountered an even more striking phenomenon - a massive hallucination.

- Tell us more

- The police called me to Azov in the middle of the night. It was an ordinary private house. An old woman lived there. They also told me on the phone that water was pouring from the ceiling from the ceiling, no one knows where and it is not clear why (contrary to all the laws of physics and our world in general). And it's okay if the water penetrated from below. This could be explained by the fact that groundwater rises periodically. And here … It has not rained for a long time. It was hot, dry weather. And streams flowed through the roof.

- A strange story

- It would be less strange if there was water.


- Of all those who have been in that house - police officers, Vodokanal, neighbors and others, I alone did not see any water. I was just a trained person, a consultant to the regional Department of Internal Affairs on anomalous phenomena.

The philosopher Nicholas Roerich in his work "The Heart of Asia" described a case that was impossible from the generally accepted point of view. In the 1920s, Chinese troops marched to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. Local residents had nowhere to go, they had to escape. However, along the only road to the city, Chinese troops were already heading. Then a group of Tibetans turned to one of the highly revered lamas: "What should we do?" The lama replied, “Don't be afraid, follow the road. When you see the troops, stop and do not be surprised at anything. " This group of residents did just that. When the Chinese approached, one of the military asked: "It seems that people are standing at a distance?" “What are you, these are stones,” the other officers answered.

The phenomenon of an altered mental state back in the 60s of the last century was described by professor, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Leonid Vasiliev. Our brain, psyche have not yet been fully studied, they are fraught with many mysteries. Probably, some people (like that lama) can generate abnormal conditions, make others see hallucinations. Say, take people for stones. But more often this can be provoked by a powerful geological anomaly. We found her near that house in Azov.

Parallel life?

- Several years ago you discovered a number of geopathogenic zones in Rostov, and even made a map of them

- We explored in detail the area of Nizhny Temernik, the city center (near Bogatyanovsky descent), Leventsovka. Geopathogenic zones arise over faults, cavities, underground rivers, any irregularities. By the way, poltergeists are still rare. More often there is a higher accident rate on the roads, mortality. What were the results? Leventsovka turned out to be the most free of such zones, most of all in the central region. But it would be good to investigate all this in more detail.

A company that compiles electronic directories published a map of Rostov anomalies a couple of years ago. Some geopathogenic zones there were called places of entry into parallel worlds

- One should never be confused with the other. The map is a joke, I think. Although there are certainly parallel worlds. After all, the number of eyewitnesses of other eras is growing. For some reason, there are places where people often find themselves at other times - the vicinity of the village of Myasnoy Bor in the Novgorod region, a town in Germany, etc. But that's another story.