Jean-Michel VERNOCHER: "The Third World War Has Already Begun" - Alternative View

Jean-Michel VERNOCHER: "The Third World War Has Already Begun" - Alternative View
Jean-Michel VERNOCHER: "The Third World War Has Already Begun" - Alternative View

Video: Jean-Michel VERNOCHER: "The Third World War Has Already Begun" - Alternative View

Video: Jean-Michel VERNOCHER:
Video: Are We On The Way To Another World War 2024, September

Back in 1970, theorists of the power of the world behind the scenes announced in France the transition to a new world - without states and peoples. In his book "Priests of Death, or Strategists of World Terror", a prominent French journalist Jean-Michel Vernoshet, based on documented materials, examines in detail the sources of terror and migration of peoples that have swept Europe today. According to the conclusions of the researcher, the cause of Lenin and Trotsky, the cause of the world revolution, continues to live.

The great experiment on humans has now appeared in France. Jihadists, however, are no more than one of the weapons in order to "renounce the old world" and move to a new world order, which Orwell and Huxley described long ago. In this case, the closest associates of ISIS (an organization banned in Russia), according to Jean-Michel Vernoshe, are Manhattan businessmen. And people who are fighting the world revolution are persecuted; unbridled McCarthy methods of the worst spill are being used against them.

Russia for today is a model for the author of "Priests of Death". She, like a Phoenix bird that has risen from the ashes, sets an example to all mankind, faced with pure evil. The Third World War has already begun, and France will need as many years as Russia after 1917 to revive. Jean-Michel Vernoshe told about this to Pravda. Ru.

- You are known as the author of The Lost Ones about real bets and what is happening in the Middle East. Now you have released the book Betrothed to Death, or Strategists of World Terror, which is a great discovery. It is about terrorism and, much more broadly, about managing the world. Why did you choose this name?

- This book is about jihadists, they say: "We love death more than life." This is also from Hegel: you should not be afraid of death, because you live in the name of a higher goal. "Betrothed to death" are the servants of globalism who want a world Islamist revolution, they do not hide it.

- We are talking about radical Islamism, which hit France and all of Europe so hard that they often talk about the end of civilization. You made some kind of connection between radical Islamism and the era of eschatology - the end of European civilization, right?

- Yes, I think terrorists are a tool. Salafojihadism originated in the Arab world, it is based on Islam which is now dying, and this is added to the four schools of thought representing traditional real Islam. This is an ideology that concerns a billion Muslims. Jihadism is spreading.

It is believed that about ten percent of the Wahhabis today live in an Islamic environment. This is an insane figure: 150 million may be jihadists. These are shaheeds, martyrs who will come with suicide belts to blow us up. We have created in France a special card index for those who are ready for terrorist attacks. In 2015, we created it, then there were 3200 names, and today there are already 6000 names in this list. Six thousand terrorists on the territory of our country!

Promotional video:

Despite the endless police on our streets and the police regime, a death network has been created in France and the countdown is underway. None of our politicians talk about this. Hollande is calling press conferences for major European magazines and newspapers, but does not say that the real problem is not what is happening on the stock exchange or unemployment. In fact, the real problem is Wahhabism, and he is silent about it. We will see how we will boomerang back what we have delivered to the Middle East.

- In the new book you are trying to extract the roots of evil, explain where it all came from, talk about the decrepitude and decay of European Christianity, on which socialism flourishes in full bloom. Islam is also doing very well. Why did you use the expression "decrepitude of Sunni Islam"?

- I suggest reading my book The Lost Ones, there you will find the answer. The Islamic masses, which are present in Europe today, come to live in Europe and work, here they are all devoid of culture. Therefore, Salafovahhabism flourishes on soil that has become virgin. In the Muslim world, the ulema, the great sages of the faith, played an important role. And now they do not play any significant role. Real Islam stopped its development in the 11th century.

Wahhabism was born much later, it tries to return to the original purity of the Koranic message. Therefore, the greatest danger is that this is an eschatological message, that is, the end times, the building of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, which is the source of faith for these people. And all this blooms in the brains of people who for centuries have already been completely deprived of the modern trends of thought in Islam. I'm not talking about Shiism, this is another direction of Islam.

Takferism, jihadism are messianic movements, because they promise with the return of the messiah the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, Heavenly Jerusalem here. Other messianic ideas also exist, they come from the same entities, I want to remind you of Marxism-Leninism, the golden age of the revolution that shook Russia in 1917. It was also a messianic revolution.

Its goal was to spread endlessly over the entire surface of the planet. Moreover, the difference was precisely what Lenin and Trotsky wanted and what Stalin wanted. Here Stalin just wanted to consolidate socialism on the territory of one, separately taken country. So we have a kind of confluence of different messiahs. Mr. Rothschild says that he does not want the nation anymore, that the sovereignty of the countries must be exploded. We hear the same thing today in Europe or the States.

We see that the borders have been destroyed, and no one notices that the program then planned has been implemented. By the way, the extreme left wanted to make the borders fall. This is ultraliberalism to establish a new Kingdom on earth. But we know well that the so-called bright future is never really bright. The future promised to us will not come.

Barriers between nations and people are needed. Modern politicians are trying to live in the era of globalism, to destroy all borders, all frames even within the family, to blow up the normal structure of the world, the framework between ethnic groups and religions. There is a dissolution of peoples and a disorganization of the world. So the jihadists are pursuing the same goal as the Manhattan bankers, Edmond de Rothschild and so on. The projects are the same, the goal is the same, only the paths are different.

- Do you think that there is a chance to avoid the Third World War or it will simply take some other form?

- The third world war has already begun and is already developing. We know that terrible pressure is being built up in the region of Japan, ballistic missiles are flying out of North Korea. A long big war is going on in Syria. There are Islamist mercenaries. And where they don't come from: Pakistan, China, Central Asia, Russian Federation, Europe! More than a hundred nationalities are at war there, this is an international.

This is somewhat reminiscent of the Spanish Civil War, which was the prelude to World War II. We see various coalitions, Turkey plays a strange role, very suspicious, maneuvers between the Kurds, the Western coalition, at the same time it is somehow trying to negotiate with Syria and has a joint policy with the Russian Federation. This is a real war, not a civil one. Initially, this is a real world war.

There is such a guru in France - Mr. Jacques Attali. He was an advisor to Mitterrand, Chirac, Sarkozy, Hollande, he gives his advice to everyone, he is a globalist, of course. From the TV screens he speaks quite openly: we are moving on to world domination. This is the world, planetary oligarchy that openly expresses itself.

In Ukraine, there are also continuous explosions. We see what is happening on the edges of Europe, and we understand that little by little all the necessary conditions are being combined into one single whole, the concentration of power is growing, and someday the powder store will explode, and even very quickly.

Russia today has allowed the resurrection of the modern Orthodox faith, and this faith is in contradiction with the Catholic faith. You managed to revive the movement of believers, returned to traditions, deep spiritual sources that helped you. No nation in the world can do without faith, without a saint, without religion. These are the normal needs of the human being, one of the constituent parts of man.

Russia is an example that we must follow, it is a model for us. Those who wish to return to the origins of normal morality are now considered monsters in Western Europe. They say that Putin gave birth to Trump, we are looking for the devil everywhere. But in reality, devils are those who try to fight common sense.

Devils are the ones who prevent us from rebuilding our borders. Devils are those who prevent peoples from having their own destiny. So we are dealing with colossal, monstrous forces in the field of mass media, but with our modest forces we will try to cope with this niagara of lies that falls on us.

Interviewed by Alexander Artamonov

Prepared for publication by Yuri Kondratyev
