What Witchcraft Power Do The Signs Of The Zodiac Have - Alternative View

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What Witchcraft Power Do The Signs Of The Zodiac Have - Alternative View
What Witchcraft Power Do The Signs Of The Zodiac Have - Alternative View

Video: What Witchcraft Power Do The Signs Of The Zodiac Have - Alternative View

Video: What Witchcraft Power Do The Signs Of The Zodiac Have - Alternative View
Video: how to make the devil leave you 2024, September


Capricorns and magic are incompatible things. Firstly, not a single Capricorn young lady believes in all this nonsense, and secondly, even if she suddenly believes, she still does not understand why it is necessary. Where is the guarantee that this will work, eh? There is no guarantee? Goodbye. At the same time, the Capricorn ladies still have a magic gift: they are completely invulnerable. No terrible witchcraft affects them. Even a scorpion. Simply because how can something that does not work?


Aquarius have an unusually tender relationship with omens. The young lady-Aquarius believes in folk signs that promise good things, and they will certainly come true. In addition, Aquarians know how to come up with their own signs literally out of the blue - at the very moment when they need luck for some reason. Those same red panties on the chandelier were definitely hung by the young lady-Aquarius, do not go to the fortune-teller. But bad omens in the case of a young lady-Aquarius come true, but not in the way you might think, because she interprets them unambiguously: it means money. The cat crossed the road - to the money. The mirror broke - to the money. A brick fell on my head - to VERY big money. And it also comes true, yes.


The gift of the Pisces young ladies is love magic. Not a single Rybka knows how to cook porridge, borsch and compote: no matter what she cooks, a love potion of deadly power still comes out. For some, it is enough not even to try, but to smell it once - and that's it, the client is ready. Now he will chase Rybka all his life, mooing enthusiastically and rolling his eyes absurdly, being distracted only by making money: Pisces's love potion works just like that.

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The bewitched, firstly, basically does not see other young ladies, and secondly, he expresses his feelings in a material equivalent, throwing gifts at Rybka. Because to endure fools in love just like that, without gifts - this is a torment of martyrdom!


The gift of Aries is to always be in the right place at the right time, bully to bullet. And in an unnecessary place - not to be. Perhaps, it is this gift that explains the very impulsiveness that is characteristic of all Aries young ladies. So if the Aries young lady talks to you nicely, and suddenly, against the background of complete goodness, she sends you to hell and abruptly leaves - no need to be offended. Better, too, to sharply make the legs out of this damn place. It is possible that an armored train will fall on your head right now. And the Aries young lady did not say anything about it out of malice. She doesn't think about it, she just does. And by the way, where she ran away, cookies are probably being handed out.


Everyone knows that Taurus is essentially honest, kind and noble people. Therefore, no one even suspects that the gift of a calf is a curse. Young lady-Taurus, having stumbled over a cat, never throws in hearts "Yes, so that you are dead!", Because she knows: you never know, she will take it and die. There were, you know, cases. That is, of course, not with cats, and no one really died. But some painfully fell from their high places only and exclusively because the Taurus young lady cursed them. That is, because the Taurus young lady was seriously offended at them for something. But, in fairness, we note: firstly, you need to offend the Taurus young lady for a long time and persistently, showing in every way that you are deliberately harming her. And secondly, the gift of Taurus works in both directions: Taurus is not difficult to conjure all sorts of life benefits to his loved ones. It's not a pity for good people!


The twins are masterful in what is considered not very magic. In any case, they are trying to study this phenomenon, and, they say, it really is and works (or not). The Gemini ladies are born hypnotists. Real, we will not be afraid of this word, puppeteers, able to subordinate others to their will and make them do whatever Gemini wants. Fortunately, Gemini doesn't usually want anything really bad. Unfortunately, they usually want to have fun. So if you drank vodka with the Gemini lady yesterday, do not go to social networks this morning. And change the surname just in case. And the country. And the continent.


The Cancer young ladies have the sweetest and kindest gift: they have a light hand. No matter what they undertake, they do everything easily and naturally, and also very, very beautiful. Cancers especially like to rule the world of plants and heal the sick. And if the Cancer young lady does not have a personal garden, then she will plant a jungle for herself on all the windowsills. And if she is suddenly not a doctor or a nurse, then she will still treat everyone around. And everything will work out for her: a dry stick, stuck into the ground by her hand, will bloom the next day, and some sick comrade from her tender care will instantly rise to his feet and run about his business. Although, perhaps, he will simply run somewhere far away from this most tender care. Which, frankly speaking, is a bit too much.


Lionesses always play big, and this also applies to everyday magic. Any nonsense such as clairvoyance and the gift of prediction does not interest them, this is petty. Lionesses know how to send requests to the heavenly office directly. Without shamanic dances with tambourines. The lioness just wants something, and the dear universe immediately returns her wishlist with a "Approved" resolution. But there is a nuance: only the Lioness gets it. She is not given to fulfill other people's desires. But she didn't really want to, let's face it.


The gift of the Virgin is telepathy. Virgo's other thoughts are read like an open book, and not only thoughts: some also do not have time to think about anything, and Virgo already knows what they, firstly, will think now, and secondly, then they will do. And she even knows exactly how. And, by the way, these "some" are not necessarily people: Virgo knows the language of animals very well. True, they themselves despise people with mystical thinking and do not believe in magic.

They say that if everyone took off their eyes and began to use the head for its intended purpose, and not to eat in it, then there would be only telepaths around. And it seems to us that the Virgos mock us so.


The Libra ladies are real seers. The gift of predictions has been pumped to level 80, and this is far from the limit. Libra knows this, and therefore they gladly take on the interpretation of dreams, fortune telling on cards and on coffee grounds and are ready to prophesy to everyone completely free of charge, out of the kindness of their soul. But we, frankly, do not recommend contacting Libra on these issues. Because Libra predicts infernal nightmares, local apocalypses, pestilence, famine, fear and plague for everyone. And they never predict anything good. Not because Libra are gloomy types, but exactly the opposite: Libra ladies love good news and wish that all good things remain a surprise. Otherwise, in their opinion, it is not interesting.


Everyone knows that Scorpio is the most mystical sign of the zodiac, and everyone believes that the Scorpio ladies are real witches. Only no one understands what it really means. We tell you: the gift of Scorpio is to command evil spirits. No, of course, no evil spirits actually exist: there are no brownies, no devil, and even bald devils are also a fiction (well, or a hallucination). But this is true for all other signs, and Scorpio has a whole pantheon of internal demons. And our happiness with you is that the Scorpio young lady usually manages to keep them in check. Because when her inner monsters break free, something terrible begins. However, all sorts of Virgos and Capricorns there call tame scorpion devils "features of choleric temperament", "creative crisis" or even "evil charisma." What would they have understood in real infernality!


The gift of Sagittarius is to embody dreams or, as they say now, to visualize desires. Streltsov has in his head a whole catalog of beautiful, detailed pictures that always become reality. Sooner or later, one way or another. And in this, in fact, lies the root of evil. Because the Sagittarius young lady does not need late, and otherwise she does not want to either. But nothing can be done about it: if you ask, you will receive it. But, unlike Lionesses, Sagittarius young ladies are able to embody other people's desires. True, they also have their own picture about other people's desires. And there is nothing to be indignant, she sees so! Anyone can offend the artist, they themselves would have tried at least a cat that does not shit in slippers, to dream! You can not? That's the same.