Poltergeist Sets Fire To Houses In Azerbaijan - Alternative View

Poltergeist Sets Fire To Houses In Azerbaijan - Alternative View
Poltergeist Sets Fire To Houses In Azerbaijan - Alternative View

Video: Poltergeist Sets Fire To Houses In Azerbaijan - Alternative View

Video: Poltergeist Sets Fire To Houses In Azerbaijan - Alternative View
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In the village of Novo-Ivanovka in the Gadabay region of Azerbaijan, fires occur for unknown reasons. According to Vesti. Az, according to the ARB TV channel, at the end of the last year, Zamina Ramazanova's house caught fire. Despite the efforts of the firefighters and neighbors, the fire quickly engulfed the whole house so that, according to the wife of the hostess Shaig Mammadov, not a single match could be made.

According to him, the damage caused amounted to 100,000 manats. Sh. Mamedov expressed the assumption that thieves entered the house, and when they left, they set it on fire to cover their tracks. After some time, fires broke out in the farmsteads of four neighbors - this time, not houses, but bales of hay were burnt.

According to one of the victims, Ramazan Huseynov, the fires took place in the evening at intervals of 10-20 minutes. The causes or perpetrators of these fires have not yet been established, which causes fear among the villagers. The concerns of the villagers are not hard to understand. As they say, everything unknown scares us. As you already understood, chance in this case is excluded. However, the district law enforcement officers keep the Olympic calm.

Thus, the police department of the Gadabay region said that there was no reason for any concern, and that the causes of the fires in Novo-Ivanovka were being studied. At the very least, the strange statement by the police is confusing. Houses in the village are burning like matches, and the police are not blowing their heads. At a minimum, the owners of the burned down houses are already worried that they are left without a roof over their heads, while the rest are anxiously awaiting their unenviable fate. And you must admit that the excuse of the Gadabay policemen does not really fit with the motto "My police protects me."

However, it is possible that the guards of law and order, after watching various programs about aliens, poltergeists, ghosts, the afterlife, and so on, have turned into fatalists. Well, or their favorite book character is "The Invisible Man" by H. G. Wells.

Who would want to deal with supernatural powers? As one of the heroes of the famous film said: “Is it possible to shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss. But still it seems that the truth is somewhere nearby, and the police just need to drive away laziness and start looking for the intruder. No offense will be said to the people of Gedabek, but their area does not attract them to the testing ground for aliens. Although, if human paths are inscrutable, then the paths of aliens and all the more so.