9 Ways To Recognize Friends, Lovers Or Enemies From A Past Life - Alternative View

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9 Ways To Recognize Friends, Lovers Or Enemies From A Past Life - Alternative View
9 Ways To Recognize Friends, Lovers Or Enemies From A Past Life - Alternative View

Video: 9 Ways To Recognize Friends, Lovers Or Enemies From A Past Life - Alternative View

Video: 9 Ways To Recognize Friends, Lovers Or Enemies From A Past Life - Alternative View
Video: 9 Ways To KNOW You've Known Someone In a PAST LIFE 2024, October

You may have already met important people in your life.

When you understand this truth about your relationships with others, you will see it everywhere: former lovers, friends, enemies, family members.

Some connections - real ones - will eventually show up over and over again if you pay attention.

Here are 12 ways to identify the story cues that got you back in each other's orbits.

1. Instant rapport

You start talking and you cannot stop, but the best part is that the other person understands you. You enter into a conversation and you can talk endlessly. (And if this is a balanced approach, with shared goals and mutual respect, consider yourself lucky and never let go.)

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2. Instant dislike

You tried to evaluate this person for his good qualities, but something just annoys you. And you can't even determine the reason.

3. Butterflies

Your stomach will not calm down when you are around this person. It may even be a loving relationship in the present, but the underlying stress will keep you from relaxing.

You are always on the brink, maybe trying too hard to please, perhaps subconsciously expecting some bad turn of events. You may be “happy” on the outside, but these butterflies don't go away.

4. General tastes

Where do your lines of compatibility cross? Do you share a passion for _? Do you both love the same foreign language, food, or culture? Are you enjoying a similar sport, art, hobby, pastime? You've already done this together!

5. Ease of partnership

Do you work well together? Finishing each other's sentences? Doing more together than separately? It is a very valuable "quality" developed over many lifetimes.

Take care of it, no matter how briefly (work partners) or how long (friend or family) it may go on.

6. Wines

You always tilt the balance towards giving more than receiving in return. You feel like you owe them, but it's probably not in your mind.

You always take care of them, taking the extra step, doing more, overcompensating for something invisible in your real life, but still alive in your story. They can be children, friends, parents, siblings, spouses, or real life colleagues.

Only you can forgive yourself, and as long as you do, their feelings will not change your deep guilt.

7. Fear

Your memory may not be at a conscious level, but you know something. Respect this. Past life events, if not recognized and resolved, often repeat themselves. Circumstances may vary slightly, but results may be the same. Find out everything you can. If your soul tells you to run, do so even if your fear seems wildly unfounded in real life.

Yes, fear can be resolved through past life knowledge, but fear is also a safety mechanism that must be deeply respected in relation to other people. Take this seriously. Be careful and trust your feelings.

8. Inappropriateness based on gender

Two souls who have loved each other over many lifetimes, in very different roles, may meet again during their alternating gender expressions. They will choose which expression they share in the present, be it friends, lovers, family, partners of any kind.

9. Memories

You may suddenly remember your past lives. Especially if you are knowledgeable and ready for this opportunity. Trust your knowledge.