From Gnome To Giant - Alternative View

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From Gnome To Giant - Alternative View
From Gnome To Giant - Alternative View

Video: From Gnome To Giant - Alternative View

Video: From Gnome To Giant - Alternative View
Video: WOMAN lives in a TINY HOUSE so She Can TRAVEL the World 2024, September

A strange creature is a man: he is fixated on his own uniqueness, but does not tolerate loneliness, therefore he is looking for brothers in mind wherever possible. Today we look with hope towards the Cosmos: after all, it cannot be that we are alone in the Universe. The inhabitants of the Middle Ages did not look so far: they had enough of the surrounding space - huge and unknown. Ten centuries before Tolkien, without any research, they knew for sure that, along with people, other races inhabited the Earth: gnomes live in the mountains, mermaids - in the seas, giants - in swamps, elves and fairies - in forests. And not to reckon with them is more expensive for yourself. Thanks to the fantasy genre, all these worlds, generated by the imagination of medieval man, have covered the present world. One problem: wrapped in curtains and swinging wooden swords, although we are fighting the forces of Darkness,but we really don't know by sight either enemies or friends …

The fairy people are diverse and multifaceted, and the relationship between its various representatives is much more complex and confusing than that of the inhabitants of House-2. Forced to live in the shadows, they react very painfully when they are confused with each other, and this is unsafe for people.


Generation of German-Scandinavian folklore. True, there they appear under completely different names - zwergs, dwarves, dwarves and even dwarves. And the word "gnome" to define this small people was introduced into circulation … Paracelsus. So he called the elemental of the earth, that is, her spirit. After all, it is common knowledge that all gnomes live underground. And yet all of them - regardless of gender - wear beards, and the smartest also wear sideburns. As the English writer Terry Pratchett ironically remarked in one of his books, the essence of gender relations is "to tactfully determine who is hiding under the beard, man or woman." However, some ladies, either impatient or disappointed by the lack of tact in men, prefer to shave their beards and leave only sideburns. But, we admit honestly, the sexual question among the gnomes is devoid of human acuteness:there are no feminists, sexists or chauvinists in their ranks. And all because they have no time: they are always busy with business - both men and women on equal terms keep order in their "diocese" - in the forest, at the farm or at the mill; mine minerals - gold, silver or precious stones. Dressed in red caps and blue jackets, they always carry a bag of tools on their belt: you never know where you have to wave a pickaxe to extract an emerald or a ruby from the earthly firmament. The tireless labors bear fruit: more than one legend has been written about the wealth of the gnomes. Dressed in red caps and blue jackets, they always carry a bag of tools on their belt: you never know where you have to wave a pickaxe to extract an emerald or a ruby from the earthly firmament. The tireless labors bear fruit: more than one legend has been written about the wealth of the gnomes. Dressed in red caps and blue jackets, they always carry a bag of tools on their belt: you never know where you have to wave a pickaxe to extract an emerald or a ruby from the earthly firmament. The tireless labors bear fruit: more than one legend has been written about the wealth of the gnomes.


Outwardly, gnomes are very similar to humans - only smaller in height. But how much less is a big question. Apparently, the normal height for a gnome ranges from 30 cm to 1 m 40 cm. It all depends on the environment: if conditions allow, then why not grow larger?

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Moreover, there is time: the average life span of gnomes is 250-300 years. But even in the tiniest gnome there is a tremendous power that will allow him to cope with a person at once. An important fact considering that relations between the two peoples are not cloudless. Humans have too often encroached upon the dwarves' wealth for the dwarves to trust them. True, such attempts have always come out sideways - after all, the underground people are good at magic. The gold stolen from them tends to turn into dust. It's another matter when the gnomes themselves decide to reward a person for something - then he becomes the owner of a unique thing of the finest work, arousing envy and admiration for everyone who sees it. Therefore, out of harm's way, it is better not to show it to anyone. In a word, if you want peace with the gnomes, observe the golden rule of morality: treat them like this,how you want them to treat you. Otherwise, you will have to experience their strength and deceit on your own skin.

Gnomes Mountain

A completely independent kind of gnomes. They are mortally offended when they are confused with forest gnomes. Meanwhile, it is not at all difficult to distinguish one from the other: the Pitmen are almost all of the same height - 1 m 20 cm, they wear green jackets instead of blue ones, often beardless, but red-nosed. Another remarkable point: no one knows for certain how they reproduce, for all mountain gnomes, without exception, are male. They live in large friendly communities - there are no lonely or hermits among them. This is understandable: together it is more convenient to develop mines, extract ore, cast precious ingots, which are then used to make armor, weapons, kitchen utensils, dishes and ornaments. The mountain gnomes are skilled craftsmen: they are excellent at minting metals and working with precious stones.

In essence, mountain gnomes are not bad guys. But life in eternal darkness played a cruel joke on them. Firstly, they have become overly sensitive to sunlight - to the point of intolerance: they can even lose their lives through it. Secondly, life in isolation had a bad effect on their character: mountain gnomes are too gloomy, grumpy and suspicious. No good can be expected from them. In addition, they have trouble with a sense of humor - their jokes are either evil or not funny. In a word, you will not meet a mountain gnome - there is nothing to grieve about.


It is known that they live only in Lapland. They live underground, very similar to gnomes, but slightly taller and completely colorless. If such a creature is pulled out into the light of day, it will blink like a bat.

Uldras prefer to settle in families, they are kind by nature and care for wild animals, for example, bears, elks, wolves. And they obediently obey them. The Uldras are not the first to start a quarrel with people, but you never know why they might be offended and start taking revenge. It is believed that they spread poisonous powder where peasants graze livestock, causing the animals to die. So the Laplanders bypass the wilderness so as not to accidentally meet uldras.


It is rather difficult to say what a goblin looks like. In all tales and legends, goblins are described in different ways, but they agree on one thing: they are the ugliest creatures ever born in European mythology.

A long time ago, they were the same people as you and me, but then somehow angered the then ruler and were forced to hide underground. And this is extremely bad for their appearance and their character.

They are anthropomorphic, but their height is far from the human norm: they can vary from 30 cm to 2 m. They are not devoid of magical abilities and even know how to turn into people. True, they can always be calculated by three signs that remain unchanged during any transformation: long ears, long claws on the hands and cat's eyes. Of course, you can hide your ears under a hat, your eyes behind dark glasses, and your claws can be masked with gloves. But you can't walk in such a wrapped form for a long time - so sooner or later the goblins are taken out into the open. And then they appear in their true guise, showing everyone the wrinkled faces of the color of potato peels.

They prefer to live in dense forests. They always dress in something dark, inconspicuous. Spiteful, vindictive and proud of it. Do not feed them with bread - let the person annoy or frighten him. Goblins have very keen eyes, and they immediately see where the gold and silver are hidden. They are so greedy for precious metals that they carry a shovel with them everywhere to get the treasure first. If they notice that the dwarfs are ahead of them, then flattery is used to get it, and the dwarves are very vain, which the goblins shamelessly use. But in general, their relationship is quite neutral - and some do not annoy others.


Strictly speaking, trolls are mountain spirits. They are born from rocks, and turn to stone, if at least one ray of the sun hits them. There are many large rocks in Scandinavia and northern Britain, which locals point to as petrified trolls. We used to think of them as giants, but among the trolls there are both giants - from 5 to 8 m in height, and meter dwarfs - depending on which stone they were lucky to be born from. Their character is also far from as unambiguous as modern fantasy interprets to us. By no means are trolls always stupid, primitive, vicious and aggressive. There are those among them who are ready to come to the aid of a person in trouble. But this, frankly, is rather an exception to the rule.

Still, for the most part, these ugly creatures, if they have an interest in a person, it is purely gastronomic: more than once or twice they have been seen stealing women and children, whose taste seems to them especially exquisite. Trolls are real gourmets: their huge noses are able to recognize the most subtle aromas. Their amazing sense of smell helps them a lot - after all, they have to hunt only at night, and their little piggy eyes are not distinguished by their visual acuity.

Ladies-trolls are almost indistinguishable from gentlemen - except that they are smaller, but they are much less common - and only in Sweden.

Sometimes trolls appear among people in human form - they also do not shy away from magic. The main thing here is not to tell the troll your name and shake hands with him: otherwise he will take you with him. And what will happen next is known: with rosemary and on a spit. Although no, there is another prospect: trolls living under the bridge (and this is a completely independent kind of trolls) often kidnap women in order to create a family. And the consent of the newly-minted friends is not asked.


So who is a giant, so is a giant: their height is from 2 to 4 meters. With a repulsive appearance, they resemble trolls, but unlike the latter, they do not live in caves, but in forest swamps. Without exception, all ogres are cannibals: people, especially small children, are their favorite delicacy, but in the absence of a delicacy, the giants are ready to eat a wild boar, elk, wolf, hare, in other words, everything that runs, flies and swims in the forest.

They are incredibly strong and tough. They do not part with a heavy baton and, without hesitation, use it. In principle, they do not know how to think and do not like. They don't shine with intelligence. They speak reluctantly - their vocabulary is extremely poor. Some ogres even prefer to communicate with gestures and shouts. By the way, there is a version according to which the French word ogre comes from the French hongrois - "Hungarian". As you know, Hungarian sounds extremely unusual to an ear accustomed to Romance languages. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to comprehend. Apparently, it happened once that the French could not understand the Hungarians and haughtily identified them as savages. Which, of course, is not true.

Most likely, ogres owe their name to the Latin orcus, which means "underworld." And this is already much closer to reality: if hell does exist, then the ogres probably feel at home there, if not at all, like in paradise. What? There are many sinners: I don’t want to.

Max Maslin