Tartary XX Century - Alternative View

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Tartary XX Century - Alternative View
Tartary XX Century - Alternative View

Video: Tartary XX Century - Alternative View

Video: Tartary XX Century - Alternative View
Video: Russia: Empire to revolution (Oct. 6 class) 2024, July

The end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century was marked by an endless series of revolutions that broke out around the world. If we consider them not separately, but as different episodes of one process, then it is impossible not to identify one pattern: the beneficiary in each case was certainly the British Empire. And to say that the British did not have a direct relationship with most of them can only be an extremely short-sighted and naive person. The proven and perfected methods of waging information wars of the nineteenth century were supplemented by an even more sophisticated tactic of undermining states from within, with the help of the so-called "fifth columns" nurtured in their depths. So this is not a CIA invention at all, as many believe.

"Boxing Uprising" in China (1899-1901), Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902, Anglo-Aro War 1901-1902, British Expedition to Tibet (1903-1904). First Section of Bengal (1905-1911). Philippine-American War (1899-1902 / 1913). Civil War in Venezuela (1899-1902). The blockade of Venezuela navies of Germany, Great Britain and Italy in order to collect debts and compensate for the damage suffered (1902-1903; Venezuela Crisis). Murders of King Umberto I of Italy (1900), US President McKinley (1901), Governor-General of Finland Bobrikov, King Portugal Carlos I (1908), Prime Minister of Japan Ito Hirobumi (1909). Economic crises: 1901, 1907. Here is just an incomplete list of the events of the early twentieth century, against the background of which the tragic events unfolded in Russia and on its eastern borders.

Defeat in the Russo-Japanese War? What's again!?

The situation, provoked by Britain, in which Russia found itself, turned out to be a stalemate. Whatever choice the Russian emperor made, he inevitably led to war with Japan. Further, according to the scenario, you need to make this war unpopular, and use the discontent of the common people in the fight against the existing government, for the subsequent complete defeat of the country. And 1904 was such a starting point. The defense of Port Arthur, the Battle of Tsushima and the Battle of Mukden were declared the defeat of the Russian Empire in the Russo-Japanese War. Such an assessment was extremely beneficial to the Marxists and their overseas masters, therefore, for more than a hundred years, no one even tried to rethink the true meaning of those events for Russia.

A competent person knows well that the winner in a battle is the one who, based on its results, has improved the ratio between his own and others' resources. That is, it is possible that even a retreat turns out to be a victory in fact, because the ratio of resources has improved in favor of the retreating. And what do we see when we impartially assess the “defeat” of Russia?

In the siege of Port Arthur alone, the Japanese lost 110,000 people killed, with our losses of 15,000 soldiers. And the fortress would not have been taken if it had not been for the betrayal of the Commandant of the fortress, General Stoessel, who arbitrarily decided to surrender the fortress and withdraw the garrison. The military tribunal found his actions malicious, and sentenced him to death. However, later, by the decree of Nicholas II, Anatoly Stessel was amnestied and released.

The commander of the Japanese forces besieging Port Arthur, General Nogi, whose two sons were killed in the war, considered his actions extremely unprofessional. As a hereditary samurai, he asked the Japanese emperor for permission to commit seppuku - a solemn rite of suicide. He forbade him to do this during his lifetime and Nogi committed suicide only in 1912, after the death of his sovereign. Those. the Japanese themselves viewed the outcome of the war as a defeat, not a victory. Here is what the Japanese historian Shumpei Okamoto writes about this:

Promotional video:

The mobilization potential of our country was many times higher than that of Japan, so the Mukden "victory" actually undermined the military capabilities of the enemy, but not Russia. And Russia would have crushed Japan without much difficulty, if not for … If not for the betrayal of the liberal opposition in Russia itself. Already two generations of fighters for individual rights and freedoms had grown up in the country by that time. And when it would have been necessary to take just one step to defeat Japan, heart-rending screams about an "inglorious shameful war" frightened the authorities, provoked revolutionaries, and inspired "human rights defenders" who understand freedom as irresponsibility, impunity, and the ability to freely leave for the West. This is what K. D. Balmont, after his dream came true and the monarchy in the country ceased to exist:

As they say, neither subtract nor add. Such "democrats" at all times were a reliable support for aggressors, and it was thanks to them that the Revolution of 1905 in Russia became possible. A revolution, the fruits of which we are still reaping today, when short memory does not allow us to draw parallels and draw the deadly simple conclusion that "Bloody Sunday" was the prototype of all modern "color" revolutions. With the help of which, legitimate Governments around the world are overthrown.

Today it is already known for certain that the Tsar was in Tsarskoe Selo during those terrible events, and received information in a highly distorted form, from the lips of a person associated with the Socialist-Revolutionaries. Read - an agent of a foreign intelligence service. Nikolai could not give up, and did not give the order to shoot at the demonstrators. He was informed of what had happened when it was too late to change anything. On the evening of January 9, 1905, Nicholas II wrote in his diary:

Second Patriotic

The last Russian emperor did not know then that this day would become only a prologue to future bloody events. The collective West, seeing that the empire is still strong, brings to its logical resolution the long-term work aimed at forming an internal enemy in the Russian Empire. And this is not just the "fifth column", but in fact the western outpost of the empire, its part - Germany.

At first glance, this statement may seem absurd, but I will explain my point of view. The fact is that today very few people already remember what they actually called in Russia that war, which was later called the "First World War." Less and less material evidence of the same age as the events of 1914 remains in the public domain. Here is just one of them:


On the one hand, there are no questions why it is the "Second Patriotic War", but if you remember about the First Patriotic War, which happened a century earlier, and the conclusions made that "domestic" is a synonym for "civil", then questions arise. Is it possible that the German Empire attacked the Russian Empire, while we are talking about a possible war within one fatherland? Maybe!

Yes, formally at the start of the war (July 24, 1914), there were four empires in Europe: - Russian, German, Austro-Hungarian and British. But we have more than once had a chance to make sure that states often exist only for their citizens and subjects, and the true borders dividing the spheres of influence of monarchs are in no way connected with the drawn lines on political maps. Now let's turn to the full name of the title of the Russian Emperor:

“By the grace of God, Nicholas the Second, Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia, Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod; Tsar of Kazan, Tsar of Astrakhan, Tsar of Poland, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar of Tauric Chersonesos, Tsar of Georgia; the sovereign of Pskov and the Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuanian, Volyn, Podolsk and Finland; Prince of Estland, Livonia, Courland and Semigalsky, Samogitsky, Belostok, Korelsky, Tversky, Yugorsky, Perm, Vyatsky, Bulgarian and others; the sovereign and grand duke of Novgorod, the lower lands, Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsky, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Belozersky, Udora, Obdorsky, Kondiysky, Vitebsk, Mstislavsky and all the Northern countries, the sovereign; and the sovereign of Iversky, Kartalinsky and Kabardinsky lands and regions of Armenians;Cherkassk and Mountain princes and other hereditary sovereign and owner, sovereign of Turkestan; the heir of Norway, the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarnsky, Dietmarsen and Oldenburg, and so on, and so on, and so forth."

First, the presence of Tartar titles such as Udora and Obdorsky attracts attention. Secondly, we see that Nicholas is, it turns out, "the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarnsky, Dietmarsen and Oldenburg and others, and …". All these are the principalities located on the territory of modern Germany, Austria and Denmark. And the "other" includes the Principality of Luxembourg, where German troops invaded, declaring war on Russia on August 1, 1914.

And this is the moment of truth. Precisely because Luxembourg was part of the Russian Empire, and it was attacked by a country that formally, like England, was friendly, after all, both in Britain and in Russia, the ruling monarchies were related by family ties, they all came from the Oldenburg family, Nikolai called Patriotic War. What did the British do? They used this circumstance to draw Russia into the Entente, and at the same time set the German and Austro-Hungarian empires against Russia. And even then everything was predetermined: - the collapse of the Russian Empire, with the transfer of its rights and territories in favor of the legitimate heirs in accordance with the Maritime (international) law of the heirs - Saxe-Coburg-Goths, which are now called Windsors.

Everyone knows the result. As in the previous episode, during the Revolution of 1905, the same mechanisms worked, and in the wake of people's dissatisfaction with the "fratricidal" war (ordinary soldiers of the Russian and German armies still knew perfectly well that they were one people in the past), they began to systematically roll country into the abyss of another revolution. Like devils from a snuffbox, people with Mauser in leather jackets sprang up everywhere, and began to do everything possible for the military defeat of the Russian Empire, with the subsequent plundering of the country, and crushing it into parts for division between the former allies in the Entente - the interventionists. These were the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries, who did not even plan to lead the country. They didn't need an empire, they only wanted profit.

In contrast to this "crow", the Bolsheviks, although they received a bribe from the West, to organize the revolution, but in their plans, still was the preservation of most of the state. Therefore, I consider it a great success that the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks did not manage to stay in power for a year. Taking it in February 1917, they quickly showed their complete failure, and already in October of the same year, their competitors, the Bolsheviks and "middle peasants" (Trotskyists), seized control and began to take emergency measures to prevent the final defeat of the country. So Great Tartary died a second time.

But this country, apparently, has such a role in the world - to die and be reborn from the ashes. Soon after the end of the Second Patriotic War, all empires except the British were buried under the rubble of the old world. It would seem that this is a triumph. But no … The Soviet empire rebelled on the ruins of the Russian Empire. She cleared herself of the "crows", which would later be called "Stalinist repressions", and again the world ceased to be unipolar. However, even the cunning British do not know how to draw correct conclusions from the lessons of history. Without realizing that the Russians and the Germans are essentially one people, they saw in their existence only a mortal danger to their own prosperity. And for the umpteenth time, it was customary to destroy the Russians and the Germans with their own hands. The project "Nazi Germany" began.

But this time, nothing came of the "fifth column" in the west. The powerful police apparatus created in the USSR, and most importantly, the common goals and ideology, supported by the tangible economic and social successes of the new state, did not leave any chances for creating a hostile opposition in Russia. And as a result of the bloodiest war in the history of mankind, a new giant appeared to the world - the Soviet Union. Its foundations were so strong that they allowed it to exist until the end of the twentieth century. Unfortunately, from the very beginning, elements were laid in its design, which from the day of its foundation led it to inevitable collapse.

The achievements that made the empire immortal were partially offset by the consequences of the national policy of the Bolsheviks, and many more specific factors, but this is not about them. The main thing for us is the realization of the fact that the worldview of the peoples inhabiting the territory of Great Tartary, formed for millennia, has laid a powerful foundation that makes it impossible to completely destroy a large country. The principles of equal coexistence of tribes and peoples, united by common ideals of justice, equality, brotherhood, responsibility, mutual assistance and self-sacrifice in the name of a common goal, do not give the slightest chance for the victory of the Western civilization of individualists and consumers over the Eastern communal civilization.

But in order for us to preserve this foundation, we need to understand that we are alive only as long as we remain a civilization of the Eastern type, which professes the primacy of the interests of society, and not of an individual. And for this you need to know the history of your country. Moreover, all its periods: both glorious and sad - so as not to allow past mistakes in the future. To pass on what our ancestors kept for us, to our descendants. And it doesn't matter what our country will be called tomorrow, the Soviet Union, Tartary, the Russian Federation, or Scythia, the main thing is to know that while we are together, we are invincible. This means that our descendants have a guaranteed, successful future. And the Bashkir, Tatar, Chuvash, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh babies of all other tribes and peoples of the empire will play together, without thinking aboutwhether it can be better or worse depending on hair color and eye shape.

But it must also be remembered that somewhere there are people who are able to make us quarrel, divide into republics and begin to feud, so that we all become individualists who can be manipulated alone in someone's selfish interests. Everyone should know the precepts of Chigis Khan from infancy and not forget until his death.

Author: kadykchanskiy