Why Do Dogs Turn Gray? - Alternative View

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Why Do Dogs Turn Gray? - Alternative View
Why Do Dogs Turn Gray? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Dogs Turn Gray? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Dogs Turn Gray? - Alternative View
Video: Why Does My Dog ​​Get Gray Hair? Besides Age 2024, September

American scientists cited new data on the relationship between the age of humans and dogs. Thus, they tried to refute the widespread opinion among the people that one year of a pet's life is equivalent to seven human years.

Balls and bobby are not respected for classical music

For decades, veterinarians and dog handlers have been justifying their point of view by the fact that the puppy's body is fully formed by the end of the first year of its life, and the human one - by seven.

However, as the authors of the new study note, this “layout” does not take into account one important factor.

The fact is that dogs, as you know, at the age of one, already become sexually mature and ready to reproduce. For a person, on average, it takes about 12-15 years, but not seven.

But at the same time, biologists make another important clarification. It consists in the fact that from the second year the maturation of our pets, depending on the breed and size, sharply slowing down, begins to go on an individual basis.

From all this, we can conclude, which scientists themselves for some reason do not make, that a dog's life year corresponds to 8-9 years of a person, which, in principle, is not so far from 7 years.

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It should be noted that a variety of scientific reports regarding pets appear with surprising frequency. And this is understandable. After all, we still know so little about our four-legged friends, despite the fact that they have been living next to us for thousands of years.

Quite a few interesting works published over the past few months have naturally been associated with dogs. In particular, Scottish scholars have taken seriously the issue of their musical preferences.

After agreeing with the management of one of the largest animal shelters in the country, for two weeks they played musical works of various genres to the dogs, which were previously connected to a cardio apparatus that monitors the work of the heart muscle. In parallel, the scientists recorded the smallest movements of the shelter pets on video. As a result, it was found that each of the dogs participating in the experiment had their own individual preferences. At the same time, the works that absolutely everyone liked were also highlighted.

Most positively animals perceived musical compositions in the style of soft rock and reggae. When listening to them, they noticeably calmed down and the level of stress practically approached zero.

Classical music also had a calming effect on dogs, but only in the first seven days of the study. Then they got tired of Mozart and Bach, and at the very first chords of this or that overture, they began to rush around the enclosure in search of a place where the music was not so audible.

It's all about stress

As for, in fact, the consequences of stressful conditions in dogs, then researchers from the University of Northern Illinois decided to understand them. In the course of a rather long experiment, they monitored as many as several hundred dogs of various breeds, aged from two to five years. For each animal, their owners filled out a special questionnaire consisting of dozens of questions.

After processing all the data, psychologists concluded that the most severe stress dogs experience during unpleasant communication with strangers, as well as long separation from the owner and strange loud noises. At the same time, it was noted that there is much more gray hair on the faces of animals forced to constantly live in an uncomfortable environment for them than that of their fellow tribesmen living in more comfortable conditions.

In addition to stress, as it turns out, our pets also suffer from some "human" diseases. For example, a rare form of hypertension, from which people can be saved only by emergency surgery, and brain cancer. From it a person dies within a year, a dog - much earlier.

Don't be discouraged if they call you Alma

For some reason, most people are convinced that when they meet a large dog, on some subconscious level, they feel their fear and this makes them even more afraid. Therefore, "experts" in such cases recommend trying to relax and think about something foreign, neutral. However, biologists say that in fact, none of the animals can feel human fear! Observing dogs placed in a variety of conditions for several years, including studying them in stationary laboratories, scientists came to the conclusion that, despite their super smell, they, in principle, are not able to smell the so-called fluids emitted by the body of a frightened person.

True, this does not mean at all that dogs cannot notice fear. They can, because they are naturally inherent in simply incredible attentiveness to the smallest details! Therefore, in order to "see" the macaws displayed by a person, it is enough for an animal to carefully study the changes in its behavior that occur at the moment of meeting.

And they (these changes) are sometimes quite noticeable. Individuals suffering from kinophobia, that is, fear of dogs, when they see them, try to hide their hands behind their backs, nervously shifting from foot to foot. At the same time, breathing becomes faster, drops of sweat appear on the forehead, or, conversely, the body is seized with chills.

“Almost any dog can notice the subtle aspects of human behavior and respond appropriately to their change - to attack or, conversely, to run away, - explains the dog handler Rob Patersson. "It all depends on what kind of signal will be sent to her from the brain, which in a matter of seconds will analyze the situation and remind what such meetings have turned out in the past."

And finally, about one more recent and rather curious, at first glance, study, during which French psychologists tried to find out why men sometimes manage to confuse the name of a beloved girl and the name of a no less beloved dog. In the course of building the corresponding computer model, it turned out that the human brain does not classify all the names of its closest people - people and animals - and "stores" together in one of its "departments".

Therefore, if a man turning to his wife or girlfriend suddenly does not have her name breaks off his tongue, you should not be upset, since this means only one thing - the gentleman is extremely disposed towards the woman whom he just named, for example. Almoy …


The American coven of witches has called on all occultists to join their efforts to expel Donald Trump. The witches created a page on the social network, which described the dates and schemes of rituals against the US president. Among them there are those that are proposed to be performed by ordinary people who are not familiar with black magic - supposedly they will not harm people, but they will help a lot for the common cause, because the more people join the ritual, the stronger its effect will be.