A Scottish Woman Rejuvenated Thanks To A Raw Food Diet - Alternative View

A Scottish Woman Rejuvenated Thanks To A Raw Food Diet - Alternative View
A Scottish Woman Rejuvenated Thanks To A Raw Food Diet - Alternative View

Video: A Scottish Woman Rejuvenated Thanks To A Raw Food Diet - Alternative View

Video: A Scottish Woman Rejuvenated Thanks To A Raw Food Diet - Alternative View

Susan Reynolds claims that she owes her strong health and good looks to a strict raw food diet. The girl claims that at 29, she looks 16.

Susan eats nothing but raw fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts, and beans. Every day, she eats a cold soup made from a bunch of spinach, a large bunch of herbs and lettuce leaves. However, the temperature of food consumed by a woman never exceeds room temperature.

Susan says she was not always healthy and ate everything when she was a student at the University of Edinburgh. Most of all, the girl loved McChicken sandwiches and used them as an appetizer to spirits.

However, that all changed when, at 21, she became interested in yoga during a six-month trip to India. Back home, Susan decided to become a vegetarian and yoga teacher, and a little later she learned about the raw food diet.

“In Edinburgh, I stopped by for lunch at a cafe called Red Sugar, where raw foodists eat,” she said. “They told me a little about this food system and when I came home, I began to read literature about it.”

Susan says that the day after she started eating that way, she felt the difference. According to her, she has not eaten anything hot for seven years.

“Such nutrition gives me clarity of mind, charges me with positive, energy and health. Many people note the freshness of the skin and its youth. People say that I look good for my age. I am also emotionally balanced and happy,”says Susan.

Susan currently works as a raw food and health basics instructor. For seven years, she says, she has never had a craving for cooked or unhealthy food.

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“I try to include as many leaves and vegetables as possible in my diet. I eat fruits for energy and get fats from nuts and seeds,”she says.

The girl also taught her mother to eat raw, who, according to her, was able to recover from diabetes after changing her diet.

“Before, my mother was practically bedridden, but now she feels great, the disease has receded. Her experience will always be one of those things that inspire me,”said the girl.