Fantastic Prophet: HG Wells' Predictions Come True - Alternative View

Fantastic Prophet: HG Wells' Predictions Come True - Alternative View
Fantastic Prophet: HG Wells' Predictions Come True - Alternative View

Video: Fantastic Prophet: HG Wells' Predictions Come True - Alternative View

Video: Fantastic Prophet: HG Wells' Predictions Come True - Alternative View
Video: Future Tense - The Story of H.G. Wells BBC Documentary 2016 2024, September

September 21 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of H. G. Wells. Only a century later it became clear how far-sighted the famous science fiction writer was. 80% of his predictions, which at that time seemed insane assumptions, in the future became reality. In his science fiction novels, Wells envisioned buses, escalators, answering machines, central heating, automatic doors, and many other useful inventions of the 20th century.

Still from the movie * The Invisible Man *, 1933



In 1897, Wells published the novella The Invisible Man, the very idea of which later became the subject of controversy among scholars. Today stealth aircraft are invisible to radars, and meta-material camouflage has been invented to create the illusion of invisibility. In his 1898 novel The War of the Worlds, Wells described the capture of the Earth by the Martians, who were destroyed by humans with the help of a simple bacterium. In the twentieth century. the search for extraterrestrial civilizations really took on a worldwide scale, and scientists and the military were actively working on the development of bacteriological weapons. In War of the Worlds, the author also writes about gas attacks and "heat rays", with the help of which the aliens destroyed their opponents - by this he anticipated the emergence of laser weapons. Wells' other idea, coming to fruition in the near future, is "the introduction of nutrients into the blood."

The famous writer, whose predictions and predictions came true in the twentieth century



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Even before the outbreak of world wars, the science fiction writer described their catastrophic consequences: inflation and other economic problems, unemployment, hunger and political crises. Aircraft heavier than air were still being planned, and Wells's Martians had already built their own aircraft. In the novel “The World Set Free” (1914), the writer discussed the possibility of splitting the atom and creating an atomic bomb. And these ideas, too, unfortunately, have found their embodiment in real life.

Science fiction writer who predicted many discoveries and inventions of the twentieth century


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In 1901 Wells published his book On the Impact of the Progress of Mechanics and Science on Human Life and Thought, which contained many amazingly accurate predictions. The writer foresaw that railway transport would soon give way to the leading position of road transport and expressed his assumptions regarding its evolution: “The countless experiments with cars currently being produced so excite the imagination and so many people are working on their improvement that it is hard to believe that the inconvenience of these carriages - their jolts, clumsiness, the unpleasant smell left behind - could not be quickly eliminated. The author rightly assumed that the railways would soon be used only for the transportation of heavy goods and the mass transportation of people.

H. G. Wells



But the writer doubted the prospects of air transport: “Aeronautics is unlikely to bring significant changes to the transport system,” he wrote. "Man is not an albatross, but an earthly biped, very prone to fatigue and dizziness from excessively fast movement."

H. G. Wells



Wells pinned his hopes on the telephone, which was later realized by the Internet connection: “Just think about what will be done with the help of the telephone when it comes into general use. The labor of wandering around the shops will almost disappear: you give orders by telephone and any goods will be sent to you at least a hundred miles from London; in one day, everything ordered will be delivered to your home, examined and, if unsuitable, sent back. The hostess of the house, armed with a pipe and without moving from her place, will have at her disposal local suppliers and all the major London shops, a theater box office, a post office, a cabbie, a doctor …”.

The famous writer, whose predictions and predictions came true in the twentieth century


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Some of Wells's predictions did not come true: for example, he assumed that in large cities people would move using moving conveyor sidewalks. The author also underestimated the role of tanks and submarines in military operations. Scientist was also mistaken in his forecasts regarding the creation of a single world state and the preservation of the main role of women as a housewife.

Science fiction writer who predicted many discoveries and inventions of the twentieth century



Unfortunately, the writer failed to convince humanity of the danger of world wars.