The Netherlands Will Hide Under Water In The Event Of A Global Flood - Alternative View

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The Netherlands Will Hide Under Water In The Event Of A Global Flood - Alternative View
The Netherlands Will Hide Under Water In The Event Of A Global Flood - Alternative View

Video: The Netherlands Will Hide Under Water In The Event Of A Global Flood - Alternative View

Video: The Netherlands Will Hide Under Water In The Event Of A Global Flood - Alternative View
Video: Why The Netherlands Isn't Flooding (Anymore) 2024, September

“Polundra! Save yourself who can! Something like this follows from the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. It turned out that global warming has significantly accelerated the melting of glaciers. This, in turn, threatens a new Flood.

From the calculations of scientists it follows that since 1993, the level of the World Ocean has been increasing by 3.2 millimeters every year (previously, water arrived at a rate of 1.2 mm per year). This means that by 2100 the level of the World Ocean will be 0.5 - 2 meters higher than today. As a result, in the next 70 - 80 years, dozens of huge coastal megacities and entire states will go under water around the world!


Have time to relax in the Maldives

Island states will be the first to drown in the waters of the Flood. The famous tourist paradise in the Maldives, according to scientists, will disappear from the face of the earth in 50 years. The Maldives is a chain of 1200 coral islands, most of which rise 1 meter above sea level. And the highest point of the archipelago is 2.3 meters high.

The government of the island state 7 years ago created a special fund, which transfers part of the income from the tourism industry. The money from this fund is intended for the purchase of new territories for the state. The Maldivian authorities are asking the price of lands on the mainland and are conducting preliminary negotiations with the authorities of India and Sri Lanka. These countries are located nearby, in addition, the culture of the local peoples is close to the culture of the Maldivians.


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In addition, there is the option of resettlement to Australia, where vast territories remain unpopulated. However, it is not known whether the Green Continent itself will be able to act as Noah's ark. Its western shores are sinking into the depths of the sea at a speed of 8.6 mm per year, which is three times higher than the global average. There is a chance that Australia will have a sea right in the center of the continent.

The Netherlands will be saved by the "Delta Plan"

The pearl of Europe - Venice is already rapidly sinking under water. The city is projected to become uninhabitable in 2028. Already, half of the city is regularly flooded with the sea. The main city square of San Marco can serve as a kind of indicator. A century ago, it was covered with a wave only 9 times a year. Last year, the square acted as a "drowned woman" 200 times.

In Europe, the main blow of the elements will fall on Holland (Netherlands). According to climatologists, the entire territory of the state will undergo flooding. You can't scare the Dutch with water. The entire history of the Netherlands is a history of flood control. They have relied on one of the largest hydraulic engineering projects in human history, called the Delta Plan.

The project envisages the construction of dams, dams and other structures that protect the coastline and prevent the flow of seawater into the river deltas. Computer simulations have shown that the system of structures is capable of protecting the country in the event of a sea level rise above ordinary level by 5 meters!

Goodbye, America, goodbye, Thailand

American climatologist Benjamin Strauss claims that only in the mecca of billionaires - Florida, 150 cities with a population of 2.7 million will soon go under water. The threat of flooding looms over California and New Jersey. New Orleans is turning into a "submarine" at an alarming rate: over the past 150 years, the ground level has dropped by 4.5 meters!

Water procedures will soon have to be adopted by many world megacities. In 35 years, the streets of the capital of Thailand will be accessible only by motorboat.

In Asia, it will flood coastal areas, where hundreds of millions of people in China, India and Bangladesh continue to breed. In particular, it will be very wet in the area of Shanghai, Jakarta, Tokyo and Mumbai.

How to deal with this scourge? There is a very curious global project: to flood natural depressions located below ocean level. Among the contenders are named, for example, the salt lake Shott el-Garza in Tunisia (17 meters below sea level). If this lowland is filled with water, it will lead to the formation of a whole sea in Africa. But what such global climate changes will lead to is hard to imagine.


Calm, only calm

However, not all scientists believe that we will go under water. There is no reason to panic. In some areas of the planet, the earth's crust, on the contrary, straightens. Thus, the shores of Northern Sweden and Finland rise at a rate of 1 meter per century.

And global warming will make the northern territories of Russia and the vast expanses of Greenland more comfortable for human development (today they are practically not inhabited). In any case, the rise in sea level is not catastrophic, but gradual. And history shows that people have always managed to adapt to a changing world.


The ocean was 100 meters lower

80 thousand years ago, when our ancestors left Africa and began to populate the planet, they moved along the coastline and practically did not meet any obstacles. According to scientists, 25 thousand years ago, the level of the World Ocean was lower than the modern one by more than 100 meters. And any modern continent could be reached without getting your feet wet. And then a global "thaw" began.

As the glaciers melted and the sea level rose, the water flooded the land bridges between islands and continents. Therefore, the populations of our ancestors, who reached the most remote corners of the planet thanks to the ice age, were isolated from the rest of humanity.