Ghostly Office Prankster - Alternative View

Ghostly Office Prankster - Alternative View
Ghostly Office Prankster - Alternative View

Video: Ghostly Office Prankster - Alternative View

Video: Ghostly Office Prankster - Alternative View
Video: Ghost Cheerleader | Walk the Prank | Disney XD 2024, September

An acquaintance told me this story. I quote it from his words. “A year ago I got a job in an office center as a security guard.

From the very first day my new colleagues began to scare me with some terrible stories. Like, here we have a ghost, they see him often, and in general all sorts of miracles happen. They also said that my predecessor quit because of this devilry and couldn't work.

They added:

- Well, it's good that he left. Real men should work in the protection, not muslin ladies!

I then decided that they were just trying to play me, they were scaring me. And I was quite surprised when I realized that my colleagues were telling the truth!

The first week passed calmly, I did not notice anything unusual. And then strange things began to happen. First, by itself, the light turned on and off. And not only in my "service", but in the whole building! This usually happened at night. I went around everything in the evening, disconnected the premises. In the morning, employees with their superiors came and started yelling at me: they say, the light is on everywhere, I am dishonestly fulfilling my duties and bringing losses to the company. The counter managed to wind up a certain amount per night.

After a few more shifts, a new attack appeared. Employees showed up for work in the morning and all their computers were on! Again I got on nuts. They said that I played with them all night. Yes, on all four computers at once! But I know I didn't even approach them!

Further - more … Once in the morning a cleaning lady came running (she arrives at six o'clock, before the start of the working day) and said that in one of the rooms the safe was open wide open. But it contains securities, piles of money … I ran, looked, and the truth is - everything is open! I called the director of the firm. He instantly rushed and almost fainted from what he saw. However, he soon calmed down. This was not a robbery at all. The contents of the safe were in place, the money was all up to a penny. And yet I was again to blame - I overlooked.

Promotional video:

And the fact that in one of the rooms the refrigerator is out of order, I generally keep quiet. Compared to the rest, this is already so, little things. Somehow employees came to work, and the refrigerator is open. Of course, a mountain of snow and ice has grown. As a result, I stopped freezing the refrigerator altogether.

Interestingly, on other shifts such miracles almost never happened with other guards. They explained that they had the same thing before. Only, apparently, the local poltergeist got used to them and recognized them as his own. I'm new, so he tortures me. Having fun!

Once one guy said that he saw firsthand the mysterious inhabitant of our building. At three o'clock in the morning, making a round, he noticed a man in black at the far end of the corridor. The guard did not really look at it, it was dark, - the duty light was on, only one light bulb. The man stood and silently looked at the guard. He called out to him, but received no answer. Then the guard rushed to the switch and turned on the light. Yes, only while he was running, the man disappeared. Then, until morning, strange knocks were heard on the walls.

These are the conditions under which you have to work! We live merrily!"

Olga Germanovna CHEREPOVA, St. Petersburg