Some Of The Intricacies Of Heraldic Poultry Farming - Alternative View

Some Of The Intricacies Of Heraldic Poultry Farming - Alternative View
Some Of The Intricacies Of Heraldic Poultry Farming - Alternative View

Video: Some Of The Intricacies Of Heraldic Poultry Farming - Alternative View

Video: Some Of The Intricacies Of Heraldic Poultry Farming - Alternative View
Video: Poultry Farm Troubleshooting Tips 2024, July

Reflecting on the ancient symbolism of Tartary, I tried to find the missing answers to the existing questions, and confirmation in favor of the already established opinion, studying the most ancient images of flags and banners. The picture is very, very interesting. See for yourself.


Are you actually sure it's an eagle?

I won't mention modern flags and banners, let's skip this moment and go straight to the Middle Ages. People born in the USSR will not be surprised. This is how it was supposed to be. A native flag for us is a scarlet cloth, a banner, a standard, a banner or a banner.

Let's turn to sources that were not advertised for a long time, and only with the advent of digital technologies did they become available to the general public, and not only to specialists.

Battle of the Kulikovo field. Miniature 16th century
Battle of the Kulikovo field. Miniature 16th century

Battle of the Kulikovo field. Miniature 16th century

Druzhina Batu
Druzhina Batu

Druzhina Batu.

The siege of Korsun (Chersonesos) by the troops of Kogan of Kiev, Vladimir Malkin
The siege of Korsun (Chersonesos) by the troops of Kogan of Kiev, Vladimir Malkin

The siege of Korsun (Chersonesos) by the troops of Kogan of Kiev, Vladimir Malkin.

Promotional video:

Everywhere we see scarlet banners, and the last miniature clearly shows traces of editing. Why this was done, it becomes clear if you know exactly how not the banner looked, but the banner, which is of higher rank.

The coat of arms of the Tsar of Muscovy in 1696
The coat of arms of the Tsar of Muscovy in 1696

The coat of arms of the Tsar of Muscovy in 1696.

Here is food for new thoughts: who defended and who attacked. Kagal Vladimir attacked the army of the sovereign, and this, whatever one may say, is a revolution and a civil war. Riot and turmoil. The reason to completely reconsider the role of "Red Sun" in history, but it seemed such a trifle - just think, the banner was finished just a little!

And we also know that the Russian wars went into battle under the standards with the image of the Savior not made by hands
And we also know that the Russian wars went into battle under the standards with the image of the Savior not made by hands

And we also know that the Russian wars went into battle under the standards with the image of the Savior not made by hands.

This tradition existed even after people had already forgotten what the phrase "saved not made by hands" meant.

Standard of the 12th Belgorod Regiment
Standard of the 12th Belgorod Regiment

Standard of the 12th Belgorod Regiment.

Apparently, it was originally red as well. The fabric just faded in the sun and acquired shades of blue-gray. But here is the motto … GOD IS WITH US … Who is this? What is it like? And the Germans seem to have a better memory. They also wore the same motto on the buckles of their waist belts during the Second World War:


Common military traditions?

Okay. Let's go back to the Savior. So what does it mean to save the UNCREATIVE? The answer is obvious. THAT, to which the person did not put his hands. Remember where you saw this face?


Everything is correct. Here he is truly not man-made saved. Now it is known under the name "Shroud of Turin", but I have no doubt that the Poles expelled from Moscow at the beginning of the 17th century brought it to the Vatican. This is precisely the symbol of the Russian army. It is clear that the print on the fabric appeared against the will of the artist, therefore it was considered not made by hands, and the Savior is the savior.

For now, let at least someone try to object to the assertion that we have every reason to consider the "Time of Troubles" in Russia as a real crusade of the Vatican in search of divine artifacts related to Jesus Christ. If I am right, then this is another, independent confirmation of the fidelity of the theory of Fomenko and Nosovsky, which asserts that Moscow was Jerusalem in the 17th century. Note, I was not looking for confirmation of Fomenko's correctness. The conclusion follows from elementary logic, nothing else just comes to mind, in this case. We can only try to penetrate deeper into history in order to understand whose image could be reflected on the fabric in a way unknown to modern science.

The main God of the Orthodox (not to be confused with the ROC) pantheon Rod
The main God of the Orthodox (not to be confused with the ROC) pantheon Rod

The main God of the Orthodox (not to be confused with the ROC) pantheon Rod.

Do I need to point out similarities with previous images? It turns out that we have the right to assume that the faces on the Turin shroud, icons and standards with the Savior are nothing more than an image of the very creator of everything that exists on Earth, the Family! All this seems incredible only at first glance. If you remember the mythology of the Orthodox, then everything converges. After Rod was convinced that everything worked out for him, the smithy in Svarga is working, milk rivers with jelly banks flow, the heavenly cow Zemun is regularly milked, the Irian garden blooms, and Makosh regularly weaves the threads of the fate of people, he went to his father God, who beyond the great stone egg from which Rod himself emerged. Doesn't it look like anything? Did you feel like you've read a summary of the Gospel?

And now is the time to remember the recent discovery, the first known flags of Tartary that have come down to us:

Here is the flag of the Great Tartary Empire from European sources
Here is the flag of the Great Tartary Empire from European sources

Here is the flag of the Great Tartary Empire from European sources.

And this is miraculously preserved in our relatives
And this is miraculously preserved in our relatives

And this is miraculously preserved in our relatives.

What kind of miracle Yudo on the yellow banner? Someone suggested that it was a griffin. Nothing like this. This is how the basilisk is described in Slavic myths. Cock's head and paws on a snake body, and with wings.

Medieval European engraving
Medieval European engraving

Medieval European engraving.

Basel (German: Basel [ˈbaːzəl]) - city in northwest Switzerland, capital of the German-speaking semi-canton Basel-Stadt
Basel (German: Basel [ˈbaːzəl]) - city in northwest Switzerland, capital of the German-speaking semi-canton Basel-Stadt

Basel (German: Basel [ˈbaːzəl]) - city in northwest Switzerland, capital of the German-speaking semi-canton Basel-Stadt.

And the symbol of the city … Right. Basilisk that kills with a look. According to myths, where the basilisk looks, there is a desert.

And the city itself bears his name. Basel is a distorted "Vasil (lawsuit)". The letter "B" often replaces "C" over time, or when moving from one language to another. (Barbara - Barbara, Babylon - Babylon, etc.).

And who was Ivan the Terrible? Vasilievich, that's right. Here one more important detail is revealed. Remember Gaidai's comedy Ivan Vasilievich Changes His Profession? There is a moment, to the question of the policeman about the surname, the tsar who got into the future answers: - "We are Rurikovich!" And now let us connect this fact together with the words of the genuine Ivan the Terrible, who in a letter to one of the European monarchs directly says that: - "… we are descended from the Emperor Augustus."

Historians explain this phrase of the Russian Tsar by his madness. And I think it's crazy not to notice the obvious. We read the history of the origin of "Basiliskograd" - Basel, and here is the answer to one more question. More precisely, two at once.

I quote: - "The city arose on the site of the Roman fortification Basilea, built for the ancient Roman colony of Augusta Rauric (now Augst) in 15 BC. In 740 Basel became the seat of the bishop." (Wikipedia).

Need more clarification? Needed, of course. Forget about the existence of the ancient Roman Empire. It was never in that form and in those days, as historians tell us. The colony named Augusta Raurica did not exist. But there was an Emperor (Ruler in Russian) August. And he is the same Rurik (Avgvste Ravrike) in pursuit of whose shadow science has broken not only its legs, but also its brains. It is clear now why Grozny is Rurikovich from August?

Here are two answers to two "unsolvable" questions.

Gaius Iulius Caesar Augustus
Gaius Iulius Caesar Augustus

Gaius Iulius Caesar Augustus.

Question: If the original says "L-Julius", why does everyone say "Yulius"? Didn't the Russian "li-li-lu-li" come from "Lulius"?

Someone will say that all this is “far-fetched”, but I have no doubts that:

"Muschina in the photo" is the prince of the Etruscan tribe, aka August Rurik, and most likely he was from a dynasty of Trojan rulers, the last of whom is known to us as Aeneas.

True, the statue itself was made no earlier than the 19th century, and most likely on the basis of miniatures stored under seven locks in the Vatican library.

And now is the time to remember about Professor Chudinov, who read the inscription made in the Etruscan language (which is "unreadable"), which flaunts on one of the sarcophagi found by Italian archaeologists. It clearly states that Truvor's relative is buried in the grave. Kohl Truvor and Rurik were brothers, then why be surprised that he was buried where he lived. Everything fits together, I don't see any contradictions. Except for the vague suspicions that someone will certainly want to accuse the author of trying to ascribe to the Russian tsars the undeserved greatness of the "ancient Roman great emperors." Leave me gentlemen … This does not concern me in the least. I am only showing the obvious, and based on real facts, I am looking for the most rational explanations.

And if there was a basilisk on the flags of Tartary, why not name the city after him? By the way, the symbol was used not so long ago in Russia, I will say more! It is still in use!

Great seal of the Kazan kingdom
Great seal of the Kazan kingdom

Great seal of the Kazan kingdom.

She, of course, is no longer put under the documents, but let's take a look at the coat of arms of Kazan!


And now for a modern one!


Even if you study the anatomy of the animal, such accuracy is in the image. It turns out that the State symbol of Tartary is entrenched in Tartary and Switzerland. Quite funny, isn't it?

And then, I returned to the study of two-headed eagles, the benefit of their images is apparently not visible since ancient times. Already the thought struck: - "Could it not be that the creature that we take for an eagle is not an eagle at all, but a two-headed basilisk"? But no … Poultry farming is a delicate matter. It's still clearly a bird, albeit an unusual one. Not so long ago I was glad about the work of my friend dmitrijan drew my attention to the details of one icon that hangs 300 meters from my house, but I had never looked closely at it before.

We look:

Icon & quot; Troparion & quot; at the entrance to the Holy Dormition Monastery. Presumably the 15th century
Icon & quot; Troparion & quot; at the entrance to the Holy Dormition Monastery. Presumably the 15th century

Icon & quot; Troparion & quot; at the entrance to the Holy Dormition Monastery. Presumably the 15th century.

We enlarge its fragments:


It is no longer possible to surprise anyone with an all-seeing eye in the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church. But there is already quite a lot of evidence that in fact, until the end of the 19th century, most churches continued to be Orthodox, in which they glorified the rule, and not Jesus Christ. At first, I suggested that in fact the icon was painted after 1812, when the “all-seeing eye” was already present everywhere, in temples, on obelisks and arches. But other details convinced me that by the standards of the current Russian Orthodox Church, the icon is simply real heresy. Surprisingly, it is still not hidden in the sacristy of the monastery. See for yourself:


The deepest amazement is caused by the saint with the head of a bird. It looks like a dove, but so does a falcon. Then it can only be Rarog - Rurik - Krechet - Khors (aka Horus in Egypt).

Further more.


A saint with a bull's head? If Sunny Horse is on the top right, then Veles was right below. It was he who led the herd of heavenly cows feeding the Irian rivers with milk jelly with milk. In his name, Veles was often depicted in the form of a bull. Let me remind you that the coat of arms of Neighboring Pskov before Peter the Great also had the image of a bull's head. Velez, the God of abundance, patronized the trading city. I'll add one more weird coincidence. The symbol of the city of Rakvere (about 200 km from Pechora, in Estonia) is also a bull. Now say the word "Rakvere" out loud … And now "Ravrike" … Do you hear the similarity between the sound of the modern Estonian word, the origin of which is unknown (linguists and philologists argue), and the Latin pronunciation of the name Rurik?

Then things got worse …


In the lower left corner of the icon with the strange name "troparion" (because actually the troparion is a church hymn), we found a saint with a luminous halo around a sheep's head. Zoological garden of some kind. And this is on a Christian icon? Everyone has heard of dog-headed, falcon-headed, bull-headed, but no one has heard of sheep-headed creatures. Only one thing came to mind. In Slavic mythology, a sheep is a symbol of the sun and sunlight. Like a ram (ram) - a symbol of the coming spring. With whom exactly to identify him, I did not find any clues. Perhaps they do not exist, because we do not know the culture of those people for whom the icon was intended. It may very well be that this is just an image of meekness and kindness, or you never know what else it can mean.

But I failed to examine the upper left corner of the icon. there the image has darkened so much that it is absolutely impossible to see what is depicted against the background of a shining halo. I'm sure there is one more animal there. Maybe this is something that got into the Bible in the form of a story about a lion, an ox, an eagle and a peacock?

However, the sheep still strongly resembles a monkey, and it is very difficult for me to get rid of the thought that it is holding not a book at all, but a banknote of the North American dollar.

Further more fun:


It can be assumed that this is Jesus. Or John the Baptist, and the dove is the good news. But again the symbols of the sun, and this is a pagan heresy, the same as the bulls and falcons on the icons of the Russian Orthodox Church. Again we return to the version that we are faced with none other than God Rod himself. And the dove is not a dove at all, but a white duck that laid golden eggs in the Ripean Mountains.

Let me remind you that in accordance with Orthodox beliefs, in the dark kingdom of Navi, the black gogol laid iron eggs, from which all evil spirits hatched, including two brothers, a griffin and a basilisk. But from the golden eggs of a white duck, wonderful birds hatched, two of them are sisters Sirin and Alkonost.


Now imagine them embracing … does it look like the coat of arms of Russia? And if you look closely at the "George the Victorious" on the chest of the "eagle"?


And on his chest shone … No, not a medal for the city of Budapest, but the Order of Victory over the Basilisk (his Tatar name is Zilant).

And so it turns out that the sisters Sirin and Alkonost brought the good news of the reprisal of the Savior (Rod) over the filthy miracle - Yud Basilisk - Basel?

Why not? I like the version. See for yourself why there are heraldry, symbols, data encryption? In order that through the centuries the message, encrypted for posterity, reaches undistorted and once, be read and interpreted correctly. If so, then it is worth trying to read the message in this way:

The country (not the state, namely the country) - the sender of this message (coat of arms) is the bearer of the seal of the God of the Family (consonant with the Mother of God), who defeated the basilisk, finishing off with a blow of a spear, and forever delivered the inhabitants of this country from the slavery of evil spirits. Sirin and Alkonost forever intertwined in an embrace, and hold on their chest a commemorative medal about that glorious event, how Rod (his portrait is the Savior not made by hands) delivered the inhabitants of Tartaria from the yoke of the basilisk.


I will add another moment: One friend of mine, who is one of those who are called “seers”, “visited” Tartary, and claims that it was a terrible country. A land of masters and slaves, where violence was the norm. And in fact, you don't need to cry about her. The fact that humans got rid of the tyranny of Tartaria is a great blessing, but it’s only blessing in that it postponed the final death of the human race by several hundred years. Delayed, but not completely relieved. Now Tartary (in the person of the descendants hiding in the British Isles) is winning back positions. Whether the Savior will be with us again is a big question.

I well understand how upset all those who, with such hope and enthusiasm, began to consider our Motherland the heir to Great Tartary, will be very upset when I say that there could be no sense in rejoicing about this. Let me explain now.

When a massive injection of homogeneous information is made into the information field, it means with an accuracy of 99% that another sabotage is being prepared. Any information noise has real consequences, this is an indisputable fact. If the lobbies of transport companies in the Duma begin from morning to evening to show on television terrible footage from the places of accidents of route taxis of small companies and private owners, this does not mean an increase in the number of accidents. This means that the ground is being prepared for pushing through the law they need, which will "bury" all small firms that do not have sufficient working capital. And if the face of the previously unknown Prime Minister does not leave the TV screens, then this means only one thing: - he will soon become the Chairman (President).

If a lot of information about Tartaria has appeared in the public domain, then this may be another trick of the managers, and the purpose of the action is the same: - to bury the remnants of the true history of Dorosiyaniya forever. When all patriots suddenly realize that Tartaria was a living hell, they will return with great joy to the official version of the history of Russia with its Ruriks and Mongol-Tatars. This is what they want. I got the following interpretation of events:

1) Tartary was in fact an Empire, sucking all the juices from the peoples that it absorbed.

2) At one point, on the territory of Russia, from nowhere, a new people appeared - the carrier of the haplogroup R1a1. Scientists say - mutation, esotericists say - arrival from other worlds.

3) The people possessing this gene "construction" defeated the tyranny with the basilisk symbol on the yellow flag, and left their marks - a red flag and a two-headed bird with the Order of the Savior, the commander-in-chief of the troops that saved people from the yoke of Tartaria. The Rus gave freedom to the peoples of the collapsed empire, and then these peoples continued to coexist on the basis of a voluntary union of clans and tribes, to protect themselves from external aggression.

4) The fragments of Tartary still exist both inside modern Russia and outside of it. They are "marked" with the symbols of a dragon and a basilisk. (China, Kazan, London, etc.) These "fragments" are still at war with sun worshipers, whose symbol is the bird and the Savior.

5) The war of symbols led to the fact that the hexagonal star and the cross with the crescent moon were usurped by the Jews. They turned the Savior into Jesus, and the two-headed bird symbolizing the sisters Sirin and Alkonost into a Masonic two-headed eagle.

6) At the origins of the country of the Orthodox was August Rurik (whom the Tartar partisans appropriated for themselves in the book for childhood and youth "History of Ancient Rome" under the name Gaius Iulius Caesar Augustus Raurikus), the ancestor of the Russian rulers who ruled the country until the appearance of the impostor known as "Peter the Great". He began a massive destruction of the memory of Dorossiyaniya, but in that Dorosiyaniya there was almost no memory of Tartary. In the west, the country continued to be called Tartaria, but the Dorossians, whose ancestors defeated the basilisk, no longer knew the meaning of this word. And now, this is very important !!! The partisan underground of Tartary is trying to convince the people of Russia to return to Tartary! So in 1991 they already managed to convince the Soviet people that capitalism is a blessing. And the Soviet people furiously began to destroy their homeland for the amusement of the gentlemen from London and the Vatican. What they could not do with the help of weapons was done against themselves by the Soviets.

Now they are trying to apply this technology again to Russians. A little more, and everyone will believe that Tartary is a great past and an even greater future, and they will tear Russia apart with their own hands in order to give it up for abuse, and then the new leader (who will wear the sign of a basilisk or dragon around his neck) will only have to click. And Tartary will be reborn, become a great global slave empire with hundreds of millions of slaves with electronic cards and chips under their skin.

Did I make it clear? Do you understand that this is not nonsense at all, but a very real scenario of the development of events, the course of which is described in thousands of prophecies, which in fact are just a program, an algorithm of actions that is already close to its final stage?

I would very much like to make mistakes and shake the air in vain, but the world is not immune from the described scenario. and it is better, in this case, to overdo it than to underdo it. Practice shows that gloomy predictions never come true if they become public before they have come true. Think of the phenomenon known as the Illuminati Cards. The catastrophes depicted on them come true only if they happened before someone realized that they were preparing for us, and after that everyone starts to groan: “But there was a warning!”

In general, I am convinced that impending troubles can be easily prevented by simply publicizing them, then nothing will happen.