Residents Of The UK Are Frightened By A Ghost Plane - Alternative View

Residents Of The UK Are Frightened By A Ghost Plane - Alternative View
Residents Of The UK Are Frightened By A Ghost Plane - Alternative View

Video: Residents Of The UK Are Frightened By A Ghost Plane - Alternative View

Video: Residents Of The UK Are Frightened By A Ghost Plane - Alternative View
Video: GHOSTS - Derbyshire Plane Crash Sights 2024, September

The Douglas "Dakota" aircraft is an American military transport ship. Its first flight took place in December 1941.

Aircraft of this series (about 10 thousand aircraft were produced in total) participated in the Second World War, and after its end they were used by different countries of the world in military conflicts, including the wars in Vietnam, Korea, Africa, the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, etc. The length of the aircraft is 19.43 m, the height is 5.18 m, the wingspan is 29.11 m. The aircraft could reach speeds of up to 260 km / h and fly with a range from 2600 to 6100 km. Some examples are still in operation, but almost all aircraft of this series became museum exhibits long ago.

And now, many years later, the inhabitants of the English county of Derbyshire became eyewitnesses of inexplicable events. According to witnesses, several times they saw an airplane in the sky, according to descriptions similar to the American Douglas "Dakota". Perhaps, you might think, the car got a second life thanks to some enthusiastic pilot. But people described this flight as very, very strange, since the aircraft did not have any inscriptions and did not make a single sound.

One such testimony came two weeks ago from Sandra Holland of Roseley. She and her daughter were walking from the doctor when they saw in the sky a large soundless plane flying in their direction. It seemed to the women that the car was out of order. Suddenly the plane abruptly changed direction, and then … as if it disappeared into thin air.

Having become interested, the daughter searched the Internet for a long time for a suitable model of an aircraft and finally found it. In addition, the girl tried to find witnesses who had to observe something similar.

It turned out that in August 2015, Richard Jephson and his wife saw the sinister silent plane. The event took place in the same Roseley. In surprise, the spouses could not utter a word.

Sandra and Richard weren't the only eyewitnesses. Pam Orridge, a Roseley resident, told a local TV station that she watched the mysterious Douglas "Dakota" several years ago. She and her son were driving from Darley Dale and suddenly saw a low-flying plane, which seemed to be heading straight in their direction.

People were very scared, thinking that the plane could crash into their car, but the aircraft tilted sideways and immediately disappeared.

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“We have not been able to determine which aircraft it is. There were no markings or inscriptions on its body,”says Pam.

In the evening, the news was discussed with the family, and Mrs. Orridge's grandson said that he and his friends had recently seen the exact same aircraft.

Incidentally, low-flying planes at Roseley are not unusual. There is an airport nearby (in Matlock), and vehicles often enter there for boarding. But at the same time they all emit a characteristic loud sound.

British media became interested in mysterious incidents. After the news hit the pages of local publications, other witnesses also showed up. They all told roughly the same story.

The journalists conducted their own investigation, during which they found a documentary story of the 1990s, which told about the Douglas Dakota plane crashing in the area 70 years ago. Is it really a ghost, and the crew, having not fulfilled their mission during their lifetime, is trying to complete it in the interworld?..

As has been repeatedly written in British publications, in the United Kingdom (north of Roseley) there is a mysterious place similar to the Bermuda Triangle. It is located in the Peak District National Park, which has been nicknamed "Dark Peak" for its gloomy fame. On this territory, due to unclear circumstances, more than 50 aircraft crashed. Investigation revealed a magnetic anomaly. Scientists say that it is the magnetic rocks in the rocks that cause the compass needle to deflect.

Elena Muravyova for