9 Signs Of The Presence Of Ghosts - Alternative View

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9 Signs Of The Presence Of Ghosts - Alternative View
9 Signs Of The Presence Of Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: 9 Signs Of The Presence Of Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: 9 Signs Of The Presence Of Ghosts - Alternative View
Video: Signs that a ghostly presence is around you | Paranormal videos | Spiritual enlightenment videos 2024, June

Not all people believe in the existence of ghosts, but many have noticed strange things begin to happen in the house. Do all of them have scientific explanations, or do they indicate that a spirit has turned up as a neighbor? How to determine its presence?

Unusual dreams

The phantom of a deceased person sends out nightmares, trying to get in touch and tell his story. Strangers abandoned at home, unusual events can be the key to solving the secret of the ghost. It is better to write down dreams, this will help in finding a solution.

Someone is watching

Sensitive people begin to complain about views from the other world. This is either paranoia, or some entity really studies the owner of the house. Often this situation arises when you move, it's not for nothing that many ghost films begin with the family moving to a new home!


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Heavy chest

It can manifest itself when breathing or sleeping. A persistent feeling settles, as if someone sits on the chest and presses with their weight. In such a situation, it is worth calling a priest and consecrating the dwelling.

Extraneous sounds, rustles

The spirits want to get in touch, therefore they make strange sounds like hiss, whispers. In the silence of the night, the sounds of someone's footsteps are heard. It is likely that a cat is walking or the wind is playing pranks, but if you go to the noise, you must be ready to see the otherworldly inhabitant.

A sharp cold snap

This is a sure sign of the presence of a phantom. It lowers the temperature noticeably, causing severe chills. Some evil spirits, on the contrary, are capable of causing a sharp fever, making them sweat in a dream.


Incomprehensible movement of things

Ghost hunters place camera traps in suspicious places, recording inexplicable movements of objects. You can compare photos in a few days and see how chairs, vases, dishes change places, cabinet doors open and close, something can suddenly disappear.

Strange animal behavior

Dogs, cats and even hamsters are capable of feeling someone else's energy. They start to worry. Dogs often bark for no reason, do not want to enter certain rooms. Cats closely observe certain entities. There are often stories about how the cat played with someone invisible or watched the movement of shadows in an empty room. Animals are much more sensitive than humans, they have a well-developed intuition, and their behavior cannot be ignored in any case!

Disabling technology

Sudden changes in electricity, spontaneous switching on and off of light, radio, TV indicate the presence of a poltergeist. Supernatural guests are capable of influencing technology!


See the spirit

It can appear as a shadow or silhouette with a subtle glow. If the ghost has demonstrated itself, then you definitely need to talk to him. It is likely that he wants to warn or ask for something!

Some consider ghosts to be fictions or hallucinations, but there is a whole movement of ghost hunters who record strange things happening in houses. I think that all of the above signs give us a chance to get closer to the study of the other world.

Natalia Illarionova