Psychogeometric And Socionic Personality Types Of A Person - Alternative View

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Psychogeometric And Socionic Personality Types Of A Person - Alternative View
Psychogeometric And Socionic Personality Types Of A Person - Alternative View

Video: Psychogeometric And Socionic Personality Types Of A Person - Alternative View

Video: Psychogeometric And Socionic Personality Types Of A Person - Alternative View
Video: What's Your Type? | Jean Kummerow | TEDxGrinnellCollege 2024, September

A detailed study of the typology of people is carried out by socionics, which was developed by the Lithuanian scientist Aushra Augustinavichute and published in a handwritten version in 1982-1983. Moreover, each of the 16 socionic types was awarded the names of famous writers, commanders, literary heroes - bright representatives of the corresponding psychological type, allowing to describe in nuances all the strengths and weaknesses of a person.

Despite the fact that in previous publications they described the "Heart Man" and "Wise Man", and also gave a detailed description of the changes that accompany a person's life from birth to death, we must admit that socionics very accurately and prominently highlights the features of behavior ordinary people.

Obviously, the opinion of Georgy Gurdjieff and Krishnamurti that man is a mechanical machine that responds in a formulaic way to any outside influence is not far from the truth. But, a machine that has already cognized itself and its automaticity (at the same time the automaticity of the people around it) ceases to be a machine and acts already intelligently and purposefully.

Determination of the typology of their colleagues, subordinates and bosses in terms of psychogeometry, with the subsequent study of their weaknesses and strengths of socionic type 1, will help to more accurately predict their behavior and avoid gross errors in communication with them.

O D -introvert; DRYZER ("Guardian") - ethical-sensory introvert
Generals, politicians Louis XV, B. Disraeli, L. Brezhnev, A. Gorchakov
Writers, literary heroes T. Dreiser, I. Turgenev, Anna Austrian, A. Kuragin, Vronsky
Poets, artists I. Turgenev, I. Ilyinsky, S. Rotaru
Theodore Dreiser
Theodore Dreiser

Theodore Dreiser.

They keep their distance from others, are persistent and demanding, they can stand up for themselves, put a boor in their place. Although they try to avoid quarrels and familiarity.

Good and evil are remembered for a long time. Divide others into "friends" and "strangers".

Systematic, consistent and persistent in their work. They strive to bring the business to the end.

Promotional video:

They are people with a concrete, practical mindset. They know how to be practical even in small things. They work well with business papers.

They are poorly oriented in time, do not feel changes, are unable to predict the future.

D O -introvert; DUMA ("Diplomat") - sensory-ethical introvert
Generals, politicians N. Khrushchev, B. Yeltsin
Writers, literary heroes A. Dumas, A. Menshikov, J. Hasek, Porthos, Schweik, Random, Sancho Panza.
Poets, artists B. Okudzhava, L. Bronevoy, O. Tabakov
Athletes J. Capablanca
Alexandr Duma
Alexandr Duma

Alexandr Duma.

Plump, cheerful, friendly people with a desire for independence. They dress exquisitely, love comfort, enjoy life.

Desires have the habit of "want" and "now". They remember sensations well.

Feel the mood of people and know how to manage them. Do not forgive betrayal.

They do not tolerate painstaking work.

They are loved for their docile disposition, kind smile and joke. They hide their real feelings so as not to spoil the mood of loved ones.

O D - extrovert; HUGO ("Enthusiast") - ethical-sensory extrovert
Generals, politicians N. Chamberlain, Louis XIV, S. Ordzhonikinde
Writers, literary heroes Aramis
Poets, artists A. Girardot, L. Orlova, J. Filini
Victor Hugo
Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo..

Dancing gait, directed forward, welcoming gaze; they like to ask about life, invite them over. Communicative, giving gifts; they are rarely in a bad mood, they love humor, they dress tastefully.

It is believed that a good mood is a material value. They try not to refuse help.

They do not like to waste time, they are always busy. But it is difficult to distinguish between the main and the secondary, they distribute their forces poorly, fuss, grab onto everything. Sometimes they act naively. Poor sense of the passage of time; may turn out to be conservatives.

D O - extrovert; NAPOLEON ("Politician") - sensory-ethical extrovert
Generals, politicians Napoleon 1, Caesar, Lloyd George, De Gaulle, M. Gorbachev, Sobchak
Writers, literary heroes Natasha Rostova, Angelica, Milady, Eric
Poets, artists A. Pushkin, M. Tsvetaeva, A. Pugacheva, E. Taylor
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte.

"Victory" look, very active, energetic, sometimes impudent. "Leaders". They won't get into their pockets for a word. Dress fashionably. They are practical, they act quickly. Evaluate actions in terms of speed and assertiveness; their principle is “here and now”. Expand their influence.

Study is of little importance to them. The strong side is the pressure of feelings, which often leads to a stormy, scandalous youth. Can't stand loneliness; need "their" person.

Diplomatic. They are wary of objective laws - difficulties with logic.

They know how to "submit" themselves. Diplomatic.

D ¨ - introvert; GABEN ("Master") - sensory-logical introvert
Writers, literary heroes I. Khmelevskaya
Poets, artists V. Vysotsky, A. Mironov, J. Gaben, A. Christie, E. Pieha, J. Simeon, I. Vladimirova
Jean Gabin
Jean Gabin

Jean Gabin.

Massive, firmly on their feet; in clothes they prefer an elegant-sporty style. Gait in men is "slightly waddling". In communication, they are reserved and even cold; emotions do not show. Skeptics. Stubborn.

They love to travel. They are busy creating "useful" things in the house. They have excellent sensory memory.

They love order. They may not carry out the order of the chief if it seems to them to be incorrect, and suddenly explode if he is deeply insulted. They are secretive. Resentments do not forget for a long time.

If you like someone, they won't show it. They are in no hurry to believe in the feelings of another person. Remain coldly inaccessible, even when they love.

¨ D - introvert; MAXIM GORKY ("Inspector") - logical-sensory introvert
Generals, politicians I. Stalin, S. Hussein, K. Aquino
Writers, literary heroes B. Pasternak, A. Akhmatova,
Poets, artists A. Delon, V. Lanovoy, L. Filatov, V. Leontiev, A. Kashperovsky
Athletes M. Botvinnik
Maksim Gorky
Maksim Gorky

Maksim Gorky.

Protruding cheekbones (east face); unemotional. They are accurate to the minute, they love the military order, they are conscientious, they achieve perfection in everything. Classifiers and systematizers; love instructions. Cruel and ruthless leaders; love to level everyone.

People with a practical mindset, organizational skills, energetic, active. Knowledge is systematically sorted out. Calm, logical analytical mind. Meditation is their favorite state.

D ¨ - extrovert; ZHUKOV ("Marshal") - sensory-logical extrovert
Scientists, discoverers S. Korolev
Generals, politicians G. Zhukov, V. Lenin, M. Cicero
Writers, literary heroes V. Mayakovsky, S. Fedorov
Poets, artists N. Mordyukova, A. Veske
G. K. Zhukov
G. K. Zhukov

G. K. Zhukov.

Strong-willed mouth, square chin. Strongly built, dress discreetly. Focus before answering.

Practical, logical, all planning, showing indomitable energy in achieving their goals. Monitor execution. They feel better in the “hierarchy,” the army.

Often they are promoted to leaders and work there calmly, methodically, without nervousness. In a conversation, the tone is respectful, but "weighty". They can show cruelty and intransigence on trifles.

Don't complain about anything. Help others in work and life.

¨ D - extrovert; SHTIRLITS ("Administrator") - logical-sensory extrovert
Scientists, discoverers R. Amundsen, I. Efremov
Generals, politicians R. Reagan, R. Sorge, A. Sobchak
Writers, literary heroes I. Efremov, Yu. Semenov, A. Conan-Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Poets, artists W. Ott, L. Vaikule, V. Tikhonov
Athletes A. Karpov, M. Lobach
V. Tikhonov as Stirlitz
V. Tikhonov as Stirlitz

V. Tikhonov as Stirlitz.

Outwardly, these are fit people of a sporty appearance with a straight posture resembling a military one. In dress they are democratic, neat, often conservative.

In a conversation with a stranger, familiarity is completely absent, polite, well-mannered. Active, do not like to be idle; strive to provide a sufficient material level for their family. Pragmatists, they love order, they always plan their affairs, carefully prepare the workplace.

The matter is carried through to the end; stable in habits.

¨ Z - introvert; ROBESPIER ("Analyst") - logical-intuitive introvert
Scientists, discoverers N. Amosov
Generals, politicians O. Cromwell, D. Chamberlain, F. Dzerzhinsky
Writers, literary heroes S. Rachmaninov, A. Chekhov
Poets, artists N. Gumilev, Rinaldo
Maximilian Robespierre
Maximilian Robespierre

Maximilian Robespierre.

Asthenic warehouse of the face and figure. The demeanor is soft, restrained, aloof. When touching on interests - sharpness, categoricality. They do not tolerate pressure from the outside. Logical, interested in ideas, not facts. They are non-standard, democratic, do not tolerate routine.

These are people with developed logic, abstract thinking, a strong ability to analyze, theoretical, mindset.

Z ¨ - introvert; BALZAK ("Critic") - intuitive-logical introvert
Scientists, discoverers F. Engels
Generals, politicians Pericles, Bismarck, M. Kutuzov, Chamberlain, Yamomoto, Yu. Andropov, N. Krupskaya
Writers, literary heroes D. Tolkien, U. Eco, A. Azimov, Pierre Bezukhov, Hercule Poirot
Poets, artists D. Banionis, A. Makarevich, M. Voloshin, V. Bryusov
Athletes V. Steinitz, M. Taimanov, T. Petrosyan
Honore de Balzac
Honore de Balzac

Honore de Balzac.

The look is dissatisfied, slightly sloppy. Mudras, they feel good about deterioration; far-sighted, punctual, efficient, get their way.

They are characterized by doubts and hesitation. They try to be objective in everything. Strive for stability.

They feel bad partners, they can show tactlessness.

They are prone to extrasensory perception and predicting the future.

¨ Z - extrovert; JACK LONDON ("The Entrepreneur") - logical-intuitive extrovert
Scientists, discoverers L. Landau
Generals, politicians R. Wood, D. Kennedy
Poets, artists A. Shirvindt, S. Eisenstein
Jack London
Jack London

Jack London.

The face is straight from the poster: a courageous rectangular oval, an open optimistic look of "her boyfriend", a sporty cut of clothes.

Great lovers of hiking, often risky. Easily tolerate discomfort; strive for a healthy lifestyle and outdoor recreation. Hard workers, they work hard and with pleasure. Thoughts are directed towards theory that can help practice.

Accurate and binding. They are honest with partners; they keep promises, they don't like to remain in debt.

Z ¨ - extrovert; DON QUIXOTE ("Generator") - intuitive-logical extrovert
Scientists, discoverers K. Marx, Jung, Freud, Darwin, K. Tsiolkovsky, A. Einstein, G. Altshuller, L. Gumilev, A. Sakharov, A. Augustinevichute
Generals, politicians Peter-1, Richelieu, Clemenceau,
Writers, literary heroes D` Artagnan
Poets, artists M. Boyarsky, Yu. Kukin, A. Abdulov
Don Quixote
Don Quixote

Don Quixote.

Look - a big child in anticipation of a gift. The shape resembles the letter "S". Often they are passionate about something, even if it is inappropriate. Phenomenal flair for new things. Wide range of interests; attracts everything strange and unexpected. They eagerly follow through with unfinished theories. They put everything on the shelves: causes, consequences, logical transitions. Having achieved success, they forget about what has been done; take little interest in the benefit.

Easily recognize the abilities of people who are successfully classified. They have high requirements for decency, for the environment, for themselves. Never apply forceful pressure.

Z O - introvert; ESENIN ("Idealist") - an intuitive-ethical introvert
Scientists, discoverers Mark Aurelius, Yuri Gagarin
Generals, politicians N. Bukharin
Writers, literary heroes E. Martynov
Poets, artists E. Evtushenko, A. Voznesensky, I. Smoktunovsky
Sergey Yesenin
Sergey Yesenin

Sergey Yesenin.

Inherent elegance and sophistication. Behavior is gentle, courteous, delicate. Friendly, affectionate, compliant; although at home, in the family, they can behave capriciously and sometimes cheekily.

Be sure to "believe" in something. They dream for a long time, they are prone to bioenergy, alternative types of medicine. Elements of pending observation apply.

The present does not bother them at all, they are inspired only by brilliant prospects.

O Z - introvert; DOSTOEVSKY ("Humanist") - ethical-intuitive introvert
Generals, politicians D. Eisenhower
Writers, literary heroes M. Bulgakov, R. Zelazny, S. Rushdie, Athos, Merlin, J. Bond, Benedict, A. Solzhenitsyn, K. Paustovsky
Poets, artists M. Rourke, M. Monroe, O. Basilovshvili, S. Nikitin, Yu. Solomin
Athletes E. Lasker, M. Tal
F. M. Dostoevsky
F. M. Dostoevsky

F. M. Dostoevsky.

They dress neatly but modestly. A dispassionate face, an inward look. Self-doubt, fearfulness. They need a favorable psychological atmosphere to work. They always observe people first, assessing the developing relationship. Only then they make contact. They are well versed in the abilities of people, they see their individual characteristics.

Systematic, consistent and persistent in their work.

Z O - extrovert; HUXLEY ("Adviser") - intuitive-ethical extrovert)
Scientists, discoverers B. Russell
Generals, politicians F. Roosevelt
Writers, literary heroes Jason, G. Garrison, V. Chapaev
Poets, artists M. Vladi, T. Doronina, B. Akhmadulina, K. Bessinger, M. Boyarsky, R. Bykov
Athletes G. Kasparov
Georgy Vitsyn is Huxley's psychotype
Georgy Vitsyn is Huxley's psychotype

Georgy Vitsyn is Huxley's psychotype.

In appearance, playfulness, mischievous eyes; women have full lips (sometimes) and bulging eyes. They look for something new, admire the talents of the interlocutor, inspire. Demonstrate friendliness and helpfulness, but cannot always be relied upon.

There is no respect for "hierarchy". They manage well the emotions of people, their likes and dislikes. Irresistible urge to joke.

Difficulties with logic and diligence; sprayed on trifles, missing the main thing. Looking for compromises.

O Z - extrovert; HAMLET ("Ideologist") - ethical-intuitive extrovert
Scientists, discoverers F. Nietzsche
Generals, politicians A. Hitler, A. Makedonsky, L. Trotsky
Writers, literary heroes Stanislav Lem, I. Repin
Poets, artists V. Shakespeare, I. Annensky, O. Mandelstam, V. Tsoi, K. Balmont, L. Polishchuk
Leon Trotsky is the psycho-type Hamlet
Leon Trotsky is the psycho-type Hamlet

Leon Trotsky is the psycho-type Hamlet.

Lax lower part of the face, sluggish, sometimes capricious mouth. Theatricality and increased emotionality, work "for the viewer". Sour easily; love to be pitied. Are touchy, discharge emotions on others; for several days they walk with a gloomy face, without explaining the reason. They are squeamish.

Not prone to patience, especially in raising children. They don't know how to do several things at the same time - distractions annoy. They love comfort, but they don't know how to organize it. Poorly tolerate discomfort and pain.

They finish their work to the end. They sympathize with people and help. Good physiognomists.


Each person has strictly defined relationships with people of a certain socionic type 1.

Particularly useful are dual relationships when a partner completes a full complement and solves those tasks that, due to the peculiarities of the typology, are not comfortable for you to perform (highlighted in green in Table 1). Very often people of this type are chosen as a spouse or wife.

Particular attention should be paid to persons of the socionic type with whom you are predicting a conflict (in Table 1 highlighted in red). This person will annoy you for any reason (and you are).

It is better not to have such people among the bosses, and also not to recruit as subordinates and students.

Table 1. Table of intertype relationships A. Augustinavichute:



1. Descriptions of socionic types [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (Date of treatment 2019-15-01).

2. Tomilin, K. G. Fundamentals of professional communication in physical culture and sports: Textbook. Part 1 / K. G. Tomilin. - Sochi: RIC FGBOU VPO "SSU", 2014. - 128 p.

3. Tomilin, K. G. Social psychology: typology, communication, management: Methodical recommendations / K. G. Tomilin. - Chelyabinsk: ChOO "Knowledge of Russia", 2004. - 53 p.

4. Tomilin, K. G. Management of recreational activities at water resorts: Monograph / K. G. Tomilin. - 2nd ed. break. and add. - Sochi: RIO SGUTiKD, 2009.-- 184 p.

Author: Konstantin Tomilin
