Karma Is The Mistress Of Our Destiny - Alternative View

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Karma Is The Mistress Of Our Destiny - Alternative View
Karma Is The Mistress Of Our Destiny - Alternative View

Video: Karma Is The Mistress Of Our Destiny - Alternative View

Video: Karma Is The Mistress Of Our Destiny - Alternative View
Video: Twin flames. What is the purpose of their meeting? 2024, September

In ancient times, mothers and fathers often showed newborns to magicians, witches, astrologers and psychics. And no matter what their origin was, the parents of any child wanted and want to know how his fate will turn out.

Law of Karma

Recently, the word "karma" has become very popular. He is mentioned to the place and out of place. However, karma and the mechanisms of its action are not always understood correctly. Therefore, before talking about the karma of a child, let's try to understand what karma is.

In the world in which we live, nothing happens just like that. There are no coincidences. Everything has a reason. Due to the fact that we do not always see the reasons that led to this or that event, we invented such a concept as an accident. Our compatriot Helena Blavatskaya wrote: "Accident" is a concept created by ignorance, this word is not in the dictionary of the sage."

So, every event is the result of an antecedent cause and a cause of a subsequent action. Hence the Law of Karma - the law of causality. Karma is the law of unshakable justice that rules the world.

A person's life, his present, his future is the fruit of his previous reincarnations. We ourselves have created the life we live (by our actions in the past), and we ourselves create our own future (by our actions in the present). If your actions bring other people contentment and happiness, then it will respond to you in the same way. If they bring suffering, then the one who does them will bring the same.

Everything in the world has a reason. Our feelings, thoughts and actions arise from the past and influence the future. And often we do not even suspect that we have created today's life with its riddles, and sometimes misfortunes. After all, the soul does not cease to exist after the death of the body. She leads her independent life in those worlds that many people perceive as an abyss of nothingness until the hour of the next incarnation comes. When it comes, the soul, dwelling in the body, again goes with a person his arduous earthly path.

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Learning life lessons, sometimes very cruel, she changes, and, again leaving the body, "looks" completely different. For people who walked the path of ascent, it will be stronger, more perfect and cleaner, and for those who, willingly or not, indulged their base qualities, it becomes dark and full of filth. Then she again “leaves” and again incarnates in the human body, preserving the memory of the experience that she accumulated during her earthly existence. What a person gains from this experience, whether he will improve or not, depends only on himself. His future will also depend on this.

But we must always remember that the past is constantly present with us. We are born with him. And often it reveals itself in a number of signs. By these signs, you can recognize both light people and dark people. They appear already at birth.

Karma signs

Any congenital defect in appearance is considered a sign of evil power: strabismus, deafness, lameness, hump, blindness, dumbness, eyes of different colors, fused fingers, horse teeth, cleft palate, cleft lip, black moles, etc.

- As for the cleft lip, horse teeth and cleft palate, they are classified as animal marks. They say that the soul of an animal is present in man and lives according to its own laws. These animal laws do not imply human responsibility for their actions. Therefore, such a person exists without thinking about what he is doing, and often brings trouble on himself and those around him. Of course, this does not mean that people with such marks are doomed to follow the path of evil. But they need to more often turn to the light side of their “I” and remember that what to be is the choice of the person himself.

- A child born with teeth can pretty much torment loved ones and others. This "toothiness" in life turns into a very tough, consumerist attitude to the world and predatory aspirations. Such children need to constantly work on themselves, not forgetting that other people also have the right to live on this earth. It would be good to seek the help of a wise mentor.

- Children who are born feet first often, though not always, become bad people. Their karma cannot be called easy. Maybe these children were conceived at a time when the parents had the evil eye or damage. They can be born into a cursed family or a cursed lineage. Unwittingly, they will torment others, and torment themselves, until they understand that "the kingdom of God is within us."

- People with congenital mental illness are the shelters of dark souls (murderers, rapists, executioners, tormentors) who were purified in the other world. The Almighty closes their minds so that their evil power can no longer cause suffering to his other creatures.

- As for congenital (not acquired) speech defects, they are also considered a manifestation of the destructive energy accumulated in a person.

- Defects of vision (including different eye colors, etc.) - a product of the separation of soul and mind. In such a person, as it were, two personalities coexist, which often leads to very contradictory actions, sometimes simply not corresponding to the real situation. Such children need to be brought up in a special way to help them become harmonious personalities so that they do not perceive the world in a distorted or one-sided way.

- Hearing defects indicate that a person does not perceive information from other people. Often he is deaf to any problems other than his own, and it is difficult for others to "reach out" to him. The advice is the same as in the previous case: there is no need to rob yourself like that - there is so much beauty in the world …

- Defects of the spine signal the lack of a person's moral core. He is not responsible for himself or for others. In addition, he is too influenced by others. Such a person should work hard to create a solid inner base - if desired, everything will work out. If he does not do this, his life will resemble a weather vane that turns here and there. She will not bring him joy.

- Hand defects indicate that friends and relatives of this child will ride with him along all the bumps and bumps of his fate. And it will be very uneven, with ups and downs. Uneven does not mean not interesting. The owner of such a fate needs to hold the steering wheel tighter, and the rest (those who are in the same harness with him) - grab the handrails.

- Defects in the legs are evidence of an initial unwillingness to change and improve along with life. Often, such children tend to crush everyone, sometimes destroying the world around them, instead of accepting all the best that life brings.

- The owners of black moles can be very charming kids, although the black moles themselves are a signal of the influence of an evil entity. At times, unwittingly, such a child painfully wounds those around him, behaves as if a demon had possessed him. But, as a rational being, he must ruthlessly suppress such impulses.

The signs of the zodiac have their own signs of an excess of negative energy. In Aries (however, in other signs as well), red hair color is an indicator of excessive aggressiveness. TAURUS has completeness. TWINS have speech defects. CANCER have lameness. LVIV have bald patches, deep bald patches, lack of hair on the head or part of it. Virgo has visual defects. WEIGHTS have an asymmetric figure. SCORPIONS have increased hairiness on the arms and legs, red moles on the genitals. SAGITTARIUS have black moles on their hips. CAPRICORNS have scoliosis and other problems with the spine. AQUARIUS has a sharp asymmetry of features. FISH has moles on the feet (in men - on the left, in women - on the right).

There is no doubt that almost everyone will find the listed karmic signs. And almost everyone will have a question: what to do? Live! It is not for nothing that you appeared on this earth. But you need to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Therefore, learn to manage your inner strength. After all, any force carries both creation and destruction. If you are aware of an excess of negative energy, channel it in the right direction. Since the evil force can only destroy, it can destroy the evil that prevents good from living.

Try to think not so much about your plans (you just need to keep them in sight) as about the people who are dear to you. Reflect on what is hindering you and your loved ones, replaying it in your mind. Your strength will handle the problem on its own. And remember: the path of self-creation is very difficult. After all, as the poet said: “We are made of light and of darkness. What is more in us is a special question …”You will not always be satisfied with yourself. But don't stop!