Adolf Hitler And Eva Braun - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler And Eva Braun - Alternative View
Adolf Hitler And Eva Braun - Alternative View

Video: Adolf Hitler And Eva Braun - Alternative View

Video: Adolf Hitler And Eva Braun - Alternative View
Video: Hitler and Eva Braun's Disturbing Wedding 2024, October

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the family of a customs officer and a peasant woman. The young family wandered from place to place until they bought a house on the outskirts of Leonding. There is still controversy over the name of the Fuhrer, since previous generations were, apparently, illiterate and wrote down their last name in various variations, which led to phonetic and graphic distortion.

Adolf Hitler did not show any interest in learning, so he could not even graduate from a real school. After the death of his father, the mother and son settled in Linz, where the young man had the opportunity to study music, attend the opera and generally spend time idly.

At the age of 18, Adolf went to Vienna, where he twice tried to enter the Academy of Fine Arts. Both attempts were unsuccessful. All the teachers advised him to try his hand at an architectural institute, but the young man did not have a matriculation certificate, which is why he was not allowed to take exams.

At this time, Adolph enthusiastically began reading popular philosophical and sociological studies. Naturally, these insignificant excerpts from the works of eminent authors could not replace a full-fledged education, nevertheless, in the future, they became the basis of Hitler's philosophical concept. In 1909, after the death of his mother, the sweet life of the dependent ended, and Adolf sometimes had to spend the night on the street. After some time, the future ruler of the Third Reich settled in the Mennerheim charity. During this period he was a laborer, later painting landscapes of Vienna, where he moved in 1913.

When Adolf turned 25, he began to experience bouts of despair more often, and there really was a reason: after all, he had no permanent job, no family, no desire to move forward. The time has come to join the military ranks, but Hitler hastened to hide from this duty in Munich. It is not known how this was possible, but he was not recognized as fit for military service, and the young man, with a feeling of great relief, resumed his watercolors.

At the outbreak of World War I, Hitler decided it was finally time to shed his loser status and truly prove himself. This time he voluntarily enlisted in the army and for 4 years of the war was awarded high awards: a medal for injury and the Order of the Iron Cross, 2nd class.

After the war ended unsuccessfully for Germany, Hitler returned home and became a member of the Investigative Commission, which was organized in order to purge the ranks of former military personnel. After taking courses in the so-called political education, Hitler took up the position of an agent in an organization that fought against officers who adhered to leftist convictions. Perhaps it was then that the evil nature of the future tyrant began to manifest itself. Adolf gladly fulfilled the duties assigned to him: he revealed what goals were pursued by certain groups of officers, and reported them to the leadership. It should be noted that in the post-war period, hunger and devastation reigned in Germany, so the government was afraid that revolutionary-minded circles would raise an uprising.

September 12, 1919 became a landmark date in the life of the dictator. It was on this day that Hitler went to a meeting of a dwarf group whose members called themselves the German Workers' Party. The ideology of the party was based on the program presented in the works of the engineer Fede. Antisemitic and chauvinistic speculations about productive capital, department stores, caught the attention of Hitler, and he decided to join the ranks of this party.

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Further, the career of the Fuhrer developed upward. He clearly possessed an oratorical talent, possibly enhanced by many years of failure. Now Hitler was trying to make up for lost time, and in just two years the ranks of his party were filled with another 3,000 people. Adolf stopped at nothing. Gradually, the former leaders sank into the abyss, and the dictator became the full owner of the party, renamed the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany. Hitler chose G. Goering and former sergeant-major Haman as assistants.

In November 1923, Hitler was leading the famous "beer coup", when a column of thugs shouting anti-humanist slogans moved towards the Bavarian government building. However, the police were already fully armed and managed to give a fitting rebuff to the demonstrators. As a result, the rebels lost 16 people. Hitler was captured and accused of high treason, but the government could not even imagine what kind of storm would rise after his arrest. Newspapers trumpeted this event with might and main, making the head of the Nazi party a national hero. This combination of circumstances only played into the hands of Hitler. He was released from prison, where he spent only 9 months.

After his release from the prison in Landsberg, which was sometimes called a Nazi sanatorium, since within its walls Hitler was given complete freedom, the dictator declared war on the Jews. He said that after their destruction, great changes will come in blessed Germany: all the poor will become rich, sick children - healthy, and women - beautiful. The seed of anti-Semitism apparently fell on fertile soil, and soon many citizens were converted to the new faith.

In 1934, Hitler purged his own ranks, and in August of the same year, taking advantage of the death of President Hindenburg, he declared himself president with the title of Fuhrer - the supreme leader of the Third Reich. Thus, Hitler swiftly made his way to power, eliminating unnecessary or bribing useful people.

The life of Adolf Hitler is inextricably linked with the name of Eva Braun. When they met, she was a naive 18-year-old girl, one of those for whom the Fuhrer was an idol. At the insistence of her parents, she went to work as an assistant in the photo studio of Heinrich Hoffmann, an ardent supporter of National Socialism. Once the girl was at one of Hitler's election rallies. His charisma subdued people and made them obey. The hypnotized crowd sometimes had to be dispersed by the mounted police in order to clear the roadway. Eve was also among the bewitched. Her simple, but at the same time sweet face did not leave the Fuhrer indifferent. The public filming was followed by a private, then intimate lunch, culminating in bed.


However, for Hitler, girlish loyalty meant nothing. For 9 years, the Fuehrer gave preference to Geli Raubal, his niece. However, in September 1931, everything was decided in favor of Eva: Geli was found with a gunshot wound in the chest in a Munich apartment. The news of her death plunged Hitler into shock, friends watched him closely for several days, fearing that he would shoot himself in the forehead.

The death of Geli did not in the least strengthen the position of Eve. She accompanied his motorcade in the secretaries' car, but never appeared next to him in public. With the approval of the Chancellor, Hitler completely lost his sense of decency, openly expressing interest in a particular person. Moreover, the officers took advantage of Hitler's weakness for their own purposes. For example, Robert Leigh specially dressed his wife Inge in revealing dresses or showed guests her nude portrait. There were times that he ordered her to fulfill any intimate whims of the Fuhrer. Naturally, the poor woman could not bear such torture, as a result she committed suicide by throwing herself out of the window.

But back to Hitler's relationship with Eva Braun. In the eighth year of her life with the Fuhrer, Eva tried to commit suicide for the second time. In the end, Eve's parents demanded that Hitler set a date for the engagement. But he told them that he was busy preparing the occupation of Austria and that they could get married after the end of the war.

In 1936, Eva settled in the Berghof estate, specially built for her. Whiling away the days and nights alone, she nevertheless managed to find something to do: she began to actively play sports, was fond of cooking, read detective stories and Indian novels by Karl May.

When Hitler finally remembered his "little wife", a period of illusory existence began in the Berghof. The guests languished with boredom, listening to the owner's lengthy reasoning. The same entertainment program was repeated during dinner. The movie show, which Hitler liked to arrange in the evening, as a rule, began with watching the latest issue of the military chronicle, and then the guests were invited to sit by the burning fireplace, again in the company of the indefatigable host. In the end, the audience, falling from fatigue, begged Hitler to let them go to their apartments. The next day was usually an exact copy of the previous one.

Fuehrer's favorite theme was the struggle for the purity of the nation. Girls of European descent were recognized by him as full-fledged, but nevertheless, he always very carefully examined the photographs of the officers' brides attached to the petitions for marriage. With the light hand of Himmler, the Fuhrer introduced a permit for extramarital affairs, believing that in this way it would be possible to improve the blood of the nation.

In early April 1945, Eva drove out of the Berghof in her white Mercedes cabriolet and headed for the banks of the Hintersee. Spring has already come here. Somewhere far in the sky, birds soared, hurrying to their chicks, and ate, waving their bright green paws to Eve who was passing by. Over the past 4 years, which she spent at the Fuehrer's residence, she had to endure a lot. Hitler became more and more uncontrollable every day, and she never knew in what mood he would come home again.

The inhabitants of the "Fuehrerbunker" themselves did not expect the appearance of Eve, whom Hitler's order to move urgently took by surprise. The bunker reminded the cheerful Eve of a crypt, here everything smelled of grave coldness. But Eve had already made a decision and was not going to change it. Once, she told Hitler that she would remain by his side under any circumstances, to which he only bowed his head, making it clear that he would be glad of such a serious act of his beloved woman.

Eve was assigned a room on the ground floor, next to the telephone exchange and the Fuehrer's personal apartments. A few days after Eve's arrival, Hoffmann appeared in the bunker, who did not fail to attend the agony of the Third Reich. Oddly enough, the Fuhrer was delighted with the arrival of the court photographer. "What a dramatic change … This is a different person" - the only thing that Hoffmann could say after talking with Hitler. Looking around fearfully, like a small hunted animal, the photographer grabbed his bag and hurried to leave the last refuge of people who volunteered to die.

When it became known that the Russian troops got close to the Reich Chancellery itself, the Fuhrer said that it was time to choose between poison and bullet. However, he did not forget what he had to do only after the war. At Eve's insistence, they were married according to the usual Catholic procedure. After the ceremony, now Eva Hitler returned to her room and waited for her husband. The Fuehrer decided the last formalities with the will …

Andrey Kleshnev
