Water Is The Largest Reservoir - Alternative View

Water Is The Largest Reservoir - Alternative View
Water Is The Largest Reservoir - Alternative View

For thousands of years, scientists have been trying to discover the secrets of water. But so far she knows more about us than we do about her. And those secrets of water that can be discovered are sensational discoveries.

From school, everyone knows the formula of a water molecule, consisting of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. Each molecule is a dipole with a negative charge at one end and a positive charge at the other. Attracting to each other, water molecules form a hydrogen bond. Due to the physical properties of water and short-lived hydrogen bonds, special clusters are created that are able not only to perceive, but also to store and transmit a wide variety of information. Clusters form a liquid crystal hierarchical structure in space. It is the clusters that are the unique natural memory cells in which information perceived by water is stored. This ability is called the informational memory of water.

Since water is the basis of all life on earth, it can be said without exaggeration that it is the main information carrier in nature. Wave processes, where water plays a key role, are the main transmitter and information carrier. Water reacts to all actions that take place around it. By "memorizing" information, water acquires new properties, although its chemical composition remains unchanged. But water not only absorbs light, sound, image, word, thought, but also exchanges information with the environment. Scientists believe that the information content of the structure of water is much more important than its chemical composition.

Water remembers everything! It is known that every living creature has its own radiation frequency, including even viruses and bacteria. All radiation is "recorded" in the structures of water molecules. Researchers have proven that when two radiations of the same nature are "superimposed", they mutually absorb each other. For example, if the radiation of a certain disease meets the radiation of water with a record of this disease, and this information comes from the same source, then the “record” in the cluster of water molecules will be destroyed.

Water is very dangerous for humans, because it “remembers” about heavy metals or toxic substances. If ingested, such water will cause painful reactions. Only recently it became clear that it is possible to erase the previous information from the memory of water only by freezing it. The thawed water becomes clean in terms of information.

Homeopaths believe that pure water, which does not contain any chemical impurities, has incredible biological activity.

It should be noted that even if a substance is repeatedly diluted in water, information about it will remain in the structure of water molecules. Perhaps it is this feature of the water structure that led to the stable transmission of biological information on the ground.

Water is such an interesting object for study that dozens of conferences and meetings are held annually around the world, at which amateur specialists talk about the results of their experiments. These studies have confirmed the hypothesis that water remembers about the substances previously dissolved in it, that water can be subjected to magnetic treatment, that the physical properties of water change depending on the color of the tablecloth on which the glass is placed, etc. But academic science does not recognize the results of these studies, since there is no explanatory theory for these processes.

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Despite this, modern homeopathic doctors use the effect of water memory. Physicists also use "memory" magnetized water in their experiments.

Recently, S. Zenin, the head of the laboratory of traditional diagnostic methods of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, defended his doctoral dissertation on the memory of water. This fact testifies to the fact that the issue of scientific recognition of the information memory of water has moved off the ground.

Zenin proved that the main structural element of water is a crystal consisting of six rhombic faces. On the surface of each face there is a random drawing of electrical "minuses" and "pluses". These icons, in fact, are dipole water molecules, which are an integral part of the crystal face and stick out from it, sometimes a minus, sometimes a plus. This is very similar to the binary code that forms the basis of modern computers.

Zenin managed, from the point of view of the crystalline nature of water, to explain many of its strange properties. For example, the fact that almost everything dissolves in water. The scientist suggested that in the process of dissolution of any substance, in water there will necessarily be a crystal with the desired electromagnetic pattern, which will work as a master key when the dissolved substance is split. Zenin called the dissolution process information interaction.

The Japanese doctor Masaru Emoto, on the basis of his numerous experiments, claims that the shape of a water crystal depends on the thoughts and words of a person, which she "remembers". The purer, clearer and kinder they are, the more perfect the shape of the crystal. A very surprising fact: in the scientific group of Dr. Emoto for a long time they conducted experiments to determine which word or thought purifies water to the greatest extent. It turned out that this is not a word, but a combination of words - Love and Gratitude. Dr. Emoto says that everything on earth has vibration. Words also have vibration. If you draw a circle, the vibration of the circle is created. And if you write the word Love, then there is a vibration of love. All beautiful words have clear and beautiful vibrations. It can be assumed that the language in which we communicate has not an artificial, but a completely natural formation.

Everyone knows that the human body consists of 40 to 85 percent water. By acting on water, it is possible to change the energy-informational structure of a person at the cellular level. In order to cure a person from diseases, it is enough to introduce “key words of health” into his information structure. To maintain health, it is necessary to exclude as much as possible the introduction of negative information into the fluid cells of the body and learn to get rid of it in time.

Having knowledge about the influence of the memory of water on the energy-informational structure of a person, people can make a qualitative transition to a higher stage of development. Some scientists believe that all cataclysms occurring on the planet depend on the emotional state of its inhabitants. Anger, envy and anger accumulate in the water. She cannot cope with such a huge flow of negative information. The result is tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, etc. Hence, people reap the benefits of their negative emotions.

You can not trust the healers, doubt the conclusions of scientists, but if Love and Gratitude live in the soul of every person, not only his health will improve, but also the situation on our beloved planet.