The Influence Of American Cartoons On The Minds Of Children - Alternative View

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The Influence Of American Cartoons On The Minds Of Children - Alternative View
The Influence Of American Cartoons On The Minds Of Children - Alternative View

In the minds of adult Russians, a cartoon is something that a priori is intended for children. But for some reason, more and more parents have doubts about the safety and benefits of foreign animation for their children. Where does this oppressive feeling of anxiety come from when we see our children watching foreign cartoons? There is such a suspicion that something wrong, irreparable is happening at this moment …

We will try to turn these doubts into absolute certainty.

Most of the production of the American dream factory is not harmless for our children. And the little that is left can only be viewed under parental censorship and with parental comments, otherwise you will not raise your children.

You can imagine that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers would trust someone unfamiliar with this business - telling children fairy tales. But why today millions of parents allow their children to watch cartoons that they have not watched themselves, about the authors of which they do not know anything and the goals of these authors are also unknown.

But a fairy tale is what in a child's mind forms a model of the surrounding world - images of mom and dad, friend and foe, good and evil … All that he will be guided by all his life, as spiritual complexes.


By the way. Whether your child will groom you in old age or will hand you over to a nursing home also depends on upbringing, including the fairy tales that you told him, and the cartoons that allowed him to watch.

The child perceives almost all information in the form of images. From these images, as from cubes, a child builds his own model of the world. And the most important cube of this picture is the image of a woman, a girl, a girl …

Promotional video:

Looking at cartoon heroines, girls absorb stereotypes of future sexual behavior, and boys form a matrix that they will unconsciously strive for when choosing a life partner - the mother of their future children. And here we are talking not only about appearance, but about internal, spiritual qualities, which are reflected in the appearance and way of actions of cartoon heroines.

We watched kilometers of American cartoons, recorded hundreds of episodes on tape, where female heroines act, and showed all this to a child psychologist. The psychologist was shocked by what she saw. And we were shocked by her verdict.

It turns out that the heroines of most American cartoons are designed in such a way that the systematic viewing of tapes with their participation leads to the extinction of the functions of procreation.


This is explained as follows - the image of a woman is deprived of romance and mystery by endowing it with adult realism, physiology and cruelty. Along the way, traditional for Russian society feminine qualities are devalued and ridiculed, the very ones that glorify our good old, domestic cartoons - chastity, shyness, disinterestedness, modesty and motherhood, as such.

We will talk about the mechanics of changing the child's psyche by means of substituting images. These means are so simple, so often found in foreign cartoons, and so obvious that one involuntarily wonders how this passes by the attention of adults without encountering opposition. Due to the lack of airtime, we will not be able to oppose every negative phenomenon of the Western multindustry with a counter example from domestic animation. But if you are not lazy, do it from memory, and you will see that the two cultures that spawned these cartoons go in different directions. Let's go from simple to complex.

Color. The potential main character is painted in bright, poisonous colors. This technique exploits the property of the child's psyche to react to the brightest. Thus, from the beginning to the end of the video, the child's attention is riveted on the character who leads the viewer wherever he wants, preventing the viewer from being distracted and reflecting. Therefore, in particular, young children abandon everything when they see a commercial on the screen and watch it as if spellbound.

Face. You don't have to be a genius to notice - the main characters of all American cartoons are the same. Not only is it just boring, but if you imagine these features on a living young woman, then she will turn out to be scary. However, because of the frequency of this face flickering on the screen, it turns into an acquired aesthetic stereotype. Thus, girls will strive to look like something that doesn't happen. And the boys, growing up, will search in vain for something “which in this world cannot exist at all”. Do you think they will find each other? It is the process of creating a matrix of new beauty.


The substitution of ugliness for beauty. On the other hand, this is the desire for uniformity and simplification embodied in cartoons: food, drink, aspirations, thoughts, female beauty. In Russian history, this process was called totalitarianism and was condemned worldwide. Why should multi-totalitarianism have a different fate ?! By the way, the heroines from Walt Disney, Warner Brothers and other conveyors of cartoon dreams not only look the same, but they say the same words and act in the same way. It seems that they amicably repeat what they saw on TV, just like our children. But meanwhile, the unified image of the main positive heroine is a dangerous thing. Judge for yourself: we are drawing a printable beauty, which the child identifies as kind and good, because he was taught to do this. The child knowsthat the good and the good must be imitated. And then we take and stick to this image any abomination, such as lust, cruelty, disrespect for parents. But you never know what else. And on the positive image of the heroine, these parasites will enter the child's soul unnoticed and begin to control it imperceptibly.

We are dealing with the greatest invention of mass consciousness processing technology, a universal subconscious visual module without a sign of good and evil. This is a bright packaging with dangerous contents. The simplest example of how harmful content is put into a beautiful package is endowing a romantic heroine, the one whom the child sympathizes with and imitates, with the attributes of anger, anger and cruelty. For example, you can imagine Nastenka from “The Scarlet Flower” with an expression of anger or rage on her face. Can she even show her teeth, just be aggressive. But the gypsy from Notre Dame is quite. And many others too. Can you imagine a frog princess who fights like a man? But Jasmine in "Aladdin" or the princess in "Shrek" do it not just as usual, but cruelly and with taste. They make it fun and infectiousbut today these are one of the most popular cartoons among children.

The malevolence of women in American cartoons for children leads to a confusion of the role of the sexes in life, which, under certain conditions, in the future may cause a deeper sexual disorientation of young people.

So the youth style is unisex to a certain extent a continuation of the unisex cartoon. And notice how the romantic heroine loses her female characteristics and behaves not just like a man, but like a superman. The apotheosis of this process is fantastic cartoons about robots or mummies. There, outwardly remaining a woman, the heroine is not just a man in her role, not just a superman, but a descendant from hell, a demon.


And now about sadism and betrayal in its purest form. You have certainly seen this episode from "Shrek" (when the bird explodes from the singing of Princess Fiona). And you probably saw how the children laughed while watching, which means that you yourself have witnessed how a shift in consciousness is achieved. How strangers are changing the psyche of your children before our eyes.

This episode contradicts the entire system of children's ideas about the world. The main positive heroine of our fairy tales cannot be treacherous, she cannot be cruel, she cannot kill. Remember how Nastenka from “The Scarlet Flower” sings about the little bird, the nightingale, the Russian symbol of romance and love. And what does the princess do with the nightingale and her offspring? The heroes of "Shrek" came from the world where the gift of God is scrambled eggs. After that, killing two reptiles for fun, a frog and a snake, seems innocent. In fact, this is a romantic attribute of a fairy tale in reverse. Fairy tales where not a frog becomes a princess, but a princess turns into a green evil. And this evil is the romantic heroine of an anti-fairy tale. The anti-heroine in the course of the plot is accompanied by anti-romantic metaphors, the murder of a frog, a bird, and a snake. Similar,as normal heroines of domestic cartoons accompanied by the singing of the nightingale and the flowering of the earth.

I emphasize, we are talking about cartoons for children! Remember Vasilis, Alyonushek, princesses and other heroines of traditional Russian cartoons. They don't even pretend to be realistic. They are conventional and airy. Their external feminine attributes are only indicated, their femininity is expressed, rather, through spiritual qualities. This is what a dream looks like in a children's performance.


Their American antipodes, on the contrary, are realistic, physiological and have well-developed forms of adult women who know how to use these forms. Of course, you will laugh at this word, but there is no chastity in the behavior of American cartoon heroines. What makes films for children different from films for adults. Look, showing sympathy for the opposite sex, multidivs do not flirt, do not hesitate, do not lower their eyes to the floor. These are experienced women of well-known behavior who seduce with mannered, vulgar and concrete. And the heroine's face at this moment is not a mirror of the soul, as expected, but a functional part of the body.

Do you remember that children automatically copy the demeanor of the heroine. Now touches and kisses.

You can touch a woman as you like, like any thing. Here is a hunchback from “Notre Dame” holding a gypsy in the pose of a sacrificial animal, here Shrek drags his girlfriend like a sack, and then flirts with her in a way that decent women are not flirted with. But she likes it. In our cartoons, the heroines are not dragged, they are not beaten, they are not grabbed for anything. Because it is not feminine, it is not chaste!


According to psychologists, there are cartoons for little ones, where frank eroticism is shown. For example, here is the popular anthropocentric cartoon, where animals play people, "Tom and Jerry". Kitty Behavior is an encyclopedia of vulgar street woman behavior. Frankly erotic poses. For example, one of the most adult poses is a man's head on a woman's lap. This pose assumes adult sexual relations. Separately, we note the behavior of the cat, because he demonstrates to the boy spectators how to behave with women. He demonstrates outrageous rudeness, and the cat - how should this rudeness be accepted, favorably?

Sexual partnership, returning to the beginning of our conversation, does not imply the creation of a family, procreation.

From the point of view of child psychologists, adult stereotypes of behavior, in particular eroticism, cannot be shown in children's cartoons. This prematurely disinhibits the sphere of drives in the child, for which the child is not yet functionally, morally and physically ready. These experiences will not have a normal outlet and will cripple the child's psyche. In the future, this will result in sexual problems, difficulties with starting a family and procreation. These cartoons provoke interest in children, which should sleep long and soundly. Therefore, pedophiles are responsible for the physical abuse of our children, and Western cartoons are responsible for the moral abuse.

According to all the same child psychologists, for the normal development of a child during the period of the first interest in the opposite sex, he needs a fairy tale, romance, a mystery. Only through romance and shyness in front of the opposite sex can a boy become a real man. Only a modest, chaste and shy girl is able to attract real men to herself, and not the freaks from cartoons that are swarming with cities today.

The problem is serious, our children are subjected to such a massive bombardment of non-childish images that a massive phenomenon has arisen, which psychologists call romantic hunger in children. They need a princess from a childhood dream, and they are slipped into a woman of easy virtue, they need romance, a dream, and sexual impurities are poured on them.

When we started looking for him in American cartoons, we stumbled upon something amazing. Mom, motherhood, the poetry of motherhood in the traditional form is shown only in cartoons about animals, such as "The Lion King", "The Jungle Book", "Dumbo", "101 Dalmatians". Touching, sentimental and very kind scenes of motherly caring for cubs, puppies, elephants and other cubs. But when it came to cartoons about people or those where animals play people … However, judge for yourself. You will experience, as they say, true disgust.


Take, for example, a mother duck created by Metro Golden Mayer. A totally marginal creature who shows off her underwear to her husband. This is how alcoholics behave in life. Her voice, mannerisms, gestures are not maternal. She even holds her child like a glass. Her posture does not protect the child. It is easy to compare what we see with our "Gray Neck". And here and there the image of a mother, but among young viewers, they form a diametrically opposite attitude towards their own mothers.

In general, in American cartoons, we have not met a single mother of a person who would be young, full of strength, beautiful, causing little spectators to want to imitate. They are all repulsive.

Take these characters from the cartoon "Goofy and His Crew". Middle-aged, ugly, apathetic, inhibited, with ugly figures.

In our cartoons, grandmothers are drawn this way. The distorted metaphor instills in girls an aversion to motherhood in general, and to large families, in particular. Either you want to become ugly, old and poor - then become a mother, or forever young and beautiful, then don't give birth. Girls are kind of offered a choice that is not really a choice. Because the decision is forcibly, disguised, embedded in consciousness.

IRINA MEDVEDEVA, child psychologist:

Images of a woman are images of a future wife and mother. And this is how they should be imprinted in the memory, and not only in the consciousness, but also in the subconscious of the child. Both boy and girl. For a girl, this is a role model, and for a boy, this is a role model that he must choose in the future. How can such a woman excite anything other than a gross attraction? I repeat, at best. And in the worst case, she only causes disgust, and to the female sex, and to the family, and to life in general. Because if life is inhabited by such female creatures, then such a life is joyless, hopeless. A life in which women do not continue the family is hopeless.

Children love to watch cartoons. But parents know from experience that not everything that children like is useful. For example, in early childhood, they liked to stick their fingers into the socket, touch the fire, and stick needles in their mouths. You saved your children from all this. So why are millions of Russians calmly watching cartoons mutilate their children? Doesn't a child have the right to a normal childhood?