Gostomysl - Who Is It: Who Ruled Russia Before Rurik? - Alternative View

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Gostomysl - Who Is It: Who Ruled Russia Before Rurik? - Alternative View
Gostomysl - Who Is It: Who Ruled Russia Before Rurik? - Alternative View

Video: Gostomysl - Who Is It: Who Ruled Russia Before Rurik? - Alternative View

Video: Gostomysl - Who Is It: Who Ruled Russia Before Rurik? - Alternative View

Since the founding of the state in Russia, a huge number of rulers have changed. Some of the brightest and most distinguished, we remember from school - Prince Vladimir, Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Catherine II, others have heard something somewhere - such as, for example, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, Alexander I or Peter III. Most of the names of Russian monarchs do not tell us anything at all. But each of them is famous for something and has left its mark on history! To fill this gap, we decided to prepare a series of articles and tell about each ruler of Russia, starting from ancient times. So now, having heard the phrase from the famous film "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession", you can competently exclaim: "We know these Rurikovichs!"

Russian kaganate

According to The Tale of Bygone Years, the first state in Russia arose thanks to the vocation of the Varangians. This annals tells that the peoples of the Chud, Slovene, Krivichi and all turned to foreigners with the words: - Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it. Come to reign and rule over us. Three brothers answered the call from across the sea - Rurik, Sineus and Truvor. And after the death of the last two, only Rurik remained the ruler, becoming the ancestor of the famous princely dynasty. In principle, it was possible to start with him a series of articles about the rulers of Russia. And yet the question arises: who ruled in these lands before the arrival of the Varangians? After all, the aforementioned Chud, Slovenia, Krivichi and the rest somehow lived before?

Unfortunately, practically no documents about the pre-Rurik times have survived. The only sources on which scholars build versions of what was happening in Russia before the appearance of the Varangians are small excerpts from foreign treatises of that era, as well as oral legends and traditions. The events of those years are described in most detail in the Joachim Chronicle, published in the 18th century by the Russian nobleman, historian, geographer and statesman Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev, but scientists doubt the authenticity of this text. Tatishchev claimed that he copied the Chronicle from an Old Russian scroll that accidentally came to him, as the historian believed, written at the beginning of the 11th century by the first Novgorod bishop Joachim. But at the same time, Tatishchev lost the original, so it is almost impossible to establish whether the chronicle is fake or not. However, some of the facts described in the Joachim Chronicle were confirmed by archaeological excavations. And now even historians who are skeptical about this text sometimes refer to it, albeit with a reservation - probably”. So, after analyzing all the preserved - both genuine and dubious - historical sources, scientists came to the conclusion that before Rurik in Russia, probably, there was still a centralized state. It is often called the Russian Kaganate.after all, there was a centralized state. It is often called the Russian Kaganate.after all, there was a centralized state. It is often called the Russian Kaganate.

From Skiff and Vandal

According to the Joachim Chronicle, as well as the legend "The Legend of Slovenia and Ruse", this state was founded by the sons of Prince Scythian. Brothers Sloven and Rus came to Lake Ilmen and built two cities there: the first - “the great city - Slovensk, later, as many believe, became Veliky Novgorod, the second - the city of Rusa (now Staraya Russa). From Sloven, power passed to one of his sons - Vandal. It was he who actually created the Russian Kaganate - having conquered many lands on the coast of the sea and conquered peoples for himself. " Vandal had three sons: Izbor. Vladimir and Stolposvyat, each of whom he built a city. As a result, the state formed on Ilmen grew so much that, in addition to the Ilmenian Slovenes, it included Krivichi, Polyana, Northerners, Vyatichi, as well as Finno-Ugric tribes (Chud, all, Meraya, Mordovians, Murom). By the 9th century, three large military-economic centers were identified, in the Arabic texts of that era called Slavia, Kuyaba and Arsania. The first two are most likely. Novgorod and Kiev. Historians were divided on the location of Arsania. Some believe that this is Ryazan, others that Rostov, while others talk about Smolensk, Suzdal or Beloozero and other cities.

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Overseas conquerors

When the state was ruled by Prince Burevoy - the son of Vladimir and the grandson of Vandal, the overseas invaders - the Varangians - coveted the wealth of the lands under his control. The prince resisted the invasion as best he could, but was defeated at the Kumeni River (now Kymijoki), which is on the territory of modern Finland, and with the rest of the squad took refuge in the city of Byarma. The Varangians imposed a severe tribute on the conquered lands. But the son of Burevoy Gostomysl, who was called to reign, came to the aid of his father. He managed to gather a strong squad, expel the Varangians and re-unite the peoples into a single state. According to the Joachim Chronicle, Gostomysl made peace with the Varangians, and since then there has been silence throughout the land. The prince turned out to be not only a brave and mighty warrior, whom all neighboring states feared, but also a wise, just ruler, the people loved and respected Gostomysl.“For this reason, all the close peoples honored him and gave gifts and tributes, buying the world from him. Many princes from distant countries came by sea and land to listen to wisdom, and to see his judgment, and ask for his advice and teachings, since he was glorified everywhere.

Was there any confusion?

The question immediately arises: why, instead of such a wonderful prince, did people need to call on some foreigners? The fact is that Gostomysl had no heirs. He had three sons. In honor of the elder. Choice, after the defeat of the Varangians, he even built a city called Vyborg. His other son, Sloven Jr., went to the Chud lands and founded the city of Slovenesk there, which was later renamed by his son Nabor in Izborsk. But none of the three sons, as well as the grandson Izbor, survived until the end of Gostomysl's reign to inherit power. Judging by the Tale of Bygone Years, this led to a brutal internecine war. Without reaching an agreement and wanting to stop the massacre, Chud, Slovenia, Krivichi, the whole and other allied peoples decided to turn to their neighbors for help. Indeed, in those days, princes with squads were often called from foreign lands - for management and protection. As a result, the Vikings were called up.

But there is also another version. Some researchers believe that the words of the address to the Varangians “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it,” which directly speaks of civil strife, were simply misinterpreted by contemporaries. For example, in the chronicle according to the Ipatiev list, the same phrase sounds a little differently: "Our land is great and abundant, but there is no outfit in it." And the Novgorod Chronicle says: "… But there is no orderly in it." Most likely, this refers to the position of the ruler of the lands - an orderly. By the way, people called posadniks were also elected to manage the Novgorod lands. So there could have been no internecine massacre. It is likely that everything happened as it is told in one legend. Once Gostomysl, who had no heirs, had a prophetic dream: as if from the belly of one of his daughters. Umily, a huge tree has grown,covering the whole city with branches. The Magi interpreted the dream that it was Umila's son who was destined to take power and create a great state on their land. And then Gostomysl sent ambassadors to his daughter, who was married to the Varangian prince, and announced a decision to transfer power to her children. When Gostomysl was gone, his grandchildren Rurik came to rule the lands. Sineus and Truvor.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №6. Author: Oleg Gorosov