The Military Secret Of The Invisible Ship - Alternative View

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The Military Secret Of The Invisible Ship - Alternative View
The Military Secret Of The Invisible Ship - Alternative View

Video: The Military Secret Of The Invisible Ship - Alternative View

Video: The Military Secret Of The Invisible Ship - Alternative View
Video: The Us Built An Invisible Ship The World Is Afraid Of 2024, October

In the midst of World War II, an experiment was carried out in the United States, once known as "Philadelphia".

As a result, the destroyer Eldridge became invisible. The details of that fantastic story still surface.

In October 1943, the US Navy conducted a series of experiments, as a result of which the destroyer "Eldridge" disappeared in front of amazed witnesses …


In 1955, Morris Jessup's The UFO Case was published. In it, he told about a message received from an officer on the ship "Andrew Fureset". This vessel was allegedly part of a group of ships accompanying the experiment 12 years ago. The officer said that he saw all the consequences of the experiment with his own eyes.

The US military acted as part of a scientific experiment conducted on July 20, 1943. They tried to create powerful electromagnetic fields around the destroyer, which were supposed to block the light and radio waves directed at the Eldridge, making it invisible.

However, something went wrong, and the ship was first shrouded in green light, and then disappeared to the waterline. When the generators of electromagnetic radiation were turned off, the ship regained its shape. At the same time, some of the sailors glowed, others felt sick, and still others lost their minds.

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Despite the terrible results of the first experiment, they decided to repeat the experiment a few months later. The Eldridge was taken out on the road and on October 28 the most powerful electromagnetic installation was again turned on.

The green glow reappeared, and then the ship disappeared. This time completely.

Then the unimaginable happened. First, the destroyer originated in Virginia, tens of kilometers from Norfolk, where the experiment was conducted, then materialized in its original place. Of the 200 crew members, only 21 returned unharmed. Part of the ship's crew died from burns and electric shock, the other was fused into parts of the ship's hull.


All this looked more like rumors, until they started talking about the involvement of the physicist Nikola Tesla in the mysterious experiment.


The deeper the researchers plunged into the secrets of his biography, the more unexpected details they learned.

First, it was established that the so-called officer from the escort ship is in reality a half-crazy ufologist, and the ship "Andrew Fureset" has nothing to do with the experiment. But real scientists are involved in it.

So, in 1912 the mathematician David Hilbert created the theory of multidimensional space. In 1926, he told his learned friend John von Neumann about it. From him, Hilbert's research came to the author of the "equation of time" Levinson. With the joint efforts of these people, a theory of creating the invisibility of a large object appeared, in which the concepts of parallel spaces were involved.


But only in 1936 Nikola Tesla joined the work on testing the theory in practice. The first experiment took place at the Navy base in Brooklyn in 1940. Its task was to create an electromagnetic field around the object in order to deflect and equalize the radiation from the radars.

In 1941, the works were codenamed Project Rainbow, not Philadelphia. Scientific work was directed by the National Defense Research Committee and the Bureau of Physical Development of the US Department of Military Scientific Institutions.

Nikola Tesla was provided with a ship and crew for full-scale experiments. However, shortly before the start of the experiment with the participation of people, against which Tesla was categorically against, the physicist died. Practical guidance was given to John von Neumann.


By the summer of 1943, three powerful electromagnetic generators were installed on the ship. On July 20 they were energized. The crew was on board during the experiment. The vessel was invisible for 15 minutes. When the generators were turned off, it was a pity to see the sailors.

Of course, no one was fused into the bulkheads of the ship, as the press wrote, but people experienced terrible headaches and nausea, as well as severe hallucinations.

The experiment was repeated on 12 August. The power of the voltage was reduced so that the ship disappeared only for radars, and the life of the sailors was not in great danger. Nevertheless, "Eldridge", according to some sources, disappeared entirely and appeared first hundreds of miles, and then at the site of the experiment.

At the same time, the sailors were in a state of horror and insanity; they could not walk on their own without support. Some of them were said to have been in the future or in other dimensions. Nevertheless, the US military leadership decided to conduct the third stage of the experiment.

The ship was docked. They removed the crew from him and gave the maximum tension. The ship disappeared for 20 minutes, and when it appeared, some of the equipment was disabled, and the other simply evaporated.

On this they no longer tempt fate. The vessel was renamed and sold to Greece. Neumann was transferred to work on the creation of the American atomic bomb.


Not so long ago, the story of the destroyer "Eldridge" received an incredible continuation. A certain Al Bilek, a former military man, admitted to reporters that he served on the ill-fated destroyer and was a participant in the experiments. At the same time, Al Bilek claims that during the experiment he was transferred to the year 2137, where he spent a month and a half, and then he was thrown for two years in the year 2749.

According to the retired military man, in the hospital of the future, he learned from a device resembling a TV that global warming had occurred on the planet. Florida was completely flooded with water. The Great Lakes became one body of water, and the United States almost completely ceased to exist. Magnetic poles "rode" on the planet, and humanity, reduced to 300 million after the global war, created an artificial pole.

How Bilek managed to return to our time, he does not say. Unsurprisingly, the retiree's claims weren't taken seriously. Moreover, he did not manage to confirm his participation in the famous experiment of 1943. Nevertheless, the prophetic insights of those who, by the will of fate, found themselves in extreme conditions or in a visionary trance, today few people are surprised. Because they often come true …

Dmitry Sokolov