Elves And The Truth About Them - Alternative View

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Elves And The Truth About Them - Alternative View
Elves And The Truth About Them - Alternative View

Video: Elves And The Truth About Them - Alternative View

Video: Elves And The Truth About Them - Alternative View
Video: Why Elves Were Believed To Spread Deadly Diseases | Gods & Monsters | Parable 2024, July

What do we know about them?

Almost 90 percent of all elves have magic. Since they are peaceful, their magic lies in good healing abilities. And also due to the fact that they have "eagle" vision, elves are good archers. Everyone probably remembers Legolas from The Lord of the Rings, as well as his father and mother.

Germany, Eltz Castle
Germany, Eltz Castle

Germany, Eltz Castle.

However, few people know that the image of elves appeared at the end of the early Middle Ages in Germany and was based on the urban legend of the Elcean bride.

It sounds like this

Prince Abelard Adelalf Kriensky went out at night to get some fresh air. For the first time he had a nightmare that seemed real and he did not dare to return to the dream again. Out on the bridge and trying not to think about the meaning of the dream, Prince Abelard heard a strange but very beautiful song. She evoked a strange calm and pacification. Although the prince knew 10 languages that were considered the only at that time, Abelard could not make out the words. His curiosity overpowered his thoughts about safety and he decided to go for the sound. After some time, in a deep forest, he found a waterfall. And next to it, on the rocks, was a girl with snow-white skin and very long golden hair. The song was so mesmerizing that the prince wanted this girl to sing for him always. realizing this, the prince took her hand and led her to his castle.he later told her that he wanted to marry her, but she decided to test his feelings and refused. Years passed, and the servants of that castle began to notice that the prince became irritated, sullen, angry and angry. Abelard began to see in his loyal servants spies from the neighboring kingdom, so he either expelled or executed those he disliked. And once after the engagement, at a time when ordinary peasants began to fear the "mad prince", his beloved wanted to walk on a quiet moonlit night to that very waterfall. However, jealousy unknown to the village played in Abelard, he forbade his bride to leave the castle, and then he himself locked her in a dungeon. A day later, the prince changed his mind and rushed to free his beloved. However, he was horrified by what he saw in the dungeon: there was not his beauty with golden hair, but some creature,which seemed to replace his bride: it had an ashen skin color, elongated ears and impossibly large eyes. When Abelard looked in them, he saw the whole truth: it was his bride who sent him that nightmare, because of which he came out that ill-fated night. It was because of her singing that he became what he was now. Realizing the terrible truth, Abelard almost instantly took off to that bridge and jumped down, so as not to live with such a burden on his heart. And what happened to that creature? Neither residents, nor former servants, nor even the legends and beliefs of those places speak about this. Realizing the terrible truth, Abelard almost instantly took off to that bridge and jumped down, so as not to live with such a burden on his heart. And what happened to that creature? Neither residents, nor former servants, nor even the legends and beliefs of those places speak about this. Realizing the terrible truth, Abelard almost instantly took off to that bridge and jumped down, so as not to live with such a burden on his heart. And what happened to that creature? Neither residents, nor former servants, nor even the legends and beliefs of those places speak about this.

Illustration based on the same belief in a new way
Illustration based on the same belief in a new way

Illustration based on the same belief in a new way.

Promotional video:

Yes, I completely and completely agree, the story of the appearance of such cute creatures is not quite fun. And where do you think, for example, dark elves came from or, for example, elf's oppression of ethnic minorities. What? Haven't you heard about that too?

It is obvious. Majestic, beautiful and powerful elves cannot do dirty work, such as mining, making weapons, building houses, cleaning, and so on. I am one hundred percent sure that you have not heard about the victims among the Kvanlots, or, for example, have not heard about the suffering of the air Chvaprovites. Who is it? These are the very oppressed peoples.

Quanloths during the arrival of the conquering elves
Quanloths during the arrival of the conquering elves

Quanloths during the arrival of the conquering elves.

Or, for example, what is the reason for the incredible lifespan of elves? The gift of healing, of course, is a useful thing and is applicable everywhere, but you won't go far on it alone, right? So where do elves take the power of longevity, which allows them to stretch their courtship for years, and marriages and life itself - for centuries? What about cannibalism?

Yes, I know it sounds far-fetched, but think for yourself. After all, the elves were not always like that, which means, due to the length of life, they had to obviously or later reach the point of no return in overpopulation. However, as can now be observed, elves are so few in number that even among fictitious peoples they are invented. Why did this happen? True, only elven flesh helps them to be as adorable as they are described.

What can you add?

Elves are far from being beautiful waifu or athletic senpai. These are rather cruel and insidious creatures that are capable of stupefying people who oppress ethnic minorities and who eat their own kind. Think about it.
