The Terrible Predictions Of Nostradamus For 2018, After All, Someone Needs - Alternative View

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The Terrible Predictions Of Nostradamus For 2018, After All, Someone Needs - Alternative View
The Terrible Predictions Of Nostradamus For 2018, After All, Someone Needs - Alternative View

Video: The Terrible Predictions Of Nostradamus For 2018, After All, Someone Needs - Alternative View

Video: The Terrible Predictions Of Nostradamus For 2018, After All, Someone Needs - Alternative View
Video: The Terrifying Truth About The Antichrist 2024, September

On the Internet, articles about the terrible prediction of Nostradamus for the current 2018 were flooded, they say, he was called the worst medieval oracle in the history of mankind. Among these worst fears are natural disasters on a planetary scale and the Third World War.


Moreover, the astrologer of the 16th century Michel de Notrdam (the real name of Nostradamus) "argues" even with modern astronomers, proving from his distant past that it is in 2018 (and not two hundred years later, as scientists of the 21st century claim) that a huge meteorite, that is, we are still waiting for a space catastrophe.


Add to this the massive fires in Siberia - and the picture of horror is evident. But … as an insignificant addition to all this horror - in the future, people will live 200 years or more, and besides, they will learn to talk with animals (which will survive or what? Thanks, consoled).

Now let's digress from the "horror stories" and try to figure out who this greatest oracle of all time, Nostradamus, was:

- firstly, his predictions-quatrains are vague and allegorical, like the fortuneteller's cards laid out on the table, that is, much in these predictions depends not on the cards themselves, but on who deciphers these foggy signs (you catch the difference between predictions in normal human language and decoding of symbolic signs), and therefore there is even an opinion that the quatrains of Nostradamus unmistakably "predict" only events that have already happened;

- secondly, there are a great many deciphers of quatrains, and they all contradict each other, practically creating multivariate pictures of the future, from which journalists choose the most terrible (you have to scare the readers). Moreover, the smartest decoders admit that it is impossible to predict the future from these quatrains with an accuracy of even 10 percent, while the most stubborn, for example, Azeri Azer Hasanli, claim that they have discovered a unique encryption code for the ill-fated quatrains, and therefore they and only they know that our world awaits in the future;

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- thirdly, the researcher of the true history of Russia, the writer Georgy Sidorov, once told (we read his "Legacy of the White Gods") that the Siberian shamans (the power of these sorcerers is well described in a series of articles on our site under the general name "Mystical Yakutia") told him that there was no Nostradamus in history, they say, a certain Michel de Notrdam lived in the Middle Ages, but he did not deal with any prophecies, and quatrains are purely a fake by dark forces, like the invented history of Russia, the West and the whole world in the whole. So modern decoders of Nostradamus's quatrains are practically continuing this falsification: some by mistake, and some deliberately …

Illuminati needs the creepy predictions of Nostradamus

Who needs Nostradamus's creepy predictions for 2018? It seems that not only journalists who really like to scare their readers, it seems that the quatrains of this "oracle" are written in such a way as to keep humanity in constant tension and fear - it is easier to manage people by imposing their will on them.


Do not agree? Then read these horror stories and get ready for the worst. After all, it has long been known (for a long time not a secret that has been hidden from us for centuries) that a person with his thoughts (and especially easily - with his fears) shapes the future - and then (consciously) falls into that reality (from the countless number of parallel worlds) where he rushes his soul. Remember: according to your faith, it will be given to you. And therefore, believing in the predictions of allegedly Nostradamus, one may well find himself in the world of the Third World War, global natural disasters, and so on and so forth. Isn't it better to believe the predictions of real prophets - Edgar Cayce, Pastor Yuri Kravalis and others like them - that Russia will have a great future - bright, spiritual and happy! And no Third World War …


By the way, for those who do not love Russia so much and do not believe in its greatness predicted by Casey, Wanga and many other real visionaries, we invite you to watch and listen to an interesting speech by Georgy Sidorov about why the West (and not only he) does not like it so much the Russian people are striving with all their might to destroy Russia. And this is despite the fact that Russia has fought at all times and is still fighting for world peace.

Russia is the main obstacle to the undivided world domination of the Illuminati, and this is the main reason why nations have been pitted against it for centuries and even among the ranks of the Russians themselves, enmity is constantly implanted and all sorts of vices are cultivated …

Victoria Prime