6 Surefire Ways To Get Closer To Your True Life Goal - Alternative View

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6 Surefire Ways To Get Closer To Your True Life Goal - Alternative View
6 Surefire Ways To Get Closer To Your True Life Goal - Alternative View

Video: 6 Surefire Ways To Get Closer To Your True Life Goal - Alternative View

Video: 6 Surefire Ways To Get Closer To Your True Life Goal - Alternative View
Video: How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals) 2024, October

Many of us seek happiness outside of ourselves. To discover our true purpose and find more meaning, joy, and unconditional love, we need to start by looking within ourselves.

Give yourself permission to appear more in all areas of your life and uncover your true purpose in the process with the following tips.

1. Determine your core values

The foundation is key. Focus on what you care about and value most in life. When are you feeling better and what are you doing? For example, if you feel better when you paint, ask yourself what is the creation of the art that you love.

You may find that you enjoy being expressive. Therefore, your value is a creative expression.

2. Give yourself permission to be yourself

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Ask yourself what have you always wanted to do but didn't give yourself permission to do? Ask yourself: what is the dream in your heart? It's time to give yourself permission to start moving towards this.

3. Convert fear into faith

After identifying your dream, ask yourself: why am I not doing this? Why did I put my dreams on hold? Does my life have to look a certain way before I can live my ideal life? The only thing that can hold you back is fear of the unknown.

Look at the excuses and eliminate them by turning them into positive statements. So, "I don't know if it will work" becomes "what if I succeed and achieve more than I ever thought." Or "Who am I to strive for what I want?" becomes "I was born to do this."

You have the power to live your dreams and be who you should be, but that starts with turning your fear into faith.

4. Create your ideal vision

If you are having trouble trying to define your goal, ask yourself, if time, money and energy were not a factor, what would you like to do? The answer may reveal what is in your heart.

Write on paper your ideal vision, what you really want (traveling the world, writing a bestseller, etc.). Make a plan for how you are going to achieve this. This will help you move from talking about it to doing something.

So often we talk about the desire to change. We think about it and say that we will do it, but year after year nothing changes. The truth is, nothing ever changes until you decide to do it.

5. Relax in finding a goal

When it comes to achieving our true goal, we must stop trying to define it. We are more than what we make for a living. We are much more than our positions.

You are infinite love, and expressing that is your true goal. Give yourself permission to be bigger than you, living intentionally and being present in every moment. Instead of trying to figure it all out, be more relaxed as you travel and watch how things change for you.

6. Look for what brings you joy

When we say that we want to find our purpose, we really strive to live more purposefully. We want a life full of meaning, connection and joy. And the best way to do this is to tap into your intuition, inner guidance and voice within you. The one who says: this is good; it is right; yes, more on that, please. Do more of the things that make you happy.

Focus on what brings you joy and let your intuition guide you. The rest will follow and everything will be in the right order.