Russia, The Last Of The Northern Race, Was Infected With The Gold Rush - Alternative View

Russia, The Last Of The Northern Race, Was Infected With The Gold Rush - Alternative View
Russia, The Last Of The Northern Race, Was Infected With The Gold Rush - Alternative View

Video: Russia, The Last Of The Northern Race, Was Infected With The Gold Rush - Alternative View

Video: Russia, The Last Of The Northern Race, Was Infected With The Gold Rush - Alternative View
Video: Как устроена IT-столица мира / Russian Silicon Valley (English subs) 2024, September

Earlier it was already told about how the Anunnaki who arrived on Earth created hybrid slaves for gold mining during genetic experiments, having laid them the desire to accumulate this “gold metal” at the genetic level. And for this reason, in the Middle East, from where the spread of these hybrid genes began, people with gold rush are sick from young to old. Later, together with Jewish pawnbrokers-speculators, this disease spread to Europe, giving rise to both a parasitic banking system with its "loan interest" and the richest Jewish banking clans, mixed with the ruling royal dynasties.

This is where in the “civilized” West such a strong power of money and gold has turned into the most real cults of worship of the “golden calf”. And this very god of parasites and degradants - the "golden calf" in the form of an idol, is installed in the very center of New York as a symbol of the most parasitic satanic Western civilization. But all such, as well as other degrading Western "values" clearly indicate that not only the ruling elite of Western civilization has undergone strong hybridization and semitization, but the genetics of the Western peoples themselves have undergone irreversible changes.

That is why, a creature with such hybrid genetics does not consider it shameful for an extra ruble or dollar to sell his mother, and not just his homeland. Therefore, when we see herds of hybrid nonhumans working out orders from foreign NGOs and other structures on the territory of Russia, then we need to understand the origins of this mental illness and the reasons why they were infected with it. And, nevertheless, the territory of our country was infected with this disease much less, thanks to the preserved genetics of the "white gods", and this infection came to us in later times.

In A. Tulupov's book "The Clan of the North" we can read about this:

Of course, the genetics of the "white gods" in our people were spoiled by the 300-year-old German-Romanov yoke, when, thanks to Peter's substitution during his "Great Embassy" in Europe, our country was flooded with mercenaries and other "specialists" from Europe, together with whom they began penetrate and parasitic "values". And, just from these parasites that have taken root on our land, who participated in the massacres of Old Believers and Old Believers since the Nikonian pro-Vatican reform, the ruling pro-Western "elite" and "rotten" Russophobic intelligentsia formed, hawking everything domestic and adoring pharisaic sycophancing before the "civilized" West.

Promotional video:

You can understand Americans or Germans who praise their country and openly demonstrate their patriotism. And this is considered normal. But in our country, with the filing of corrupt liberoid creatures who gave the country to be torn apart by transnational corporations in the 1990s, patriotism has long been considered a kind of “abnormality”. But in fact, all these pro-Western sycophants with their psychology of corrupt servants and the same pathological thirst for wealth and power as their semitized masters are really abnormal and mentally ill. But all of them in the near future will have to go through courses of "compulsory treatment" for this disease of theirs.

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