The Huge Megaliths Of Mountain Shoria - Alternative View

The Huge Megaliths Of Mountain Shoria - Alternative View
The Huge Megaliths Of Mountain Shoria - Alternative View

Video: The Huge Megaliths Of Mountain Shoria - Alternative View

Video: The Huge Megaliths Of Mountain Shoria - Alternative View
Video: Russia: Megaliths believed to be Stone Age sculptures discovered in Altai mountains 2024, September

We have many places on the planet that are difficult to explain by rational facts or known mechanisms. Under them, you can come up with some kind of theory and imagine that it was so, or you can come up with another theory, not quite classical, and maybe everything was like that.

In general, there are many disputes. We have one of these places in Russia.


Mysterious stones in Gornaya Shoria have knocked scientists and ordinary people together. In the mountains in the south of the Kemerovo region, geologists have discovered a "wall" of rectangular stones piled on top of each other. The find has already been dubbed "Russian Stonehenge". According to one version, the building appeared during the time of ancient civilization.

For the first time, researchers became interested in this area in Gornaya Shoria back in 1991. However, then, after the collapse of the USSR, it was not possible to explore the territory due to lack of money. Work resumed this fall.

The coordinates of this place are 53 ° 16'10.83 "88 ° 35'25.89"


One of the initiators of the expedition is Georgy Sidorov, a native of the Kemerovo Region. He wrote in his group on the social network: “The expedition to Gornaya Shoria is over. What we saw there is staggering in scale. Huge granite blocks are stacked in polygonal walls."

Promotional video:

“Geologists compare the found structure with Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. They intend to go on an expedition again next summer to unravel the mystery of its origin,”Yevgeny Vertman, deputy chairman of the Tomsk branch of the Russian Geographical Society, told ITAR-TASS.

According to preliminary estimates, the height of the “wall” is about 40 meters, and its length is almost 200 meters. The length of the stones that make up the structure is about 20 meters, and their height is 5-7 meters. Each block weighs over 1,000 tons.


Scientists are considering two versions of the origin of the structure. According to one of them, it appeared during the time of ancient civilization:

“Most likely, its representatives possessed other, incomprehensible to us and inaccessible technologies, - also said Evgeny. - Of course, questions arise: why did they erect the building, how did they manage to lift the boulders on the mountains over 1,000 meters high. We have to answer all this”.

According to another version, the stones found are the result of geological processes associated with the strong weathering of the rocks of Gornaya Shoria.

“Now we are trying not to draw conclusions. We need proof, - added the Kuzbass geologist. “For this, next year we intend to conduct a more detailed expedition using the appropriate equipment.”


According to the report of the expedition, geologists from the village of Kamushki, Mezhdurechensky region, have long asked to do research in Gornaya Shoria. During their exploration, they came across strange megalithic structures. This happened back in Soviet times, when the roads to Gornaya Shoria were blocked by checkpoints of correctional colonies. After the restructuring, the places of detention were disbanded, and the road to the strange megalithic objects was opened.


In September this year, geologists went on an expedition to study the find. Among them were people who had been in the mountains more than once and who knew the techniques of rock climbing. There were 19 members of the expedition, all from different places: three from Krasnoyarsk, one from Barnaul, three from Moscow, two from the Kuban, two Kuzbass guides and the rest - the Vasyugan group of 7 people. In the former geological settlement Kamushki, the group was met by local geologists who became guides for an amateur expedition.


“What we saw exceeded all our expectations,” says Georgy Sidorov. “Before us stood a wall made of giant granite blocks, some of which reached 20 meters in length and 6 meters in height. Interestingly, the megalithic masonry in places alternated with polygonal masonry. At the top of the wall, we saw traces of ancient rock melting. It was clear that before us were buildings destroyed by powerful thermonuclear or some other explosions.

We could not find out what these structures are. But we photographed megalithic blocks, their castles - joints, scattered around the giant granite bricks. In the afternoon we went to a nearby summit, where we saw a strange Cyclopean structure made of vertically placed boulders, standing on a giant foundation. We all came to the conclusion that we have an ancient power plant in front of us, because in some places the vertical condenser made of plates was blocked by horizontal powerful blocks."


In the expedition, according to geologists, there were, frankly, mystical things: “… We decided to start exploring the ruins. And what was our surprise when the arrows of all compasses began to deviate from the megaliths. The conclusion was unambiguous: we were faced with an inexplicable phenomenon of a negative magnetic field. Where did it come from? Maybe this is a residual phenomenon from ancient anti-gravity technologies."

Now geologists are trying to understand the pattern of the location of the ruins and find an answer about their purpose.


Here's another opinion: The famous archaeologist Leonid Kyzlasov, who discovered the ruins of an ancient city in Khakassia, comparable in age to the first settlements of Mesopotamia, suggested leaving its excavations to future researchers. World science, remaining in the captivity of Eurocentrism, is not yet ready for such discoveries that will overturn all current ideas about the historical past.

In photos 15, 16, which are located slightly higher - the oldest megaliths located in the Andes and Syria

A group of researchers led by the Tomsk historian Georgy Sidorov found unknown megaliths that can cause another revolution in our consciousness, as it was after the discovery of Arkaim in the south of the Urals in the last quarter of the last century.


Valery Uvarov, speaking about the photographs taken during the expedition of Georgy Sidorov, expresses his sincere admiration and reverence for the might of the ancient inhabitants of Siberia. The same feelings are experienced by everyone who sees in front of him the giant blocks in the walls of the temple structures and pyramids of ancient Egypt, the giant monoliths of Ollantaytambo or Puma Punku in Peru, not to mention the textbook blocks of Baalbek (pictured below). More recently, they competed in our minds, sparking controversy about ancient technologies and making us feel awe of the power of the ancient giants, the possible ancestors of today's humanity. And until now nothing like this has been found on the territory of Russia …


Georgy Sidorov, the founder and staunch supporter of the alternative history of Siberia, confidently says that nowhere in the world are there megaliths equal to those discovered in Gornaya Shoria. His expedition found, apparently, material confirmation of the theory that Siberia will soon be recognized as the ancestral home of all mankind. For the first time in the history of Russian science, walls were discovered lined with giant blocks weighing from 2 to 4 thousand tons and even more! Who created them and why? What are these structures? They are not at all like manifestations of the eternal “play of nature”, and judging by the traces that have survived to our time, the structures were destroyed by an explosion of colossal power. It could have been a catastrophic earthquake or a cosmic meteorite impact …


Meanwhile, other scientists are not inclined to see the results of the expedition as something unique.

- According to the excavations carried out on the territory of Gornaya Shoria, the age of the most ancient finds does not exceed 10 thousand years, - Valery Kimeev, professor of the Department of Archeology of the KemSU, explained to Sibdepo. “As for the so-called“Russian Stonehenge”, if some remains of a cultural layer were found during this expedition, then we could say that this monument is man-made, not natural.

Doctor of Historical Sciences Vladimir Bobrov and Honored Scientist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Anatoly Martynov agree with Kimeev's opinion.

- I must say that recently such "sensations" have become very popular. What I saw in the photo was created by nature. Finds of such geological formations have been known for a long time, since the beginning of the twentieth century, and even then the nature of their origin was not in doubt,”said Yury Shirin, deputy director for scientific work of the Kuznetsk Fortress Museum. - Archaeological excavations are needed, as a result of which artifacts may be discovered, because such places have attracted people for thousands of years. As for the wall that the expedition discovered, the question of its origin is not difficult to solve - a person built walls from different stones, which will differ in their structure, and here we see a single stone massif, which has acquired the appearance of masonry.


Here is the opinion: The newspaper "Kuzbass" writes that "megalithic structures" are located within a radius of 100 kilometers from Mezhdurechensk. Where exactly is not specified. It can be the Celestial Teeth, and the spurs of the Kuznetsk Alatau with numerous outliers, and Gornaya Shoria across the entire width - from Tom to Kondoma.

About the outliers. On any topographic map outliers of hard rocks sticking out of our middle-aged mountains are certainly marked. In Kuzbass, everything is well-groomed and worked out. Not a single hill, tract or stream without a name. There is nothing there that strikes the attention so catastrophically. But there are a lot of interesting and wonderful things - nature is the best science fiction writer and dreamer. A person with imagination can imagine anything. Including the buildings of extraterrestrial civilizations.

What is in the photographs looks like a lot. To the Yakut "Issilyakhs". To Krasnoyarsk Pillars. On the Chests mountains in Khakassia, which are also suspected of all sorts of things, for example, the most ancient observatory or, in extreme cases, a cult place. It also looks like Spassky Palaces near Tashtagol. And on the rocky masses in the Celestial Teeth.

But I want to outshine Baalbek and Stonehenge. Therefore, one says that it was built by aliens from outer space at a time when humans did not yet exist. Another asserts something more patriotic: they say, these are the buildings of the "Pra-Rus". And the third brings the "geological base" underneath everything, saying that granite cannot split like that.


The latter I want to refute with boring quotes from the textbook "Structural Geology" by Gleb Dmitrievich Adjirey, which was published in 1956 by the Moscow State University publishing house.

There are a lot of clever details. I will highlight the concepts of "tectonic fracturing" and "tectonic processes", which are "expressed mainly in buckling and rupture of the sedimentary cover under the influence of radially directed forces or torsion, which are caused by vertically directed movements of blocks of crystalline basement buried under sedimentary rocks."

One can guess that over time, sedimentary rocks are carried away by rains and winds, and solid outliers rise in the old mountains.

Why are they so beautiful and correct? There are reasons: “in general, four systems of fracturing are statistically revealed … two orthogonal (ortho-straight, gonio - angle) systems - latitudinal and meridional and two diagonal systems - northeastern and northwestern. Such correctness in the orientation of fracturing systems … is directly related to the rotation of the Earth around its axis and to those deformations that the Earth's crust must experience as the upper shell of a rotating planet. The constancy of the plan of the location of cracks on the platforms in rocks of various ages provides an important indication of the constant position of the Earth's poles throughout geological history.

A person with even a very secondary education understands everything. But you still want romance, don't you?


But all the same, disputes do not subside and both sides find more and more arguments for their theory.


Would you like to go there? Just in case, here's a comment from someone who has visited:

Guys who want to go - keep in mind. The place is very unpleasant and dangerous, some kind of geomagnetic anomaly there … I say from the bottom of my heart that I went there, after the visit I am so apathetic and irritable. And the energy is like in a cemetery. Terrible place. and go there just dofiga in time and then still cut through the taiga for the sake of it is not clear why. In short, it's better to rest in Altai or in Novosibirsk than to cut there, I killed 2 days and I regret it now.



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