The Most Ancient Cities Of Russia - Alternative View

The Most Ancient Cities Of Russia - Alternative View
The Most Ancient Cities Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: The Most Ancient Cities Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: The Most Ancient Cities Of Russia - Alternative View
Video: The oldest city in Russia (founded in 859)| Life in a small city in Russia 2024, October

The ancient cities of the Russian state saw different events during their centuries-old existence. They watched the joyful victories, grieved with their people over the bitter defeats, went through several historical stages of development and decline.

Some, the most ancient cities of Russia, unfortunately, could not resist the endured ordeals and turned into dust and ruins. However, there are also preserved cities that can share their rich historical past in the form of architectural monuments and chronicles. Some of them are presented below.

Derment. There is a version that the oldest city in Russia is Derment, which is now located in modern Dagestan. The second name of the city is "Caspian Gate". The first mention of the city occurs in the sixth century. It is assumed that the name Derment from Persian means "narrow gate", because the city is located in a narrow passage between the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea. The locals called this passage "the Dagestan corridor". The city has repeatedly witnessed bloody battles, many peoples tried to conquer Derment with their power. It was destroyed, but it was revived and continued to develop.

On the territory of the city on the Caspian Sea, you can personally see the preserved buildings and stone structures of those ancient times that Derment survived. One of the most amazing places is the Naryn-Kala fortress, which served as a defensive checkpoint for several centuries.

However, not all historians agree with the opinion that Derment belongs to the ancient cities of Russia, since it existed long before the emergence of the Russian Empire or Kievan Rus. But this does not make the amazing sea city less interesting for tourists who are ready to get acquainted with their history.


Velikiy Novgorod. One of the first places in the list of the most ancient cities in Russia is occupied by Veliky Novgorod. The city was first mentioned in chronicles in 859 with the name of Prince Rurik. This settlement was geographically very advantageous, therefore, for several decades from the time of its foundation, it becomes a political, commercial and cultural center of the north-western lands. Trade with foreign states was carried on. Veliky Novgorod survived a time rich in historical events, watched the activities of many rulers. With the ascent to the throne of Prince Vladimir, a new official religion - Christianity - was established in the city, which later transforms Novgorod into the spiritual center of the Russian lands. At this time, the most beautiful St. Sophia Cathedral was being built, where the famous icon is now kept - the Sign of the Mother of God. It was this icon, according to legend, that helped Novgorod to defeat the people of Suzdal.


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Old Lagoda. Another city from the list of the oldest is Staraya Lagoda, which was built on the trade route of the Varangians, at the place where Lagoda and Ilmen lakes meet. It happened in the eighth century. And in the following centuries Lagoda was already a port city with active trade, which united several peoples: Slavs, Scandinavians and Finns. An ancient church has survived in the city, where the descendants of Rurik were baptized.

At the moment, the city of Lagoda has been nominated by the President of Russia for the title of a world historical monument in the UNESCO list, which means that this place will continue to be explored.


Belozersk. We must not forget about the ancient northern town of Belozersk, which was mentioned in chronicles since 862. Its historical name is Beloozero. The city was moved to a new place several times, either because of the lake, the waters of which threatened to flood, or because of the pestilence.

The city's lands were not suitable for agricultural work, therefore, fishing grounds were created, which helped Belozersk prosper and grow rich, and soon the city became a major center for trade in the north. Appanage principalities often fought for the right to own a developed city.

Temples and churches were constantly built in Belozersk, many of which have survived to this day. The wise prince Gleb managed to avoid enmity with the Golden Horde, and refugees flocked to the city from settlements destroyed and burned by the Tatars.

Crafts developed in Belozersk - pottery, bone carving, fishing, especially local blacksmiths were famous for their skill, because there were plenty of raw materials for their business, rich deposits of iron ore in the swamps were used. Later, the city was transferred to the rule of Moscow.

Belozersk has seen many trials and has survived to this day as a small district town, the number of which does not exceed 4000 people.


Moore. The city originated from a small settlement of the Finnish tribe Muroma on the banks of the Oka River, which is reflected in the name. The first mention was in the "Tale of Bygone Years". Murom is located at the intersection of several trade routes, which provided great makings for the further development and prosperity of the city. Its inhabitants have long believed in pagan gods.

Under Ivan the Terrible, Murom acted as a special strategic object; here, during the campaign against Kazan, the royal review of the troops took place, and the Murom army showed special courage and strength during the siege of Kazan, for which three cathedrals were built in the city.

The Murom craftsmen were very popular. Blacksmithing, leather dressing, workshops for making keys and locks were well developed.

Many famous Ilya Muromets, the Russian hero was a native of these lands. And for many centuries, in many historically important battles, the Murom warriors stood out for their bravery and courage, for which they received insignia from the state.

Today Murom is considered the "pearl" of the history of Russia, there are ancient monasteries and other places of interest for visitors. But along with the atmosphere of the past, the city has a dynamic development, success and broad prospects.


Suzdal. Another ancient city, which is now part of the Golden Ring of Russia. He has no equal in the presence of the most beautiful architectural monuments. The city was formed on the site of ancient peasant settlements, over time the city was transformed into a trade and craft center. This can be judged based on the artifacts found during excavations. These are foreign coins, which means the city was trading with other states. For the first time Suzdal was mentioned documentarily in 1024 in the chronicles of Nestor. Christianity was established in the city in the course of a long struggle against paganism, from which people did not want to leave. During the reign of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, Suzdal acquired great political significance.

The greatness of Suzdal either increased or waned, the city was subjected to the Mongol-Tatar invasion, suffered several fires, epidemics, survived the struggle between the principalities.

Nowadays it is a regional center and amazes tourists with unique monuments of Russian history combined with beautiful nature. The exterior of the old city is so well preserved that Suzdal is rightfully considered a museum city.

The listed cities, of course, are far from the only representatives of the ancient history of Russia, but only a small part of them. But each of them lived a fate noticeable for their country.

King Ekaterina Nikolaevna