Prophecies About The Third World: See Who Benefits From - Alternative View

Prophecies About The Third World: See Who Benefits From - Alternative View
Prophecies About The Third World: See Who Benefits From - Alternative View

Video: Prophecies About The Third World: See Who Benefits From - Alternative View

Video: Prophecies About The Third World: See Who Benefits From - Alternative View
Video: [SHOCKING PROPHECY] Power Of Words | HANK&BRENDA KUNNEMAN 2024, October

While Western politicians, ignoring the real danger of world terrorism, intimidate their inhabitants with the "Russian threat", ordinary Europeans are turning to the dark medieval prophecies about the third world war.

Recently, in the western sector of the Internet, the prophecy of a certain Benedictine monk Gepidan about the beginning of the third world war began to flash more and more often. "After September 27, 2017, the third world war will break out," the German YouTube channel QujoH broadcasts. The owners of this network resource refer to the prophecies of the monk Gepidan, who may have lived around 1080 in the monastery of St. Gall.

“The monk describes the devastating war that the signs foreshadowed,” says 33-year-old Alex, who authored a video of the prophecies of a medieval novice. For users in Germany it is as clear as day that the schema-monk predicted exactly the third world war.

Numerous websites do not hesitate to reprint the prediction of an eleventh century monk, who proceeded from a certain position of the stars. This rare phenomenon occurs in the firmament once every seven thousand years, and the last date falls on September 23, 2017.

On the Runet, you can easily find the following prophecy of the monk Gepidan: “From the east a hurricane will blow, and in the west the wind will howl. Trouble is for everyone who gets into this terrible cycle. The thousand-year-old thrones of rulers will be overthrown like a stormy wind ripping off the thatched roofs of huts and houses. But here, rather, it is talking about a natural disaster than a political or military cataclysm.

The hierarchs of the Catholic Church, along with experts on religious sects, in unison are repeating the contrived theory of the emergence of another military confrontation, allegedly predicted by clairvoyants. At the same time, they refer with regret to recurring military conflicts. Instead of reasoning with their current politicians, along with the warriors, Western experts are ready to give up their acquaintance with the opuses of the dilapidated cell-attendant Gepidan. But is it all about him?

“On the fifth Sunday after Easter 1081, Frater Bartholomew wrote:“Yesterday, after the all-night vigil, I was with Brother Gepidan and talked with him about the events that have recently led the entire Christian world into horror and excitement (the conflict between the Catholic Church and secular authorities in medieval Europe known as the "Struggle for Investiture" - ed.). Then Gepidan said to me: “Follow me to the monastery garden. I will tell you strange things about what I have seen and heard! ' When we opened the large iron gate and went out into the garden, I saw before me in the semi-darkness the towering mountains of Romanesque Switzerland.

This is an excerpt from Winfried Ellerhorst's book “Prophecies about the fate of Europe. Visions of Famous Seers of the XII Century”, published in Munich in 1951. It ended with the words that in his other visions Gepidan saw the Thirty Years War, the French Revolution, the return of Napoleon I and his death.

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The head of the scientific department of the library in the Abbey of St. Gall, Herr Karl Schmucki, admitted that he really heard something about some predictions of the monk, only all the questions came from outside the monastery walls: “Every three or four years we received requests for alleged visions and prophecies the monk of the monastery of St. Gall by his Latinized name Hepidannus or Hepidanus. Here are just a monk with the same or a similar name in the monastery of St. Gall, according to Shmuki, simply never was.

Moreover, all the monastic brethren are not aware of any author's manuscripts of visions and prophecies, and the Internet has never mentioned a specific source of their origin anywhere. In a sense, these fictional 19th century prophecies are the prototype of modern fake news.

Bearing in mind the words of the Old Testament Ecclesiastes, the Catholic Church quotes the prophet: “What was, will be; and what has been done will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. " Looking back, one can understand the present and the future. This is why there are so many coincidences in history. Our domestic creators of "New Chronology" - Nosovsky and Fomenko played on this.

With the help of mathematical analysis, you can find a myriad of matches in history. In this respect, Michel Nostradamus's "Centuries" are also read. Recall that the propagandists of both the Third Reich and Great Britain - each in their own selfish interests - used the vague quatrains of the French doctor and alchemist.