Georgy Sidorov: Who Are You, Mr. Sklyarov? - Alternative View

Georgy Sidorov: Who Are You, Mr. Sklyarov? - Alternative View
Georgy Sidorov: Who Are You, Mr. Sklyarov? - Alternative View

Video: Georgy Sidorov: Who Are You, Mr. Sklyarov? - Alternative View

Video: Georgy Sidorov: Who Are You, Mr. Sklyarov? - Alternative View
Video: Георгий Сидоров. История и политика. Выпуск 3 2024, September

Why does the Laboratory of Alternative History not notice the heritage of Siberia?

When a laboratory of alternative history appeared in Russia, many patriots considered this phenomenon the first sign of restoring the true chronological past, which is spoken of in many myths of the peoples of the world.

Indeed, films made by Russian alternatives in Mexico, Peru, North Africa and Lebanon make you think. Scientists headed by Sklyarov, not afraid to be ridiculed, called things by their proper names. As professional techies, they proved that the giant megalithic structures in the mountains of America, on the Giza plateau in Egypt and in Lebanon were created by a more highly developed civilization than ours. Russian researchers found traces of laser processing and ultra-strong, very thin circular saws on the megalithic structures. All this suggests that the ancient civilization that preceded ours had technologies in its arsenal that are not yet available to us.


But, despite this, both the head of the laboratory for alternative history and his colleagues did not answer the most important question, who belonged to the ancient highly developed civilization: us, earthlings, or mythical space aliens who for some time owned our planet?

Both Sklyarov and his people in their films repeated the same phrase several times about some Gods who came to Earth, who, fighting among themselves, destroyed their own civilization and then disappeared into no one knows where. Question: who are these gods and why did they evaporate? Or maybe everything is much simpler and they did not disappear from the Earth anywhere? Indeed, in the same African, Asian and American myths, representatives of the white race are called gods. Take the same Mexican Bochico or Quetzalcoatl. Both the one and the other, according to the mythology of the Indians, were tall, had blond hair, beards and blue eyes.


The famous Huang-di and Yang-di, which are 2.5 thousand years BC, are described in Chinese myths by about the same cultural traders. launched the Chinese civilization. Celestial aliens are represented as powerful white gods in Australian myths and in Polynesian ones. Only European myths say nothing about culture-traders with the usual appearance of a white person. Indo-Iranian, Slavic and Germanic myths describe a great war that raged on Earth between representatives of the white race.

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This war, according to the European peoples, destroyed the ancient highly developed civilization of people-gods. It would seem that everything is so simple, but an amazing thing is that the megalithic structures of Mexico, Peru, North Africa, western, central and eastern Asia, ancient mainland Greece were erected by earthlings, and representatives of the white race, which the backward colored peoples of the Earth took for higher beings, our alternatives do not see at close range. They tell about some mysterious gods clearly from the perspective of American Indians, African blacks, Papuans and Australians.

These Gods for them are something abstract and far from earthly civilization. Yes, they were present on Earth, yes, they were building something and even fiercely fought among themselves, but then they took it and disappeared somewhere. Evaporated. And to the places of their settlements came the ancient Mayans, Incas, the Hamites in the Nile Valley, Phoenicians and Semites in Western Asia. They became the heirs of the ruins of a dead disappeared civilization. The situation was somewhat different in the north of Eurasia, where the heirs by coincidence were representatives of the white race. But it is precisely these territories that our respected alternative workers bypass and as far as possible.

Unwittingly, a strange analogy arises with the first Russian academicians of the 18th century: Schletzer, Bayer and Miller, who at one time declared that the north of eastern Europe, the Urals and Siberia are not historical territories. Therefore, there is nothing for serious researchers to do there. But, as we know, all three German scientists were members of the Masonic lodge and acted at the behest of their masters. On whose orders are our alternative workers headed by Sklyarov working? Isn't it the same one we mentioned above?

In order not to be unfounded, we will have to acquaint the reader with the research that we are doing in Western Siberia. During these 3 years of work, we have made quite serious discoveries, moreover, such that many scientists have never dreamed of.

It all started with the monograph of Galina Ivanovna Pelikh, Doctor of Science from Tomsk State University. In 1972, her monograph "The Origin of the Selkups" was published at TSU. In this book, the Siberian researcher directly stated that the ornaments of the ancient Narym ceramics are an exact copy of the ancient Sumerian ones and were not too lazy to draw up a comparative table, we turned our attention to it and decided to check whether this is so. Was not the dear Galina Ivanovna mistaken? For this purpose, we have created a base for a permanent northern expedition on the Vasyugan River. And they began their research with her. And what?

Our expedition, which started working in June 2012, made discoveries that made us dizzy. In 5 days of work, we managed to find 2 solar temples, which directly indicate that not shamanists lived on this land, as in the recent past, but representatives of a solar cult and 5 settlements literally strewn with fragments of fine, elegant ceramics with proto-Sumerian ornaments. It is noteworthy that all the settlements, one from another, were at a distance of 3-4 km, no more. The question is how to explain this? It turns out that the ancient Indo-Europeans, as indicated by the solar temples that lived on this territory, were a close-knit, populous community.

It is noteworthy that all our finds were made away from the river at a distance of 5-12 km. This suggests that in ancient times people did not use rivers as roads. Which involuntarily suggests the idea of a time when in Siberia forests were spread only along rivers, and the rest of the territory was occupied by the cold northern steppe. Without being experts, we could not determine the exact chronology of the artifacts, but it was clear that they are very ancient. The phenomenon of weathering and erosion helped us in the finds, otherwise we would not have seen anything. So what happens?

It turns out that the scientists are lying, who prove that the population of the north and Siberia was rare, moreover, they write that only Mongoloid peoples lived in these gigantic territories in ancient times. It turns out the opposite is true: 8-9 thousand years ago, in the gigantic expanses of Siberia, from the Gulf of Ob to the Kolunda and Barabinsk steppes, there lived people who considered the sun their god and created ceramics that were in no way inferior to ancient Sumerian.

To make sure of our opening in June 2013, we again visited the places where we worked last year. This time we have collected some good material. We managed to find not only shards with proto-Sumerian ornaments, but also drops of fused copper, which the owners of the settlements received near their dwellings.

Which of the above suggests a conclusion? Very simple. It turns out that the proto-Sumerians emerged from one ethnic cauldron of the ancestors of the Slavs, Germans, Balts and other representatives of the white race, who in those distant times, about 8-9 thousand years BC. inhabited the north of Eurasia. What does this mean? First of all, about the antiquity of the representatives of the white race. If the Proto-Sumerians, Proto-Slavs, Proto-Germans, Proto-Celts and Proto-Balts in ancient times were a single people and spoke the same language, it turns out that they were all carriers of a highly developed single northern culture and the myth that the Sumerians are the most ancient and mysterious people of the planet is untenable.

The myth that the most ancient race on Earth is the "wise" Semites is also not consistent, and this is already a mess. Someone will not like this conclusion and know to whom - first of all, representatives of the German-Romanesque historical school, which, as you know, is headed by Masonic circles, in turn controlled by the Zionists.

Here is a short description of what our little search expedition did. In fact, find the ancestral home of the Sumerians and prove the antiquity of the representatives of the white race. Moreover, we were able to show that the Sumerians had nothing to do with the Semites and came to the shores of the Persian Gulf from the shores of the Kara Sea, from the Ob and its tributaries.

People learned about our discovery via the Internet. In addition, about the work done, we wrote a report to the Russian Geographical Society, it is not enough, in one of our books "The Shining of the Gods from the Highest and the Crackers" we told in detail about our find. Naturally, we expected that Sklyarov and his team would pay attention to the results of our expeditions, because all this also refers to an alternative understanding of modern history, but that was not the case.

None of his team wrote to us, no one responded. One person close to Sklyarov's group said that we needed to work together with his boss, but that was the end of it. It became clear to us that the discovery that we managed to make was not very pleasant to someone at the top. And that Russian alternatives clearly disapprove of him. But we did not despair and continued our research, this time in the south of Western Siberia in the mountain Shoria. There is a small geological settlement in the Mezhdurechensk district called Kameshki.

Several educated and talented geologists live in this village. These are Alexander Bespalov, Vyacheslav Pochetkin and others. These people have been engaged in researching the mountain systems of Western Siberia all their lives. Once they came across strange megalithic structures in the mountains, which they could not explain for themselves. These were walls made of giant stone blocks and strange structures with vertically set stone obelisks. Researchers via the Internet contacted us and invited us to their place, in mountain Shoria, to show the found artifacts.

It so happened that this year we had to work on two expeditions. One took place in Tyma, and the other in mountain Shoria. When we climbed to the top of more than 1000 meters and saw a giant megalithic wall, we did not know what to think. A clearly man-made structure towered before us. It was partially destroyed. And in different places, apparently by the monstrous force of the explosions. Above, the giant blocks retained areas of melting and burnout.

It was clear to all our people that we had before us some kind of ancient technical structure, which was ruthlessly destroyed, but somewhere else was preserved. While researching the artifact, we found two types of masonry: the lower masonry was clearly megalithic, some blocks reached a length of 20 meters, and a height of 6. According to the most conservative estimates, the weight of such giants was over a thousand tons. Baalbek megaliths are child's play compared to what we saw. Dumbfounded, we wandered among these ruins, not understanding their purpose. Some of the granite blocks at the bottom were built of red granite, crowned with blocks of gray granite, and above there was a polygonal masonry of various blocks, both red granite and gray. In some places, the polygonal masonry seemed to be melted. Naturally, we started filming what we saw.

In two days we removed both the wall and the strange obelisks that stood in even rows on one of the mountain peaks. Surprisingly, it seemed to all of us that we were faced with the ruins of an ancient power plant or power plant, which converted seismic energy into some other types. If so, then the energy center we found should have served some kind of civilization. Obviously not cosmic, but terrestrial, which should not be very far from this place. The memory of the ancient civilization of Oriana-Hyperborea involuntarily came, because myths indicate its location in the far north, in fact, not so far from the mountain systems of Altai, Sayan and mountain Shoria. We did not manage to work with artifacts for a long time, autumn made itself felt. Snow fell at an altitude of more than 1000 meters and we had to go down to the valley. Naturally, we immediately informed our friends and relatives about what we saw. In Barnaul and Tomsk, lectures about our amazing find took place. After our speeches, we received an invitation to the Department of Radiophysics at Tomsk State University, where we had to acquaint in detail with the found artifacts of Tomsk physicists.


We showed photographs on the screen, talked about various types of masonry, about stone castles that hold giant granite blocks together, and not a single scientist physicist said that all this was of natural origin. Honest Tomsk scientists carefully studied the photos, shook their heads, talked among themselves. Most of all they were surprised how the ancients could lift giant stone blocks to a height of more than 1000 meters and install them there on a special platform. Scientists asked us how we got to this artifact and what we think about our find. We told them about our geologists guides, how they made this discovery and why they invited us to show it. After the meeting, the head of the department congratulated us on the opening and offered us a georadar designed by his people. This was a pleasant surprise for us.

A few days later, a meeting was held about our discovery in the Tomsk branch of the Russian Geographical Society. This time, the photographs taken by us were studied by geologists and geographers. Both those and others came to the conclusion that the artifacts presented by us are man-made. Not a single scientist doubted. And the chairman of the Tomsk regional Russian Geographical Society P. A. Okishev congratulated us on an amazing find. It would seem that everything went better than ever. Physicists, geologists, and geographers recognized the artifacts we found and offered their services for further study. It is clear that we immediately posted this material on the Internet. And he became the property of millions of our citizens.

Naturally, questions fell to us and, as a pioneer of world alternative history, to Mr. Sklyarov. If we were mainly congratulated and asked how we managed to discover an amazing megalithic civilization in Siberia, then Sklyarov was asked to comment on our find. And what did he say? That all the artifacts we found are nothing more than rocks cracked at right angles. That there is nothing man-made here. Just a play of nature, nothing more. That's all Mr. Sklyarov. Q. E. D. Now it is clear why both he and his people, with the stubbornness of maniacs, argue that the ancient megalithic structures were erected by a race of some Gods that have nothing to do with modern earthly races. They visited the Earth, built something on it, then fought among themselves and disappeared somewhere.

In fact, Sklyarov and his people are trying to materially substantiate the ancient Sumerian myth of Atraharsis, which says that some Anunnaki, taken by the archantropics of the Earth for gods in time immemorial, arrived on our planet, ostensibly to mine gold. That they created three large terrestrial races from the Neanderthal and Pithecanthropus semi-monkeys: white, yellow and black. But the fact is that the Sumerian myth does not specifically say that the white race was created by the Anunnaki. And the Anunnaki dealt on Earth with its masters, Gods, people of another cosmic race, but it is not said what color their skin was. Obviously, for those who wrote this myth, this was not essential.

So what happens? It turns out that the laboratory of alternative history, headed by Sklyarov, is fulfilling a certain order. She is trying to prove that all the ancient artifacts: the ruins of Teuanaco, and the sacred cities of Mexico, and the most ancient civilization of Egypt were built not by earthlings, but by space aliens. And not a single earthly time has anything to do with it. Our find fundamentally destroys this concept, because the giant megalithic structures of Siberia are more powerful and large-scale than in America, in Lebanon and in northern Africa, indicate that they served some kind of ancient northern powerful civilization. And since they were located in the territories occupied by the white race, everything becomes obvious.

Involuntarily, the question arises why we, amateurs, amateurs, in three years of our research in Siberia, have found amazing things that completely turn the idea of modern history, while representatives of the laboratory of alternative history, ride through the tropics and cannot be driven to the north with a stick Europe, nor to the north of Siberia, even to our mountainous Shoria. And when others made a serious discovery for them, their leader declared that this could not be. The game of nature and basta, although dozens of serious scientists did not have any doubts. For whom do you work, Mr. Sklyarov and all your assistants?

Probably for the same owner, for whom Bayer, Schletzer and Miller once worked. Because there is no other explanation for your behavior. Sorry for the bluntness said to you. We understand that you are not driving on your own money, as we are, which means that you are servants. But at the same time there must be a conscience, Or maybe Mr. Sklyarov you don't have it? Then all questions for you disappear.

PS Less than ten days after our discovery, we received a lot of letters from all sides of Siberia, the Urals and even the Caucasus, where local residents began to inform us about similar megalithic structures. In the Caucasus, our people found a whole city with columns, statues and ruins of houses, but official science does not want to know about this city. From Altai came the news of two gigantic ruined megalithic cities. Similar news came from Khakassia and Evenkia. So what happens? All of Siberia, the Caucasus, the mountain systems of the Far East are the sheer ruins of an ancient, dead civilization. And we know nothing about her. Is it because scientists like Miller, Schlezer and Sklyarov point-blank do not want to see the obvious. Why should we, together with our honest and proud people, do what the official science refused. We think we can do it, because we,Russians, tired of the endless lies of orthodox scientific circles. As some people from our expedition now say: "The true history of mankind is its mythology, and modern history is a solid myth invented in the depths of secret societies."

Georgy Sidorov