Blumkin, Shambhala And The "Tibet-2" Expedition - Alternative View

Blumkin, Shambhala And The "Tibet-2" Expedition - Alternative View
Blumkin, Shambhala And The "Tibet-2" Expedition - Alternative View

Video: Blumkin, Shambhala And The "Tibet-2" Expedition - Alternative View

Video: Blumkin, Shambhala And The
Video: Секретная миссия в Тибет Врата Шамбалы Поиск власти над миром Тайная экспедиция поиск Шамбалы 2024, July

A lot has been written about Yakov Blumkin. As a rule, those interested in history associate his last name with Mirbakh, the NKVD, Dzerzhinsky, and mysterious expeditions to Shambhala, as well as the Labor Brotherhood, which included Barchenko, who is credited (groundlessly) with the discovery of the Hyperborean civilization on the Kola Peninsula …

Let's look at the case of Yakov Gershevich Blumkin …


Returning from the Tibetan expedition, he gave the German side information about the artifacts of ancient civilizations he had seen. In fact, judging from the case documents, Blumkin prepared two reports - for the NKVD and for the Germans. During interrogation, he claimed that he had received $ 2.4 million from the NKVD special office for organizing a second expedition to Tibet, apparently with the aim of obtaining specific materials and artifacts. An internal audit did not confirm the fact that the amount indicated by Blumkin was transferred from the NKVD funds. The testimony of Polezhaeva, sent to Blumkin as a spy, also played a role.

You can talk about this matter a lot, there are enough materials, they all provide rich food for the mind and extremely interesting conclusions, the first of which: having received Blumkin's report on the knowledge of ancient civilizations stored in Tibet, German intelligence made the only correct decision in this situation - to eliminate competitors in the person Blumkin and the NKVD. The result was a provoked situation in which Blumkin appeared before the "comrades" from the Commissariat as a spy and an enemy of the people, especially against the background of recent meetings with Trotsky. As a result - a firing squad for counter-revolutionary activities …

The most valuable in the case (interrogation protocol) should be considered Blumkin's own handwritten testimony, in which he describes what he saw in the underground repositories of knowledge in Tibet.


Promotional video:

The verdict puts the point in the case:


"Standard" for that time - article 58, paragraphs 58.1 and 58.10.

Having turned over several yellowed pages, you can find a small note-prescription indicating where one of the most unusual and mysterious people of the NKVD, Ya. G. Blumkin, is buried:


In the same case, you can find another noteworthy document, as if specially filed in a thick folder, like the irony of the sentence passed - a certificate of honor presented to Blumkin by the same person who, in a few months, will sign his death sentence:


With the execution of Blumkin, the thread connecting the “Soviet power” with mystical Tibet was cut off. And only 10 years later, sent to Germany by Comrade. Saveliev, head of the secret Androgen laboratory, located in Kraskovo near Moscow, will write with surprise in his report that German "ethnographic" expeditions are bringing amazing information and knowledge from Tibet, which makes sense to draw the attention of the Soviet government:


The country's leadership listened to Saveliev's opinion, especially since the laboratory in Kraskovo was engaged in a very unusual business - the creation of a philosopher's stone (but this is a completely separate topic).

An urgent preparation for the expedition "Tibet-2" began, the materials obtained by Blumkin were again raised, the composition of the expedition, terms, routes, equipment were approved. But the time was already irrevocably lost.


Back in 1938–39. the Ahnenerbe expedition led by Ernst Schaeffer (and even earlier in 1931, 1934–35) removed from the repositories of ancient knowledge unique materials, artifacts, and Keys to many ancient technologies, including a description of the way to penetrate into Agharta, mystical underground country. But this is a topic for another conversation …


Author: Nikolay Subbotin