In California, Dead Fish Rained Down On School - Alternative View

In California, Dead Fish Rained Down On School - Alternative View
In California, Dead Fish Rained Down On School - Alternative View

Video: In California, Dead Fish Rained Down On School - Alternative View

Video: In California, Dead Fish Rained Down On School - Alternative View

On May 16, 2017, a strange rain fell on the Stanford Avenue Elementary School in Oroville, California, after which small dead fish were strewn across the school grounds and rooftops.

One of the first adults to see the dead fish was campus manager Liz Barber-Gabrielle. According to her, she has no idea where the fish came from, but it's definitely not a cafeteria fish.

Despite the fact that she saw that the fish was lying on the ground and on the roofs, she does not believe in the mystical "fish rain", since she did not see the very moment of the appearance of the fish like everyone else.


Headmaster Shannon Capshew thinks that there was a hooligan trick or someone else's weird joke, but admits that, judging by the polls, none of the guards and caretakers have seen outside adults on the territory or anything strange at all.


The next attempt to explain the phenomenon was that it was stated that the fish got here from the surrounding lakes or rivers using a tornado (the standard explanation for fish rains).

However, a spokesman for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife investigated several fish and said they are a species of carp that is not found in the nearby Feather River or Lake Oroville.

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Also, the local meteorologist said that nothing extraordinary in the weather these days happened. What's more surprising, the local birds were not at all interested in this fish. No one saw them flying over it or trying to peck on this fish.