The Aliens Made An Appointment For The Earthlings, But Did Not Show Up - Alternative View

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The Aliens Made An Appointment For The Earthlings, But Did Not Show Up - Alternative View
The Aliens Made An Appointment For The Earthlings, But Did Not Show Up - Alternative View

Video: The Aliens Made An Appointment For The Earthlings, But Did Not Show Up - Alternative View

Video: The Aliens Made An Appointment For The Earthlings, But Did Not Show Up - Alternative View
Video: Dr. Steven Greer - The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé 2024, September

25 years ago, our military, at the direction of Gorbachev, were seriously waiting for the visit of little green men in the desert

In Soviet times, under the General Staff, there was a top-secret military unit 10003, which dealt with issues of psi-wars. It was supervised by the Prime Minister of the USSR, Valentin Pavlov, and was headed by Lieutenant General, Doctor of Technical and Philosophical Sciences Alexei Savin.

President of the USSR, asking permission to land

In addition to their immediate parapsychological tasks, training of combat psychics, reconnaissance at a distance, etc. special units had to deal with curious things. General Savin told the Komsomolskaya Pravda one such story.

- June 1991. An order comes from the authorities to fly to Uzbekistan to receive … aliens. The famous Soviet ufologist Mark Milhiker was involved in UFO research a lot. Enthusiasts of his amateur group "Contact KEC", who worked in different cities, at the same time came to the conclusion that aliens looking for contact with earthly civilization should land in the Kyzylkum desert near the city of Zarafshan. Milkhiker sent a detailed note to Gorbachev.

Did Mikhail Sergeevich believe?

“Perhaps he was flattered by the alien appeal that Milhiker conveyed to him. “Three hundred creatures, biologically similar to earthlings, are in distress due to the increased concentration of ozone and are asking for permission from the President of the USSR to land. The crew guarantees not to leave the spacecraft, and also to show friendliness."

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Gorbachev forwarded a letter to Defense Minister Yazov. He dropped the paper to the Chief of the General Staff Moiseev, my immediate superior. Moiseev wrote the Kremlin document to the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense Forces (air defense) of the country, General of the Army I. Tretyak and the head of the secret directorate of the General Staff (military unit 10003) A. Savin with the resolution "Accept!" Boldly underlined the word, giving importance to this issue.

I'm used to following orders from my superiors right away. Although the topic, I confess, surprised. I have not encountered a UFO before.

They call from the air defense. “Go to Moiseev, talk it out. The whole world will laugh if we fly into the desert to meet the "little green men"! " But I understood that it was impossible to argue with the leadership of Moiseev's level. Ordered - period! Do it!

I ordered a plane, made a team list. I am going to report to the Chief of the General Staff. He approved and signed everything. Seeing my bewilderment, he said: “When I was the commander of the troops in the Far East, I saw alien ships with my own eyes. I could even imagine the structure of some "plates". You can't fool me."

Lieutenant-General Alexei Savin led a secret expedition to meet the aliens.



The place is right

- I have kept a rarity - a special issue of the departmental magazine of the Air Defense Forces of the USSR with the eloquent title - "Air Defense and UFOs". There is a lot of evidence from pilots about encounters with "aliens". But your story is gone.

- The expedition was secret. There was one important nuance. The aliens, according to Milhiker, demanded to turn off the air defense systems at the site of their landing. So that we don't accidentally hit the ship with a rocket. In fact - to leave the "hot" south of the country without air protection. “These are not your problems,” Moiseev said. "Your task is to properly prepare the reception of aliens." Soon he called: "The question with Gorbachev has been worked out - the complexes will be turned off."

And who did you take to the meeting?

- 5 employees of my directorate, 5 - from the Air Defense Forces, headed by Colonel Ivan Pavlovich Nazarenko, Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Air Defense Forces of the USSR. And Mark Abramovich Milhiker with his wife, his faithful assistant. He made a very good impression on me. Not a rabid ufologist fanatic. An intelligent person, thoughtful speech, argumentation, the gift of persuasion.

On the eve of the scheduled UFO landing in Kyzylkum, we arrive in Tashkent. I introduced myself to the commander of the troops of the Turkestan military district, briefly set the task. He allocated a combat helicopter. We flew to Zarafshan and made a short stop. The head of the city, from the Russian Germans, having learned about the purpose of the arrival of the Muscovites, said that many residents saw flying saucers, the aliens themselves. He showed the folders in the closet with eyewitness testimonies, interviews with townspeople, some photographs, though not clear. With German pedantry, the party leader collected everything. Which inspired Milhiker even more. The place is right! Aliens have long chosen him.

Mark Milhiker


Communication session with aliens

- Again a helicopter, - continues the story of General Savin. - Minutes twenty years over the huge quarries of gold mining. We sat down at a given point in the desert. Nobody here. According to Milhiker, the aliens will land at two in the morning. Plus or minus an hour.

We made a fire, we are waiting. All the deadlines have passed, there are still no heavenly guests. The people began to make fun of Milhiker. The commander of the helicopter was especially scoffing, I even had to rein in him.

Milhiker could not stand the ridicule and suddenly said to the pilot: "Since he is so brave, come on, I will put you into hypnosis and you will talk to them yourself." The latter hesitated. But nowhere to go. I had to agree. Everyone became interested, the jokes died down. Mark Abramovich put the guy into a hypnotic state. I suppose I also applied the NLP (neurolinguistic programming) technique. Whispering something to him. Apparently, he tuned the brain of the "contactee" to a given frequency. He turned on the recorder himself. And for about forty minutes he conducted "interrogation".

- Explain the technique

- A pilot in a state of hypnosis was supposed to relay Milhiker's questions and voice the aliens' answers aloud.

He really began to talk to someone. Suddenly, before our very eyes, a person with a secondary education changed, began to give out such deep scientific thoughts, in such a complex scientific language that we were forced to admit: he is really talking with a representative of another civilization. Someone with vast scientific knowledge of an unearthly nature. Well, the guy himself could not know the most complicated issues of physics, astronomy, Space …

From which Alpha Centauri did they fly to us?

- There was a conversation, but I don't remember, so much time has passed.

Don't reach heaven

Why didn't the "guests" land?

- Under hypnosis, the pilot was told that the aliens did not sit down in the indicated place, since all the conditions that they tried to stipulate by entering into mental contact with Milhiker's ufologists were not met. Something ufologists, apparently, misunderstood, "communicating" with heaven.

In Death Valley. On the right is M. Milhiker. Left Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent Nikolai Varsegov


Mark Abramovich himself considered that the aliens were simply offended by our team for an unworthy reception. We arrived in the desert in our daily military uniform. Who thought that it was necessary to meet heavenly guests in full dress? Milhiker did not warn. Although he himself put on a brand new suit, tie, polished shoes!

We returned to Moscow. I wrote a memo to the Chief of General Staff on the results of the expedition. They say that it was not possible to meet the aliens, but there was a telepathic contact. Milhiker also signed it. Moiseev corrected it, gave it to the Minister of Defense. And already from Yazov the report went to Gorbachev.

What was his reaction?

- Unknown. And Mikhail Sergeyevich was already not up to that. The GKChP soon burst out.

Milhiker himself later explained the failure of the expedition by the fact that, allegedly, on a secret order of the General Staff, as many as three divisions were put “in the gun” and urgently deployed in full combat readiness in the desert on the day of landing. They were ordered to seize the ship and the aliens themselves, who arrived on a peaceful visit, at any cost. Therefore, the aliens, they say, did not land. What divisions against the "little green men", when the USSR was coming to an end, there were many "hot spots" in the country? Mark Abramovich sometimes got carried away. But I’m not offended for these fantasies. Several times after a failed expedition, he invited him to the General Staff. He helped us in practical work. Thanks to him, the military received a methodology for bringing operators into contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, which is used in our time, but already outside the framework of the Ministry of Defense.



Zarafshan is a city in Uzbekistan. High UFO activity is observed in its vicinity. The first mass appearance of unidentified objects here began in the mid-1980s. In the future, the number of objects seen only increased and there were frequent cases of contacts of local residents with UFOs. As a rule, all contactors described the aliens they saw as small scale creatures with large eyes and no ears. According to ufologists, who have repeatedly held their conferences in Zarafshan, aliens are attracted by minerals (gold, uranium) in the bowels of the Kyzylkum desert.



Mark Abramovich MILKHIKER is a biophysicist. Originally from Chernivtsi. He called himself a relative of Trotsky and Freud. Introduced himself as an Academician. Since he created and headed the International Academy of Space Esotericism (hidden space knowledge). President of the International Science and Engineering Center for Research of Astral levitating Objects in Defense of Peace on Earth and in Space, etc. For more than twenty years he has been researching contacts with alien civilizations, using the technique of hypnosugestion - a person's immersion in a certain state, in which he, through the subconscious, gets the opportunity to establish a connection with the “general information field” of the Earth.

A passionate UFO enthusiast. In the 80-90s. carried away the topic of UFO by the editors of many newspapers. Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist Nikolai Varsegov also visited with him on a number of expeditions. For example, in Kyshtym, they were the first to look for the famous "alien Aleshenka". And in the Yakut Death Valley - the remains of an alien spaceship that crashed 800 years ago. Milhiker died in May 2004.