How The Planet Burned - Alternative View

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How The Planet Burned - Alternative View
How The Planet Burned - Alternative View

Video: How The Planet Burned - Alternative View

Video: How The Planet Burned - Alternative View
Video: Astronaut Chris Hadfield Debunks Space Myths | WIRED 2024, July

Officially, the truth was never hidden and everything was in front of the nose. But there is always a big "but" of today's slave system - modern society has little time to find out about something. They try to occupy our time in every possible way, so that we do not have time both for ourselves and for the knowledge of the truth. And there are a lot of reasons, from the fact that we have to work hard on a bowl of food, to the fact that the information space is washed down with anything but useful. Here we also add the instilling of new-fangled drug habits that do not bring anything good to our life.


So, our World was burning. It is not hidden. But the reasons always cause an ironic grin. So, let's look at common fires. Let's start with the Great London incident in 1666, which the official describes as some kind of joyful event: "Thanks to the fire, England was the first European country to get a capital free from the architectural problems of the Middle Ages." Indeed, this Gothic antiquity of the Anto-Slavs is such an eyesore to official science that here the annals may cross "glory to Thee, Lord, there are much less of these masterpieces left." For the curious, I recommend digging through the surviving masterpieces that date back to before the fire. And so, the description of the fire:

When a fire started at Thomas Farriner's bakery on Pudding Lane in the early morning of September 2 in rainy, rainy London in a rainy, rainy fall, no one could imagine the devastating consequences it could have. In the city, as in the Hollywood film about the African American ghetto, open flames were used for both lighting and heating, fires were commonplace. So familiar that the Lord Mayor of the City of London Sir Thomas Bloodworth, seeing the flames from the window, yawned, lifted his T-shirt, scratched his belly and went to fill up.

Historians believe that just a small candle left overnight in a bakery led to the Great Fire of London and a fatal coincidence: strong wind, cramped buildings and too warm weather (because of it, the wooden beams from which the houses were built dried out thoroughly and flashed like matches), led to the fact that an area along the Thames more than two kilometers in length was completely burned out.


Although, if we look at old engravings, like this one painted in 1670, we will see that the city was exactly stone. As stone buildings burn, huge columns lie around destruction.


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That is, it is not plainly hidden that Europe had communications, although more often historians fill in about wild backwardness, they say they even wore hats because pots and vases with droppings were continually poured over their heads by the constantly emptying townspeople.

The following is a description of the burning stone Cathedral of St. Paul. The medieval cathedral, which turned 500 years old in the year of the fire, was quietly crumbling. To be honest, it was in such a deplorable state that during the revolution, Oliver Cromwell's troops used it as a stable.


Interestingly, in the paintings of the ruinists, people set up stables inside the huge buildings. The same stables in the same huge buildings were arranged in the First World War. That is, what brought such super-powerful buildings to destruction and when stables were arranged there, it was during sad events and more often during a war. It is noteworthy that the townspeople considered Paul's Cathedral to be the most durable structure and nothing threatens it. You can imagine how the crypt fire was raging when the burning roof collapsed there! According to eyewitnesses, the temperature in the burning cathedral was so high that the stone sculptures burst like grenades. The publicist John Evelyn later wrote about this time in his diary: the molten lead from the roofs flowed through the streets in a stream, and even the pavements glowed red.

It is also interesting that the plague, so similar to radiation sickness and this fire, coincided at the same period.

Now let's look at other fires as well. Fire in Chicago in 1871. If London burned down, according to historians from a candle, which can be more called a science fiction work than real events, then in Chicago, in this homeland of skyscrapers, as this city is called, the court of historians condemned hay.


On October 8, 1871, hay caught fire in a barn behind 137 De Coven Street. The owners, the O'Leary couple, together with their neighbors tried to extinguish the fire, but a strong southeast wind blew the burning hay all over the block, then the fire miraculously spread across the river, destroying everything in its path. The fire raged for three days and destroyed 17,500 buildings. It is also interesting that, as his historians describe, "all of America began to help Chicago." The first shipment of wood arrived in the city on the day the fire was still in progress. What efficiency! As if unwanted in the city was destroyed and immediately entered into a plan for its restructuring with new buildings. There is another version of the destruction of the city, also fantastic - the fire was caused by a cow that knocked over a kerosene lamp with its hooves. The cow was owned by Patrick and Catherine O'Leary.

Fire in Pestigo 1871

At the same time as the Chicago fire in Wisconsin, there was a massive wildfire. The small town of Pestigo suffered the most. Well, how it suffered … It would be more accurate to say that it was practically destroyed and almost all the inhabitants were burned to death. This fire is called "the great forgotten fire" because at that moment the forces of the whole country were thrown into the fire in Chicago. Residents of the unknown Peshtigo had nowhere to wait for help. In general, the forest fire is to blame. And what kind of forest fires there are in America, we have already seen from the recent fire in California, where not a single tree burned, as Vedagor the Miryanin showed, only stone buildings and metal were burning, but the authorities and their helpful media persistently promote a false version of forest fires.

Also, at the same time, other fires were recorded that burned down the cities. On the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, a fire destroyed the city of Holland, and 100 miles (160 km) north of Holland, a huge fire also burned the village of Manistee.


The fact that four large fires on the shores of Lake Michigan occurred on the same day, as well as the abnormally rapid spread of fire, suggests a single reason. The testimony of some eyewitnesses says about "fire falling from the sky." There is another official hypothesis according to which the fires were caused by the collision of the Earth with fragments of the disintegrated comet Biela. Although how many cities burned in different periods and throughout the planet, this idea is slightly dismissed.

Fire in Rome 64 years old

According to the most widespread version of historians, the initiator of the fire that happened in Rome in 64 was the emperor Nero. While the flames destroyed the temples on the Sacred Street and the homes of ordinary people, the emperor sat on a hill with a beautiful view of the city, played the lyre and recited a poem about the fall of Troy. How great it was, I don't need to remind you.


There was such a huge antiquity of the ants. that only two floors of their construction were easily aligned with modern high-rises. How these buildings could have been burned by one person, according to the historical patriarchy, I don’t know.

1904 Baltimore fire

A fire that erupted in downtown Baltimore on February 7, 1904, damaged 1,500 office buildings, and it is believed that it began due to an unextinguished cigarette.


Local firefighters were unable to control the flames and turned to Washington and New York for help. However, when the firefighters of these cities arrived in Baltimore, it turned out that their fire hoses were incompatible with the fire hydrants of Baltimore, which is quite curious. The fire raged for 31 hours, destroying 1,500 buildings and destroying another thousand.

Seattle fire 1889

According to historians, on June 6, 1889, glue caught fire in one of the woodworking workshops, this was the beginning of the largest fire.


The fire, sniffing glue, got confused and did not know what to do, jumped out of the workshop and rushed to a nearby liquor store, and from there to other buildings. As a result of the fire, 25 city blocks were destroyed.

Fire in New York in 1776

The first Great Fire took place in New York before the United States gained independence from Britain. More precisely, it happened in the very process of receiving. In 1776, New York was located on Manhattan Island. When British forces attacked the city in September 1776, General Washington allegedly offered to burn the city so that it would not fall to the enemy.


Congress, however, vetoed this venture. On September 15, Washington's army left the city. And on the same day in New York, an inexplicable fire broke out. Why suddenly?

Fire in Moscow in 1812

I cannot understand how Washington wanted to burn the stone city of New York, it is also incomprehensible why historians do not even want to consider their own version of how Kutuzov allegedly managed to burn stone Moscow! Did he water every stone building in the city with gasoline? St. Petersburg was also on fire, Kiev was also on fire, Vinnitsa and any other city of Russia were on fire. The cities of Europe were on fire. The cities of America were burning. Cities on all continents were burning.


It's time for curious people to seriously ask themselves who and why are constantly striving to reformat the whole World. Thinking, researching, reflecting, of course, in today's religious 21st century is forbidden - they immediately mix with dirt, if someone has an opinion. But did the religiously believing crowd ever stop us, people with a strong character? We are brave. But the crowd of fanatics is afraid even of official historians to ask what their dogmas are based on and whether it is possible to find out the names of the sources on which they are trying to form a generally accepted opinion. We would be brave, they would see a wonderful thing, how historians scratch their turnips and cannot answer when and who put into their minds such funny and ridiculous official explanations that they are promoting.

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