Dyatlov Pass: Malakhov Revealed A New Secret - Alternative View

Dyatlov Pass: Malakhov Revealed A New Secret - Alternative View
Dyatlov Pass: Malakhov Revealed A New Secret - Alternative View

Video: Dyatlov Pass: Malakhov Revealed A New Secret - Alternative View

Video: Dyatlov Pass: Malakhov Revealed A New Secret - Alternative View
Video: WORSE THAN DYATLOV PASS: The Korovina group incident // One of them survived and told THE TRUTH 2024, September

In the studio of Andrey Malakhov's show, they will tell about a terrible incident that occurred in 1993 in the Eastern Sayan Mountains, where tourists from Kazakhstan died under strange circumstances. The shocking details of the tragedy, which is called the "new Dyatlov pass", will be revealed by its direct participant, who turned out to be the only survivor of that ill-fated day.

In recent months, the already huge popularity of the mystery of the Dyatlov Pass has reached some crazy proportions - in connection with the anniversary of the tragedy that occurred in 1959, and the increased attention to it from the domestic prosecutor's office, the long-standing death of Soviet tourists in the vicinity of Mount Holatchakhl with even greater force excited the minds of the inhabitants and the media. Against this background, journalists began to recall other - no less mysterious (though not so loud) - frightening riddles of the 20th century, overgrown with mystical guesses and terrible interviews with direct participants or witnesses.

One of these stories became the main theme of the next episode of the show by Andrey Malakhov.

The creators of the program decided to remind (and tell the majority for the first time) about the terrible incident that occurred in August 1993 in the Eastern Sayan Mountains, where six tourists from Kazakhstan died under strange circumstances, including 41-year-old Lyudmila Korovina, the leader of the group and master of sports in tourism, and also her less experienced charges.

Then only 17-year-old Valentina Utochenko managed to survive, who years later decided on a frank interview, in which she told in detail about those tragic events that happened, which is remarkable, at a relatively low mountain altitude. According to the woman, the “route” of Korovina's group was “simple” - and the tourists had to pass it relatively “easily”.

“The route was not difficult, we had to pass it easily,” she stressed.

According to kp.ru, the incident took place in the early morning. In connection with a sudden gust of strong wind, Korovina told the wards that they needed to immediately get out of the tents and go down the slope - and as soon as the task was completed, the wind instantly blew the tents somewhere into the distance. It became really scary for tourists a little later - when for no reason at all one of the young men fell to the ground, and blood was pouring from his ears at that moment, and his mouth was filled with foam. The young man was the favorite of the group leader: rushing to the guy, the woman tried to bring him to his senses, in parallel commanding the remaining guys to go down even lower.

“We first joined hands and walked into the lowland like a wall,” the only survivor recalled. “But the wind didn't let me move. Knocked down. That's when everyone got scared. The panic began. The guys began to scatter in all directions. They screamed and cried. Some even banged their heads against stones."

Promotional video:

Trying to escape from an unknown storm, Utochenko grabbed the hand of one of her comrades. Turning around, she saw that all the other members of the group were already on the ground.

“I can't even explain my state then, some incredible shock and an insane desire to live. - concluded Valentina. - Suddenly [my partner] began to lose strength. He pushed me down: "Crawl faster!" - and lost consciousness."

Earlier, the media reported that the head of the traumatology department in Kyshtym, Nikolai Tarasov, who has long been engaged in his own investigation of the mystery of the death of Igor Dyatlov's group, demanded an urgent exhumation of the bodies of the victims of the tragedy, suggesting that the remains of those who died on that unfortunate night of 1959 could subsequently be replaced. In addition, he expressed the opinion that the cause of the tragedy was the release of toxic fumes.

“When the group came under the influence of vapors and drops of sulfuric acid, they set up a tent - in the most inconvenient place, on the slope, but they had no choice,” the newspaper Argumenty i Fakty quotes him as saying. -

The concentration of harmful substances increased, and people in panic began to leave the tent and run naked into the bitter frost. It reminded me of how people are thrown out of windows during a fire - they know they will break their arms and legs or die altogether, but the instinct is stronger. They ended up on a slope where an ice crust formed - there many slipped, fell during a panicky run and got their first injuries."

On January 23, 1959, nine students, led by a fifth-year student Igor Dyatlov, went on a ski trip to the North Urals mountains. From the final point of the route - the village of Vizhai - on February 12, the group was supposed to send a telegram to the institute's sports club, but no news was received on that date. Subsequently, a search operation was organized, during which they found the bodies of tourists who died under strange circumstances. 60 years after the tragedy, the domestic prosecutor's office became interested in those mysterious events.

Author: Anton Borisov