Mysteries Of The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

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Mysteries Of The History Of Mankind - Alternative View
Mysteries Of The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of The History Of Mankind - Alternative View
Video: The Secret History of the Moon - 4K 2024, October

The history of the origin and evolution of the human race has long been of interest to people. This question has not been ignored by religions either. The scientific basis of the history of mankind was archeology. But since the middle of the 20th century, genetic analysis has been involved in the study of the biological evolution of mankind.

Genetic analysis shows that the biological evolution of mankind is largely associated with changes, DNA mutations. This allows, by studying the DNA of, for example, humans, great apes and extinct human species, to determine when there was a branch of certain species from the common DNA tree. It turned out that 5 - 7 million years ago a branch separated from the common ancestor of man and chimpanzee, which gave rise to the ancient monkey-people, passing to upright walking. More than 2 million years ago, a Homo sapiens appeared, who were then replaced by Homo erectus. These species appeared in southeast Africa and by migration spread to Africa and Eurasia. The first representatives of the modern human species appeared more than 500 thousand years ago also in Africa. Approximately 300 - 400 thousandyears ago there was a final separation of the branches of Neanderthals and modern humans, which existed for a long time simultaneously. About 30 thousand years ago, Neanderthal man disappeared, perhaps unable to compete with the smarter and more cunning appearance of modern man. Studies by American geneticists have shown that over the millennia of coexistence of two human species on our planet, these species were crossed at least twice (60 thousand years ago and about 45 thousand years ago). That is, we have genes of Neanderthals.that over the millennia of coexistence of two human species on our planet, these species were crossed at least twice (60 thousand years ago and about 45 thousand years ago). That is, we have genes of Neanderthals.that over the millennia of coexistence of two human species on our planet, these species were crossed at least twice (60 thousand years ago and about 45 thousand years ago). That is, we have genes of Neanderthals.

About 70 - 150 thousand years ago, an intensive differentiation of the species of modern man began. There were processes of human migration and adaptation to local conditions, which led to the emergence of modern human races.

At present, Professor of Biochemistry at Harvard University A. A. Klyosov has developed a theory of the origin of peoples based on the analysis of Y-chromosomes. The Y chromosome is the only one of the 23 chromosomes carried by the sperm, passed from father to son, and then to each successive son along a chain of times tens of thousands of years long. The son receives a Y chromosome from his father exactly the same as he received from his father. In the Y chromosome, there are certain areas in which mutations gradually accumulate, every few generations. By the number of mutations, one can calculate when the common ancestor of a group of people lived. The more mutations, the more ancient the common ancestor of the group. And since mutations occur statistically randomly, with a certain average rate (about once every 550 years), the lifetime of a common ancestor of a group of people belonging to the same genus,is calculated reliably enough.

As follows from the analysis of A. A. Klyosov, “Chromosomal Adam” appeared in northeastern Africa about 80-100 thousand years ago. Only his direct offspring survived and grew. The offspring of the rest of the people of that time, or those who lived earlier, were not found in us, modern people of the Earth.

About 60 thousand years ago, the ancestors of 18 modern groups came out of Africa, who became the progenitors of all people living now outside Africa (Aryans - "Indo-Europeans", Semites, Finno-Finns, Turks …), and the ancestors of modern black Africans (groups A and C) stayed in Africa. At that time, about 10 thousand people lived on Earth. Our ancestors crossed the Red Sea in its narrowest part near the Gulf of Aden - to the Arabian Peninsula. The crossing from Africa took several thousand years. Already on the Arabian Peninsula, about 50 thousand years ago, a mutation took place, which formed a composite group FR, which genetically separated this group from the other groups: C (Mongoloid), D (East Asian) and E (North African).

From Mesopotamia and the southern Caspian region, the stream split. The future Jews and Arabs stayed for a long time in the Middle East, and many settled there forever (group J), some continued to go north to the Caucasus (group G), and some (groups I and I2), passing Asia Minor, through the Bosphorus and The Dardanelles, which were then dry, went to the Balkans, to Greece, to Europe. Among those who left for the Balkans there are many future Balkan Slavs of group I2 - from 30% to 40% of Bulgarians, Bosnians, Slovenes, Serbs have it.

The ancestor of the Aryans turned east, crossed the Iranian highlands and Afghanistan, leaving the Karakum desert to the north and then to the south of the Hindu Kush ridge, and rested on the Pamir knot, where the Hindu Kush, Tien Shan and Himalayan mountains converge. By this time, the DNA of the ancestor of the Aryans mutated again, and became the bearer of the marker of the so-called Eurasian clan, the composite group KR. This happened 35 thousand years ago. There were probably no more than a hundred thousand people on Earth at that time.

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Here the stream split - some went around the mountains to the south and became East Asians, Australoasians, Dravids, and the direct ancestor of the Aryans went north, to the Eurasian steppes, to the south of Siberia. As a result, most of the modern inhabitants of Europe descended from an ancestor who moved to Siberia. He was the ancestor of a whole series of future clans, which in terms of language will not all be "Indo-European", but will become both Finno-Ugric and Turkic. On this path, which took several millennia, the Eurasian ancestor had another mutation. This happened in Central Asia, 30 thousand years ago. The composite group was reduced to PR. Behind it is the next mutation already in the south of Siberia, 25 thousand years ago. This assigned our ancestor to the R group.

Still in Asia, on the way to the west, 18 thousand years ago there was a mutation that gave the R1 group, and after it a mutation that gave the future Western European variant of R1b - the Celts. This happened 16 thousand years ago. Some of the R1b carriers remained in Asia, and continue to carry this group now. The rest went to the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, and much later to Western Europe. Their typical representatives are the Celts, who appeared in Western Europe 3500-4500 years ago.

The Slavic ancestor separated earlier, carried the R1 group to Eastern Europe and, having earned the last (so far) mutation, settled 12 thousand years ago in the Balkans, in the Dinaric Alps, in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia right up to the Adriatic coast. These two mutations remained in everyone who forms the R1a1 group.

After 6 thousand years, this genus will expand to the northeast, to the Northern Carpathians. Further 5500-4500 years ago (with the development of agriculture and the transition to its extensive forms), the Pre-Slovens moved westward, to the Atlantic and the British Isles, and 4000-4200 back to the north, to Scandinavia. The same genus 4500 years ago came to the near north and east - to the lands of modern Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia. 3800 years ago, the Proto-Slavs built the Arkaim settlement and the "country of cities" in the South Urals. 3600 years ago, they left Arkaim and moved to India. They brought their language to India and Iran. In India, by the works of the great Panini, it was polished into Sanskrit about 2400 years ago, and in Persia-Iran, the Proto-Slavic languages became the basis of the Iranian language group.

At present, the share of Proto-Slavs in Lithuania is 38%, in Latvia 41%, in Belarus 40%, in Ukraine from 45% to 54%. In Russia - on average 48%, due to the high proportion of Finno-Finns in the north of Russia, but in the south and in the center of Russia the proportion of Proto-Slavs reaches 60-75% and more, among the inhabitants of India - 16%.

The share of Proto-Slavs among other peoples of Europe is as follows: in Germany, on average, 18%, but in some regions it reaches a third (most of the rest of the population of Germany belongs to the Baltic - 24% and Celtic -39% groups), Norway - from 18 to 25%, Sweden -17 %, in England from 2% to 9% for all islands. (It is dominated by the Celtic - 71% and the Baltic - 16% of the group.)

Thus, according to these data, the history of mankind began approximately 100 thousand years ago. Knowledge was accumulated by mankind gradually as science developed, from simple to more and more complex.

Meanwhile, studying the past, scientists are increasingly convinced that not everything went so smoothly. It turns out that ancient civilizations possessed knowledge that from the standpoint of modern science they could not have. This data includes the following artifacts:

- in the 11th century, the Vikings used fairly accurate optical instruments (lenses made of rock crystal);

- deep knowledge of acoustics was used to create pyramids in South America;

- materials were found that cannot be obtained by modern technologies (crystalline mussanite, extremely pure iron, microscopic spirals made of copper, tungsten and molybdenum, having a melting point of 2500 - 3500 degrees Celsius and high precision);

- valid and accurate models of the solar system, reproducing the mutual motions of the sun, earth, moon and other planets;

- amazing accuracy of a geographic map on a stone slab, which is impossible to create without aerial photography;

- information about aviation in ancient India;

- electric batteries with tin-lead solder;

- knowledge of the pygmies of Africa about the nine moons of Saturn and the Dagons about the invisible star Sirius-2;

- finds and legends that speak of the simultaneous existence of humans and dinosaurs on Earth;

- changing the position of the magnetic poles;

- geographical maps of Piri Reis, Oronteus Finney and others, dating from 1340 - 1560, which accurately depict geographic objects unknown at the time of their creation (including Antarctica, not covered with ice);

- the proximity of the cultures of ancient Egypt and the Maya (the presence and similarity of the pyramids of the Maya, Incas, China, Korea, Indonesia, Tibet, Egypt);

- Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia;

- remains of kangaroos and boomerangs in Egypt;

- The sun god of the Egyptians, Peruvians and Easter Island is named Ra;

- on the frescoes of Pompeii, images of American plants (pineapple, etc.);

- Roman coins in America;

- 40% of Japanese have Mayan idiom roots;

- in the north of Peru, a fortress and a city with inscriptions in Hebrew were found (Diamonds and emeralds were brought to Solomon from the country of Ophir, which is supposed to be in South America);

- Columbus took a Jewish interpreter with him on the voyage;

- ancient sources (the Bible, the legends of the Indians of America, China, etc.) speak of the same events: a terrible earthquake, flood, cold snap, the onset of darkness, the appearance of a new comet in the sky, a change in the arrangement of stars in the sky …;

- in the Alps and Andes, there are sections of ancient roads raised high in the mountains. It is almost impossible to build such roads in the mountains. Apparently, this is the result of the formation of mountains from the plains as a result of an earthly cataclysm;

- in the Andes there is a high-mountain lake Titicaca (at an altitude of 4000 m), in which the water has the same composition as in the sea. Part of the city located there was flooded and was a seaport. Apparently, there was once a sea here;

- In Colombia and Brazil, skeletons of people were found, dating back several millennia earlier than it is assumed by modern concepts. In addition, these are skeletons of the Negroid race. There are also finds on the American continent of bones of people of the white race, dating back to the pre-Columbian time. The supreme gods of the Aztecs and Maya are white bearded people.

All these data suggest the following:

1. A destructive cataclysm occurred on Earth that affected all of humanity. According to astronomers' calculations, the Earth should have collided with an ice object with a diameter of at least 80 km. A space object flew into the Earth's atmosphere at a speed

20,000 m / s The temperature of the resulting fireball was equal to the temperature on the surface of the Sun. The impact of the cosmic body fell on the area of the current Gulf of Mexico, where a huge crater was found. At the time, it was the border between what is now South America and Africa.

2. Information about past events (catastrophe, flood, cold snap, etc.)

preserved in many sources and, therefore, occurred in the memory of mankind, that is, not very long ago.

3. In the territories now very distant from each other, separated by oceans, there are facts testifying to the connection between them in the distant (before catastrophic) past. This indicates a change in the location of the earth's land in historical times, about the fact that the continent was one already during the existence of human civilization.

4. A number of artifacts indicate a high level of development before a catastrophic civilization, that civilization developed along a different, non-technogenic path.

5. The concept of God and religion arose after the catastrophe, as a result of the fear of people caused by post-catastrophe events.

Some scholars, such as archaeologist Michael Cremo and mathematician Richard Thompson, who wrote the books Forbidden Archeology and The Unknown History of Humanity, believe that a number of little-known archaeological finds indicate that life on Earth periodically arose, developed, improved and then disappeared. Human civilizations have existed several times already, starting from several million years ago. In their books, the authors cite, for example, the following facts:

- in the vicinity of the French city of Aix-en-Provence, under eleven layers of dense limestone at a depth of 12-15 meters, fragments of columns, coins, hammer handles were found;

- from quarries near Philadelphia, a massive marble block with the contours of figures resembling letters was recovered. The block lay deep under several layers of gneiss, shale, and ancient clay. Age 35 - 40 million years ago;

- at a coal mine in Oklahoma, a wall of several cubic concrete blocks with the age of coal rocks 32 - 36 million years ago was discovered;

- metal pipes of various sizes, semi-oval, were found in the quarries of Saint-Jean-de-Live in France. Age 65 million years ago.

A group of scientists from Bashkir University under the guidance of a professor

A. Chuvyrova discovered on the territory of Bashkiria a stone slab measuring 148 x 106 x 16 cm with a relief map and inscriptions in an unknown language. The slab has a cement base, on which a layer of unknown material is applied, which clearly repeats the relief of the Ufa Upland on its southern side at a scale of 1: 100,000. The map shows, in addition to the surface of the earth, irrigation systems of canals, with a total length of 12,000 km, huge dams, dozens of dams. Scientists believe that in our time, humanity is unable to perform such a volume of work. The top layer - porcelain dusting protects the card. Scientists say the map was carved using precise mechanisms, and the slab is approximately 50 million years old.

The analysis of all of the above suggests that the development of human society included two interacting processes: evolution, that is, gradual changes, and leaps, which can lead to both progressive and regressive consequences. Both revolutions and catastrophes are leaps.

Apparently, catastrophes occur on Earth after some rather large periods of time compared to the life of one generation of people, leading to the regression of mankind. After the catastrophe, only small populations of people, remote from each other, remain on Earth, which cannot preserve all the knowledge and technologies achieved by the time of the catastrophe. These remnants of knowledge become myths, legends about the gods who lived before, and then turn into religions.

After the catastrophe, a new evolutionary process begins, which may be different than before. Currently, the development of mankind follows a technogenic path. It is possible that the evolution of mankind that preceded the catastrophe was not technogenic in nature, but, for example, spiritual. Therefore, the artifacts remaining from the previous period are perceived by us not as they really were.

A new cataclysm will sweep away our current civilization, and how the further evolution of mankind will go is unknown. According to the prophecies of Nostradamus, the Mayan calendar, Edgar Cayce, Wanga and other predictors, the next disaster is close.

As suggested by a number of authors based on the study of ancient books and legends (the holy book of the Hindus "Bhagavata Purana", the Buddhist book "Vizuddhi Magga", "Avesta", "Edda", the Bible, the traditions of the Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, Chinese chronicles, etc..), catastrophes on our planet happened regularly and with a certain frequency. As studies show, over the past 500 million years, the development of life on Earth has been interrupted 54 times by mass extinctions of living organisms. Especially large extinctions (more than 70% of living organisms) occurred 600, 425, 360, 245 (90%) and 65 million years ago (65 million years ago dinosaurs died. The reason is a collision with an asteroid about 10 km in diameter, which fell into the region of the Yucatan Peninsula).

The last global catastrophe, which resulted in the continental icing of Northern Europe, ended 10-12 thousand years ago. The event leading to the catastrophe that swept away an advanced civilization took place around 11,500 BC. It is marked as a reference point in the calendars of ancient Egypt, Assyria, India and Maya. This is confirmed by a sharp drop in the population of the Earth, which lasted for about 200 years, and the death of a number of animal species (mammoths, woolly rhinos, etc.).

The following data also speak of a significant date in the history of earthly civilization that occurred during this period of time:

- the Egyptian pyramids resemble the arrangement of stars in the constellation Orion, as this arrangement was 10,500 years ago;

- the line along which the sphinx is oriented is directed to the constellation Leo, as this direction was 10,500 years ago (this is the direction of the vernal equinox line);

- 15 temples of the Angkor complex in Cambodia are located like stars in the constellation Draco, which was 10,500 years ago.

This suggests that the named structures were built in a later period of history on the site of more ancient structures while maintaining their orientation to the cardinal points. It also testifies to the existence of a highly developed civilization much earlier than the civilization of ancient Egypt.

It should be clarified that the arrangement of stars in the sky changes due to the precession (displacement) of the earth's axis by 1 degree in 72 years. The full cycle of precession of the earth's axis is 26,000 years - after this period of time, the starry sky will look the same as it does now.

The catastrophe probably occurred near the Bahamas, which led to a shift from orbit, powerful earthquakes, a 30-degree pole shift, the ejection of millions of tons of earth rocks into the atmosphere, and the formation of a 10 km high water wall.

According to the Mayan calendar (the calendar is surprisingly accurate: even before the new era, the Maya determined the length of the solar year at 365.2420 days, which differs from modern calculations by only two ten thousandths), the modern era began on August 12, 3114 BC. and will come to an end on December 21, 2012.

Catastrophes were accompanied by global destruction: floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and fires and, as a result, the death of almost the entire population of the Earth.

The catastrophe changed a lot on the planet: the location of the continents (the new configuration of the earth was described by a contemporary of Julius Caesar, the historian Strabo: “And now the inhabited earth, oval in shape, stretched out and became like a chlamydus, the greatest width of which is formed by a line passing through the Nile”); scattered the remnants of the Earth's population over the divided continents; changed the tilt of the earth's axis, the composition and number of living organisms; caused the appearance of permafrost with mammoths quickly frozen into it. The climate has become unstable (it is possible that the space body disturbed the convection flows inside the planet). Scientists have found that over the past thousand years, the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field has halved, the atmospheric pressure, density and composition of the air have changed, and with it the acidity of the soil and flora of the planet.

Before the disaster, the land was a single continent - Pangea, which was compactly located along the equator between +300 north and -300 south latitude, that is, in a warm climate. Above the surface of the Earth there was a layer of steam and water (“I made the clouds his clothing and the darkness his shroud” Bible). Such a screen, freely letting in the visible part of the sunlight, trapped thermal radiation, creating a global greenhouse effect. Uniform heating of the Earth's surface excluded the possibility of winds, hurricanes, precipitation, floods, etc. ("Steam rose from the earth and watered the whole face of the earth" Bible). The day was shorter. The earth for all living beings and man was paradise. Man ate the fruits of the Earth: fruits, vegetables, roots (the structure of the human digestive tract differs sharply from the structure of the digestive tract of predators). Living in conditions like thismankind did not spend enormous energy on obtaining food (the very digestion of animal food requires up to 30% of its energy). It developed primarily spiritually. Before catastrophic humanity was different. It was uniform in all respects - territorial, religious, ethnocultural, that is, it had one religion, spoke the same language. Before the catastrophe, man was subject to control of energies (physical and biological), instantaneous movement in space, alchemy, magic, levitation, telepathy, clairvoyance … (the holy book of the Maya writes about this).spoke the same language. Before the catastrophe, man was subject to control of energies (physical and biological), instantaneous movement in space, alchemy, magic, levitation, telepathy, clairvoyance … (the holy book of the Maya writes about this).spoke the same language. Before the catastrophe, man was subject to control of energies (physical and biological), instantaneous movement in space, alchemy, magic, levitation, telepathy, clairvoyance … (the holy book of the Maya writes about this).

There is reason to believe that the Hebrew language was common to mankind (not Hebrew, but an earlier proto-language). Throughout Europe, there are many Hebraic toponyms (from the words Jew, Hebre, Ever …) and geographical names translated from the Hebrew language: the Iberian Peninsula, the Ebro River, Gibraltar (Jewish altar), Iberia in the Caucasus, the Moselle River (happiness), the river Maas (labor), Laba river (core), Seret river (belt). The Hebrew word BR or BP (city) is found throughout Europe: Barcelona, Bordeaux, Bern, Brno, Bari, Berlin (fortress city), Bar, Wroclaw, Varna, Baranovichi, Birobidzhan, Warsaw (free city), Vukovar … All Russian mat - harmless Hebrew words: "giving life", "giving birth to life in a woman", "feminine place", "walking".

In the Russian language, a huge number of lexical units from the Hebrew language: wolf, fox, pip, pit, barrack, king, bondage, bazaar, nonsense, goods, anger, ardor, creature, straw, case, bow, ray, freebie, zigzag, mot, sneak, weave, court, stab, blockhead, law, span, shaft, itching, hut, pulse, sieve, yard, garden, child, whip, fervor, parable, master, bliss, shame, troublemaker, fate, blow, thing, water, impudent, speech, lamp, river, joke, shmon, balabon, treasury, … In addition to words, common is the incoherent order of words in a sentence, generic endings for verbs and adjectives.

According to Bogdanov, in the center of Pangea was the Great Sphinx in Giza.

The catastrophe radically changed the conditions of life on Earth. The remnants of humanity (the catastrophe destroyed about 70% of all living things) were scattered in relatively small groups across new continents. The steam-water layer brought down huge masses of water to the earth - a flood (reports of a giant flood are found in the Bible, in the Zend-Avesta, in the Egyptian holy books and in the Sanskrit texts of India, among the Amazon Indians and the natives of the Pacific Islands). Ancient Chinese sources report that at first the sea flooded the land, and then retreated from the coast far to the southeast. Falling out of a huge mass of ice; dispersion in the atmosphere of particles formed during the explosion; absorption of solar radiation; increasing the difference between average temperatures at different times of the year,caused by an increase in the tilt of the axis - all this was the cause of a sharp global cooling - the Ice Age. All sacred books report about a strong cold snap and the absence of the Sun. Humanity barely survived: it took a change in nutrition - protein food (primarily the meat of dead and frozen animals, first raw, then fried), warming in caves, clothing made from animal skins, fire. Knowledge was transmitted orally and gradually from generation to generation, turned into myths, legends, traditions included in the Bible, the Vedas and other ancient books. The stratification of the common language, the formation and movement of peoples began. People flocked to look for familiar warm places. For example, Moses led his people to the warm land of Canaan from the red sea, that is, the sea, the water of which turned red due to the hydrogen sulfide released during the catastrophe.

The cold night lasted 2 - 3 years. The Sun gradually began to appear, the ice receded to the north, people walked behind the glacier. The experienced fear of darkness and cold and the emergence of the Sun again led to the realization that all life on Earth depends on the Sun, gave rise to admiration for it, and eventually gave rise to the religious concept of God. (The name of God is concentrated in the letter "Yod" - Hey: Eilohim, Yeve, Yagve, Jehovah, Eilios, Galios …. Jews are God-Orthodox, Israelites are God-fighters). Humanity began to develop in a different way: instead of the spiritual development characteristic of people before the catastrophe, new living conditions led to technogenic development.

About 300 years after the first catastrophe, the second occurred - a large asteroid fell into the area near Australia, which led to the split of the Indian tectonic plate. India hit Eurasia and displaced it. Australia withdrew to the Southwest Pacific, Antarctica moved to the South Pole and covered with ice. The impact of tectonic plates led to the mountain building of the Alps, Carpathians, Himalayas, Pamirs and other mountainous regions (before that there were no significant mountains on Earth).

According to Bogdanov, this new disaster coincided in time with the execution of Christ, which made a strong impression on people. It was this strong shock that led to the emergence of a new religion (in those days thousands of preachers and prophets roamed the earth, whose prophecies revolved around the theme of punishment of sinful humanity and the end of the world. But only the preaching of Christ led to the emergence of a new religion). The New Testament says: “From the sixth hour, darkness was over the whole earth until the ninth hour”, “… the curtain in the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom; and the earth shook; and the stones settled."

Again, according to Bogdanov, the whole history of the preaching and execution of Christ took place not in Palestine, but in Constantinople. This city was called "the city of the world", which is translated from the Aramaic language "Yerushalayim". And modern Jerusalem only after one and a half thousand years was marked on the maps by the small Arab village of El-Quds. Unlike present-day Jerusalem, Constantinople possessed many evidences of the presence of Christ. A lot of relics were found in it: a life-giving cross, a spearhead, blood, nails, a shroud, the graves of the seven apostles, the cities of Christopolis and Chrysopolis opposite Constantinople. Tomb of Jesus on Mount Beykos - Bald Mountain (in Aramaic it is Golgotha). Crusaders in search of the Holy Sepulcher stormed Constantinople. Israeli professor Zeev Herzog writes:“After many decades of intensive archaeological excavations on the territory of Israel, researchers are forced to question many of the data recorded in the Tanakh. … it is quite clear to researchers today that the Jewish people were not in slavery in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer Eretz Israel, etc. … The Jews came to monotheism in the era of kings, and not after the revelation at Sinai. … Nothing was found to prove the existence of Jericho and Aya. " Zeev the Duke is echoed by Yair Kamaysky: “The Bible's story about the events of the 10th century BC. nothing more than a tradition. " There have never been any fig trees mentioned in the Bible in Palestine, and there never are. The Bible in general is a book of symbols and parables, not realities. If we make translations of the names given in the Bible, it will turn out: Adam is a man, Eve is life, Cain is work, Abel is rest, the sons of Cain Enoch is mercy and Lamech is a craft,to the daughter of Lamech Jabal - prosperity, Jubal - a holiday. That is, a person, having cognized life, gave birth to work and rest. Labor killed rest and gave birth to craft, from which came clothing (Ada), roof (Tsilla), prosperity, and with it a holiday.

And they did not crucify Christ: the Greek text of the Gospel does not speak of the cross, but of the "stavros", and this is not a cross, but a stake or pole. The distortion of the text occurred in the Latin translation of the Gospel. Even the Slavic translation says that Jesus was "taken up on the tree." In general, the composition of the biblical canon was different; many books of the Bible and the Gospel were excluded from the canon and partially lost. The very moments of the event of the birth and execution of Christ are chronologically incorrect: the outbreak of a new star that heralded the birth of Christ and, 33 years later, a total solar eclipse in the Mediterranean at the time of the execution did exist, but not in the first, but in the 11th century A. D. (1054 and February 16, 1086). The exact dating of these events, according to some mathematicians (for example, Academician Fomenko), gives grounds to revise the entire chronology. In addition, there is reason to believethat the medieval chroniclers and authors of modern chronology Scaliger and Petavius (1560s) made a mistake, adopting the designation of the year in the form, for example, I.552 for 1552 (the letter I meant the abbreviation of the name of Jesus Christ). Just like the writing of the X. I century for the XI century (X. I meant Christ in the 1st century). As a result, the entire chronology was shifted by 1054 years. Famous scientists of the time, including Isaac Newton, opposed the adoption of the new chronology. If we assume that the existing chronology is shifted, then the events of the first and second catastrophes were not so far from our time: they occurred approximately 1254 and 954 years ago, respectively. Human memory has retained some knowledge about these events, naturally, mythologizing them.for example, I.552 for 1552 (the letter I meant the abbreviation of the name of Jesus Christ). Just like the writing of the X. I century for the XI century (X. I meant Christ in the 1st century). As a result, the entire chronology was shifted by 1054 years. Famous scientists of the time, including Isaac Newton, opposed the adoption of the new chronology. If we assume that the existing chronology is shifted, then the events of the first and second catastrophes were not so far from our time: they occurred approximately 1254 and 954 years ago, respectively. Human memory has retained some knowledge about these events, naturally, mythologizing them.for example, I.552 for 1552 (the letter I meant the abbreviation of the name of Jesus Christ). Just like the writing of the X. I century for the XI century (X. I meant Christ in the 1st century). As a result, the entire chronology was shifted by 1054 years. Famous scientists of the time, including Isaac Newton, opposed the adoption of the new chronology. If we assume that the existing chronology is shifted, then the events of the first and second catastrophes were not so far from our time: they occurred approximately 1254 and 954 years ago, respectively. Human memory has retained some knowledge about these events, naturally, mythologizing them. Famous scientists of the time, including Isaac Newton, opposed the adoption of the new chronology. If we assume that the existing chronology is shifted, then the events of the first and second catastrophes were not so far from our time: they occurred approximately 1254 and 954 years ago, respectively. Human memory has retained some knowledge about these events, naturally, mythologizing them. Famous scientists of the time, including Isaac Newton, opposed the adoption of the new chronology. If we assume that the existing chronology is shifted, then the events of the first and second catastrophes were not so far from our time: they occurred approximately 1254 and 954 years ago, respectively. Human memory has retained some knowledge about these events, naturally, mythologizing them.

Alleged causes of disasters

The following causes of catastrophes are considered: the fall of a large cosmic body (for example, an asteroid or a comet) to the Earth; displacement of the inner solid core of the Earth; passage of a massive space object near the Earth; supernova explosions with high energy release; the passage of the Earth through dust clouds that occupy vast spaces in the Universe; Covitational movements of the Earth's magma, which determine the movements of tectonic plates of the planet's surface. Let's consider some of these phenomena.

1. Currently in the solar system discovered about 9 thousand

asteroids. According to the astronomer S. Orlov, asteroids with a diameter of about one kilometer can be at least a quarter of a billion. On the surface of the Earth, many asteroid impact craters have been found (about 170, not counting the craters on the ocean floor, 13 of which have a diameter of more than 10 km). For example, the Arizona crater - 1265 m, Shunak in Kazakhstan - 2.5 km, Chicxulub in Mexico - 180 km, in Antarctica on Wilkes Land - 241 km, at the bottom off the coast of Columbia - two craters - 225 and 300 km. The age of the craters is estimated at 125, 161, 250, 295, 330 and 360 million years … The last major meeting took place 65 million years ago.

A number of asteroids discovered in recent years have flown close to Earth. So, on August 10, 1972, one of the asteroids flew only 58 km. US astronomers have discovered the asteroid 2004 MN4m, which on April 13, 2029 may collide with our planet. The chances of a collision are 1: 38. According to calculations, in the next 50 years, the probability of a collision of the Earth with an asteroid is 1: 6000 - 1:20 000, which is higher than the risk of death of an individual person in a plane crash.

When an asteroid falls, which is only 1 (one) kilometer across, everything that is within a radius of a thousand kilometers from the impact site will be destroyed. Fires will take over vast territories, a colossal amount of ash and dust will be thrown into the atmosphere, which will settle over several years. The sun's rays will not be able to break through to the Earth's surface, due to a sharp cold snap, many species of heat-loving plants and animals will die, photosynthesis will stop. Winter will come. Most people and animals will die of hunger … And when finally the dust settles and the circulation of the atmosphere is restored, there will be a greenhouse effect due to a significant increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Surface temperatures will rise, melting polar ice caps and flooding the coastal land. In addition, the Earth's magnetic field will be disrupted,the dynamics of tectonic processes will change, and the activity of volcanoes will increase.

When the asteroid falls into the ocean, giant tsunamis will overwhelm the land, and almost immediately all living things will perish on almost all the coasts of the globe. Water dust released into the atmosphere will completely change its circulation, which will unpredictably change the climate.

2. Even worse are the consequences of a collision of the Earth with a comet, which in

The solar system is about 1017 pieces. The masses of comets are 1013 - 1015 kg with a nucleus of several kilometers in diameter. A collision of the Earth with a comet would have dire consequences. For example, on July 26, 1994, the Shoemaker-Levy comet collided with Jupiter. Giant vortices and hurricanes erupted in Jupiter's atmosphere, releasing energy equivalent to the 100 billion atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima.

There is an interesting hypothesis by A. P. Shibaeva, that in about 3760 BC, a comet crashed into the Earth and pierced the Pacific Ocean (in the Guatemalan depression region), causing a universal flood. This flood transported water and glaciers from some areas of the Earth to others, flooded magma with water, forming oil deposits (D. I. Mendeleev also assumed that oil could be formed from inorganic compounds). A. P. Shibaev believes that the impact of the comet led to the deceleration of the Earth's rotation. Before the impact, the Earth rotated around its axis 7 times faster, and around the Sun 2.8 times faster. Moreover, the Earth's gravity was seven times less, and the year was 2.8 times shorter than now. This resulted in the following:

- the heating of the planet's surface was more uniform, which created a more comfortable thermal and light regime at all latitudes;

- the weight of any body was 1.5 times less near the poles, 3-4 times less in the middle zone, and 10 times less at the equator.

These conditions favored the gigantism of living things, especially the huge 12-meter dinosaurs. After the impact of a comet, such giants could not survive, since in our time the pressure in the blood vessels ensures the rise of blood no more than 3 meters above the heart. Perhaps it was precisely the fact that the weight of all bodies on Earth was significantly lower than now and allowed the construction of structures from giant blocks (Egyptian pyramids, structures of Baalbek). And, since the year was 2.8 times shorter, then a person who has lived in our time to 80 years old, according to that calculation, lived for 220 years, like the biblical Adam or Methuselah.

3. In 1976, academician N. I. Korovyakov modeling conditions and

of the processes occurring in the center of the Earth, established that the inner core of the Earth, under the influence of the gravity of the Moon and the Sun, moves in magma along a pentagonal trajectory and, as a result of the centrifugal force acting on it, gradually moves away from the center of the Earth. According to 1965 data, this displacement was 451 km and continues to increase. As a result of this displacement, if it continues, the center of mass of the planet can shift so much that the Earth's axis will shift, and it can instantly tumble 180 degrees with all the attendant consequences. As it turned out, a slow displacement of the North Geographic Pole towards Greenland is already being observed, and the length of the day is increasing.

4. Based on various information, it can be argued that in the Solar

A massive celestial body, which on different continents was called Typhon, Medusa Gorgon, Red-haired Dragon, Fire Serpent, and so on, revolves around the Sun in an inclined orbit to the ecliptic with an orbital period of 25,920 years. This is probably an extinct neutron star with a density close to density of the atomic nucleus. Such stars, of which according to astronomy there are about a billion in our galaxy, are 1 - 5 km in size, 0.01 - 2 solar masses, and an enormous rotation speed. Entering the solar system, Typhon caused enormous destruction with his gravitational field: he tore off a piece of the surface of Jupiter, possibly the planet Venus was formed from this mass, displaced Mars to another orbit, and formed the asteroid belt. When Typhon approached the Earth (approximately 12,580 years ago), terrible disasters occurred on it. Then Typhon left the limits of the solar system, but on the return revolution his orbit will cross it again. The appearance of Typhon in the region of the earth's orbit may be just around the corner.

5. An interesting theory of hydrospheric disasters was developed by the Soviet geographer, professor M. G. Groswald. According to his theory, the cyclical cooling of the Earth's climate led to the growth of ice sheets in Greenland, Scandinavia and other glaciers in the north. Merging, these giant glaciers created glacial barriers, cutting off the Arctic Ocean from the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. The Arctic Ocean turned into a lake with a glacier, the thickness of which reached 800 - 1300 m in 2 - 3 thousand years. As this glacier grew, the level of the world ocean decreased by 120 - 130 m., the Arctic glacier began to collapse, which led to an abrupt discharge of water and ice from the Arctic into the world ocean. Streams of half a kilometer depth, more than a thousand kilometers wide at a speed of 100-200 km / h, rolled across Asia and Europe, destroying everything in its path. Eurasia was turning into an icy desert with graveyards of mammoths and bulls instantly buried in ice and sand. The formation of the Black, Caspian and Aral seas, Lake Balkhash and other lakes took place. Only the mountains remained reliable refuge: the Alps, the Caucasus, the Sayan Mountains, Altai, Tien Shan, and the Pamir. But these floods never captured the civilizations of Egypt, Sumer, India. Altai, Tien Shan, Pamir. But these floods never captured the civilizations of Egypt, Sumer, India. Altai, Tien Shan, Pamir. But these floods never captured the civilizations of Egypt, Sumer, India.

There were six such super-catastrophes in the last 20 thousand years: 19.4; 18.0; 14.2; 11.5; 9.6 and 7.6 thousand years ago.

6. One of the types of disasters can be the destruction of the ozone layer in the Earth's atmosphere. Life on Earth is unthinkable without the ozone layer, which protects all life from the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. The disappearance of the ozonosphere would lead to unpredictable consequences - an outbreak of skin cancer, destruction of plankton in the ocean, mutations of flora and fauna.

Ozone is formed in the upper stratosphere (40-50 km) by photochemical reactions involving oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and chlorine. In the lower stratosphere (10-25 km), where ozone is most abundant, processes of air mass transfer play the main role in seasonal and longer-term changes in its concentration. Ozone is destroyed by interacting with chlorine-containing substances emitted into the atmosphere, which are used in various industries. These reactions take place mainly on the surface of polar stratospheric clouds, which form here at very low (less than -80 ° C) temperatures.

The main reason for the ozone "hole" in Antarctica may be a prolonged weakening of the wave activity of the stratosphere, associated with very slow processes in the World Ocean. The influence of anthropogenic factors is much less than natural processes.

Recently, it has been suggested that variations in the speed of the Earth's rotation around its axis somehow affect the World Ocean. The changing "behavior" of the El Niño, Kuroshio and Gulf Stream currents are cited as examples of such influences. But then the changes in the climate and the ozone layer may also depend on very slow processes in the core and mantle of the Earth, which affect the speed of its rotation.

Perhaps, during the period of the death of mammoths, just such a hole arose over the northern regions of the Earth.

7. The hypothesis of the American Charles Hapgood, which was supported by Albert Einstein, about the displacement of the earth's crust relative to the Earth's core 17000 - 8000 years ago with the movement of continents from warm latitudes to cold ones, which led to a shift of Antarctica by 30 degrees south in latitude. Some researchers believe that Antarctica is Atlantis, where a highly developed civilization was.

According to some researchers, an indicator of impending global cataclysms can be a massive surge in changes in the behavior of people and animals (aggression, panic, etc.) It is assumed that changes at the level of matter are delayed in comparison with changes at the level of energy, and before they occur some cataclysms, leading electromagnetic and gravitational signals arise - changes in the energy-information field, which affect living organisms, causing their reaction.

Cyclic processes in the evolution of the Earth and the Universe

If we consider the issue of catastrophes from a general point of view, then it should be recognized that the frequency of catastrophes is a consequence of some general cyclic processes in our Universe. According to Hegel, development proceeds in a spiral, and the projection of a spiral onto any plane is a periodic process.

It is known that in various processes Fibonacci series are often encountered, which represent a sequence of numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 …, each subsequent term of which is obtained by adding the previous two. The ratio of subsequent numbers to the previous ones asymptotically tends to a number approximately equal to 1.618, called the "golden ratio". This sequence occurs very often: in the arrangement of leaves on a branch, sunflower seeds, pine cones, in energy transitions of particles, in planetary and space systems, in the genetic structures of the body, in the proportions of the human body and individual organs, in spiral structures, in external and internal proportions of the pyramids, in the development of the economy (55-year cycles of N. Kondratyev) and even during stock market games. Recently, Doctor of Geographical Sciences G. Panin noticedthat there is a 34-year cycle of fluctuations in the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation, which, he believes, leads to a corresponding change in the planet's climate. Apparently, this is one of the fundamental manifestations of something underlying the universe, for example, the frequency of fundamental fields. Overlapping each other, cycles with periods of 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, etc. years form a complex curve, which cannot be fixed at short time intervals.which cannot be fixed at short time intervals.which cannot be fixed at short time intervals.

Whatever processes and catastrophes occur on our planet, there is no doubt that sooner or later the planet Earth will cease to exist, like the entire solar system.

The Sun, which is a type of yellow dwarf star, should be in its current state for about 9 billion years, of which 5 billion have already passed. Stars like our Sun in the process of evolution become red giants, that is, they expand significantly, engulfing nearby planets. This is a natural process that is typical of the universe.

Similar processes have occurred many times. For example, all the heavy elements of the Universe (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, silicon, iron, etc.) appear in the interstellar medium as a result of supernova explosions, the mass of which is 10 to 100 times the mass of the sun. Such explosions in our Galaxy occur approximately once every 100 years. The substance from which the Sun, the planets and ourselves were formed, has repeatedly visited the composition of pre-existing stars.

The entire Universe is constantly changing, evolving. During its existence, the Universe has gone through a number of stages (eras) from the stage of chaos to the stage of galaxies. There is no reason to believe that the development of the Universe will end at the current stage - it continues to expand. Constant evolution is probably the basic law of the universe.

Zazersky Lion