Aliens In My Head - Alternative View

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Aliens In My Head - Alternative View
Aliens In My Head - Alternative View

Video: Aliens In My Head - Alternative View

Video: Aliens In My Head - Alternative View
Video: A Place For My Head - Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) 2024, June

Doctors are convinced that the so-called telepathic contacts with aliens are a mental disorder in which people have a feeling of the presence in them of some alien mind, more powerful than they are.

And with this mind, they periodically enter into a mental dialogue. However, the contactees themselves do not consider themselves ill …

Obstinate lodgers

Clairvoyant Jeannette Gaboui from South Africa, her invisible interlocutors, apparently accompanied by constantly. She claimed that they were immigrants from another planet who came to Earth to study its nature and people, they settled in her house.

At 35, Gabui looked like a seventy-year-old woman, was unkempt, forgetful, and suffered from epileptic seizures. Often she did not recognize the people with whom she spoke yesterday. She spoke to the invisibles, moving her lips soundlessly. But sometimes she gave her voice. In those minutes, he did not look like her usual voice - it became high, grating, "inhuman."

In her presence, poltergeist phenomena often took place. Those of her guests who doubted her contact abilities especially suffered from them. They could, for example, get a glass out of their hands, catch a sleeve on a nail, turn up a leg, or get something in the eye.

A group of television men who came to film it had all their devices out of order, including their cameras. Gabui explained this by the fact that the aliens do not want any filming. But, apparently for consolation, the invisible men demonstrated their ability to open cabinet doors and move glasses on the table to the TV crew.

Promotional video:

Through Gabui, the invisible men predicted the weather and crop views, reported the success or failure of an upcoming financial operation, treatment, or trip. Sometimes they disappeared for a long time. According to Gabuya, they flew to their planet. On the day or on the eve of the resumption of contacts over the village in which she lived, one or two UFOs were seen flying over. According to eyewitnesses, from 1990 to 1998 this happened at least 20 times. In 1998, Jeannette Gaboui went for a walk and disappeared without a trace. The police did not find her or her body.

Incident in the jungle of Ecuador

The man, about whom we can also speak with a great deal of certainty as having kept in touch with extraterrestrial intelligence, was the Ecuadorian Jose Varga.

In his town, this very poor young man, an orphan, was known as a holy fool. He talked to himself constantly. Conversations, as a rule, concerned space flights and travel to other planets. From time to time, Jose disappeared somewhere, and then, returning, claimed that he had visited other worlds.

After his death, neighbors recalled various oddities that happened during his lifetime. Chief among them was the fact that UFOs were observed more often over the town than over other places. One of the incidents caused a lively rumor in the city. One late evening near the barn where Jose lived, at least ten people saw two strange figures two and a half meters tall. In their presence, everyone felt fear and constraint. These symptoms disappeared as soon as the figures left.

The curious often came to Jose to talk to him about aliens. During one such conversation, late in the evening, he unexpectedly pointed to the window. Looking there, everyone saw a pale, repulsive-looking head with large black eyes leaning against the glass. People in panic rushed out of the hut. The stranger was no longer there, but many noticed a reddish beam shining vertically down from a completely clear sky.

Jose was often asked to summon the ship of his telepathic interlocutors. In the summer of 2008, a large group of "researchers" came to him, which insistently demanded that he demonstrate a UFO. Jose, after long telepathic negotiations with the aliens, unexpectedly announced that the UFO would land in the forest next evening. The guests immediately agreed to go to this place. On the appointed evening, eighteen people, armed with firearms, went with José into the forest.

In the morning José returned alone. He stated that the ship had indeed landed and that the people accompanying him wanted to take it on a space journey. Of course, they did not believe him. A few hours later, two of that group came out of the forest. They said that as soon as everyone went deep into the forest, a white fire flashed in the distance behind the trees - too bright to be a fire. They got scared and they went back, but got lost and wandered for a long time in the forest. What happened to the rest - they did not know.

The search led nowhere. Sixteen people seemed to dissolve. But in the forest they found a perfectly round patch of dead vegetation, and nearby - a carbine of one of the missing people.

They couldn't get anything from Jose. It was suspected that he had lured his companions into a trap of death. He insisted that all of them would soon be delivered to some planet with suitable natural conditions, where they would meet other people.

A month later, Jose Varga's skull was broken. The killer was never found. They said that it was done by one of the relatives of the missing.

D. Tanner, after many years of studying all the material available to him about telepathic contacts with aliens, came to a disappointing conclusion for us: such contacts are one of the ways to observe people and manipulate them.

There are researchers who go even further, claiming that all inhabitants of the Earth are in contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. The overwhelming majority of people do not realize this. For them, communication takes place on a subconscious level. And only a few - "mentally ill" - feel this mind in themselves and are able to consciously enter into negotiations with it. But, be that as it may, the telepathic connection with the aliens is still waiting to be understood.