How Not To Sink Into Oblivion - Alternative View

How Not To Sink Into Oblivion - Alternative View
How Not To Sink Into Oblivion - Alternative View

Video: How Not To Sink Into Oblivion - Alternative View

Video: How Not To Sink Into Oblivion - Alternative View
Video: How to Oblivion 2024, October

Many now try to parse words almost by letter (believing that spelling is extremely important, and thinking that each letter carries its own code, but forgetting that the original words were not written in general the way they are now), looking for a deep meaning in the “divine letter”, Which does not coincide with the ancient alphabet, in which, indeed, a whole layer of figurative philosophy is laid.

Encoding images is a very large topic, immense, which you cannot poke your head into at once, at a gathering, once or twice and "I decoded everything." And maybe it's better to learn how to swim aground first, before diving into the depths? Play where it is more or less safe (although it is also possible to fall into a random pit). Indeed, in fact, there is no special incomprehensible secret of the Russian language, like any other language: you just need to think about the words that we pronounce every day, and they will begin to shine, play, open up in a new way. And only then you can move on to "adult games".

For example, the word "Betray" - well, the most common, understandable and widespread. It is difficult to find something deep in it, and even after reaching the end, you see the same clear meaning to everyone. But while you go to this commonplace, you can notice a lot of interesting things that you usually do not pay attention to.

Of course, it’s hard not to see that the word “Betray” is hidden “Pass”. And it seems, it is clear, but one has only to say to yourself "Pass", as the angle of view immediately changes to "Betrayal". In English it is the same: "Betray (to betray)" - "Be Tray (trado, trans)" - "To be transmitted"

To whom or what?

But first, let us note one small moment about which "everyone knows", but no one guesses, because "everything is clear, why complicate everything":

The word "Giving", which is part of the "Pass". What, it would seem, could be easier?

Promotional video:

But, exploring this root, I came to the conclusion that “giving” is not just giving something, but separating part of one’s own, sharing, which is quite important for understanding various donations, because giving, a person (or another object of nature) becomes the source of this good for another. Then Transfer is to give something of your own to another, to separate from yourself.

In other words, RELEASE from something / someone.

As I already wrote, in the old society there was no freedom as such, everything always belonged to something, everyone was interconnected, within groups and with the world as a whole. Therefore, tearing it away from yourself and transferring it somewhere outside your circle is what liberation is, since you, giving, cease to be RESPONSIBLE for it.

Responsibility is expressed in the word VINA.

What can be compared to Venom:

Vienna is a payment to the bride's family for the fact that she is deprived of "labor". A purely peasant legal deal. The groom's family is GUILTY before the bride's family. To atone for this, you have to pay, return the favor, SORRY, i.e. get rid of guilt by GIVING YOURSELF (separation from yourself).

After Guilt is redeemed, a person becomes free. That is, freedom is achieved by giving something of your own, even if it be labor or time - there is always a pay, and you have to pay exactly yours.

Then the guilt is FORGIVEN:

That is, RELEASE is expressed by the word FORGIVENESS, which is synonymous with forgiveness (“forgiveness is the remission of sins”).

This is a very interesting word, which gives us the following image: Curved is forced, forced to be bent, like life jargon - to bend your back under something, to hunch over (to plow, work). In contrast - Direct, simple (simple = RIGHT STANDING) is free, without pressure. Our reality, as we remember, is already a curvature with its own weight. Yes, and everyone is somehow connected to each other (as Ivan Kupala tells us about), not free, interdependent, that is, “bent” by responsibility, by the way, the Scandinavian word “boga” means just an arc, bending, like ours “sides "," barrels "and other" bulges ". So there are questions to "God")))

Thus, in order to straighten up, you need to give up part of yourself, throw off the load, speaking metaphorically, or get rid of something.

Since everything is interconnected, then just getting rid of something / someone will not work (even death does not deliver). So, you can only transfer it to another / other system.

This is the meaning of Betrayal - liberation by transferring responsibility for something / someone to another, which is equivalent to FORGETTING (free and forget)

That is why such different words as “Devotion” and “Betrayal” peacefully coexist - both of them express the same idea - “transfer to others”, in the case of devotion - oneself, in the case of betrayal - someone. In both cases, there is liberation: in the case of devotion - from your own I, from your own ideals, in the case of betrayal - from someone who was part of you (who was devoted to you - see the ironic relationship?) In the case of devotion, we are dealing with self-forgetfulness, in the case of betrayal, with oblivion of the one who was betrayed.

In modern English there is such a persistent expression "sell down the river", which means "to do something that harms or disappoints someone who trusted you for their own benefit" (Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed.), Or "Betray someone. especially for my own sake”(Oxford living dictionaries). Literally, the expression translates to “sell on the river,” and as explained by The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms, this “mid-19th century expression meant slaves sold on the Mississippi River to work on cotton plantations, and in the late 19th century it began to be used metaphorically.

Perhaps this is so, but I would draw a parallel with the expression “rafting down the river”, moreover, “sell” is not only “to sell, trade”, but also “to deceive, betray, cheat” (as they say here, in two fools are involved in the sale: one sells, the other buys). Thus, we have the expression "to deliver to the river."

From Greek poetry, we have another idiom - "παρέχει λήθην", that is, "consign to oblivion", or the more familiar to us "sink into oblivion", where Lethe - "λήθη, λάθα, λάθἡ" - this is just "oblivion", the river (Λήθης ποταμός), flowing in the underworld (Aida), or the "abode of oblivion" (Λήθης δόμοι), once in which, the soul is forgotten.

The transcription of "summer" is rather rough, because there is not "t", but "θ", which in Latin was transformed into various other letters (b, c, p, f, t) and the word "leta" was transformed, in my opinion, in "liber", that is, "free", which in Russian has the form "left" (free, loose, crooked (dangling, swinging)). That is, the same roll call between OBLIVION and RELEASE.

Thus, Betraying Lethe is also Liberation.

And then we move on to Russian peasant poetry, in which drowning in the river means a quick marriage and sex that has already happened - the girl GIVES her honor to the guy, DECORTS her, FORGIVES to a part of herself, and in case of marriage, also to her family, which seems to FORGET her, having received compensation in the form of VENO.

And another case of poetic drowning in a river, but already a married woman, is a divorce. Remember, as in Pushkin:

Or in the Greek legend of Perseus, where the newborn Perseus, together with his mother Danae, the Argos king, suspecting of impiety (conceived from someone contrary to her father's order), puts it in a box and lets it into the sea, that is, REDUCE her. So, casually I will say that the river, where maidens and wives were metaphorically drowned, in Russia has always been called the Danube … This is such a "Greek" Danae (with the above-mentioned root "Give") …

That is, through the surrender to water (river, sea), there is a transition to another group (as in baptism): either to the husband's family, or to the category of divorced or “mermaids”. The family, thus, forgets the woman, BETRIES her. Perhaps, the Scandinavian customs of burying the deceased in a boat are also taken from here …

That, in fact, is all that is visible on the surface. And we seem to have returned to where we started, but everything important is in the process itself, in what it opens. After all, how many things are being pulled up while you understand only one word! Poetic images here and there, myths and rituals, words with intertwining meanings, different brotherly languages, where one helps to understand the other, giving a valuable piece of the mosaic … This applies not only to words, but also to our history, our LEADERSHIP. This is our linguistic and folklore heritage. And the deeper, the more, the more powerful, and at the bottom - the most ancient and unknown "monsters". But, again, let's learn to swim first before diving. Otherwise, the whole heritage will sink into oblivion …

Author: peremyshlin