Thomas Merrilin - The Time Traveler And His Collection Of - Alternative View

Thomas Merrilin - The Time Traveler And His Collection Of - Alternative View
Thomas Merrilin - The Time Traveler And His Collection Of - Alternative View

Video: Thomas Merrilin - The Time Traveler And His Collection Of - Alternative View

Video: Thomas Merrilin - The Time Traveler And His Collection Of - Alternative View
Video: Cryptozoology Museum 2024, September

Thomas Merrylin's name surfaced again in 2006. They say that he was a talented scientist, that he is a time traveler, and to this day no one knows for sure whether he was at all, whether all this was a hoax.


It was decided to demolish one of the London buildings. For a long time, it belonged to the Tenbridge Orphanage, but in the summer of 2006, workers entered the basement and found a hidden room behind a walled doorway. The whole room was filled with dusty old boxes, opening one of which the workers called the police.


Inside were the most unusual creatures in the form of mummies, stuffed animals, a lot of records and materials. It was possible to establish that the objects found belonged to the naturalist scientist of the XVIII-XIX centuries, Thomas Theodore Merrilin. The objects were sealed and left to wait for the heirs, who appeared quickly enough - the full namesake of the scientist-collector turned to the police. He was given all the boxes with mermaid mummies, stuffed dragons and other mysterious artifacts.


It turned out that Thomas Theodore Merrilin was born into the family of an aristocrat and rather famous biologist Edward Merrilin in 1782. Received an excellent education for that time and went on travel. He was seen on the islands of Polynesia and in the fjords of Norway, met in equatorial Africa and the Amazon selva. Moreover, he always went on his expeditions alone, sometimes using only porters and guides.


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In London, Thomas did not appear often and usually about scandals - Merrilin's character was not simple, and his views on science were significantly different from those of his day. The most interesting thing is that at 80 years old, the naturalist looked 35 years old and seemed vigorous and full of life.


For the first time, Merrilin presented his collection in New York in 1862. But it was considered a fake, and the scientist was called a fraud. After that, he disappeared along with the exhibits for many years.


In 1942, Merrilin surfaced again in London. In theory, at that moment he should have been 160 years old. In any case, someone with that name came to the mayor's office and claimed the rights to a historic building in the northern part of the city. The man, who looked about 40 years old, expressed his readiness to give the building for an orphanage, but on condition. The house could not be rebuilt or sold. The conditions seemed acceptable to the city administration, they agreed to it and carried out until 2006, when it was decided to demolish the building.


For the next ten years after the discovery of the collection, nothing was heard about her, but in 2016 information appeared about the opening of the Merrylin Cryptid Museum. Scientists were skeptical about all the artifacts, and there was a stir among journalists. Only one employee, a student-zoologist Jan Shergar, worked with the exhibits. But no one succeeded in getting information from him, he got off with general phrases about the great value of the collection and the need for its serious study using special equipment.


By the way, in the notes themselves, Merrilin did not say anything specific about the origin of the exhibits. there is mention of a certain female creature named Alabast. It was she who helped the scientist to visit parallel worlds and there to get acquainted with the unusual flora and fauna, some of which were included in the collection. There is also the scientist's reasoning of natural phenomena using theories close to quantum physics, unknown in the 19th century.


After scandalous and mocking comments about the information about the opening of the museum, the collection disappeared. The entire museum is now only available as a website. There you can also order copies of the exhibits you like. It is believed that this is all a big hoax, created for a commercial purpose. But still, it has not been possible to prove that Thomas Merrilin and his collection of fake, so that one more page in the big book of riddles remains open.
