In The Footsteps Of Professor Rana - Alternative View

In The Footsteps Of Professor Rana - Alternative View
In The Footsteps Of Professor Rana - Alternative View

After the death of Otto Rahn, the excavation zone at Monsegur was declared forbidden. This continued until the spring of 1944, when archaeologists from Ahnenerbe reappeared here.

In the spring of 1944, the entire Nazi elite was concerned about the situation on the fronts. And although it was still far from the opening of the "second front" (in the north of France), it became obvious that the enemy was encircling Nazi Germany from all sides: Russians were torn from the east, fanatical Slavs from Yugoslavia (whose partisan army already numbered almost million bayonets), from the south (the African coast and Italy) the British were crushed, from the north all the same British were beating in tandem with the Yankees (the “flying fortresses” haunted German cities).

Given this difficult situation, the German leaders - from Hitler to the lowest level - sought to find their own way to save the nation and state. And in this case, all methods were good.

Reichsfuehrer SS G. Himmler again proposed to look to mysticism, to the traditions of ancestors. Hitler did not mind. And "Ahnenerbe" equipped another expedition to Monsegur.

Its leader is SS Colonel Wilhelm Kruger. Subordinate directly to Himmler, conscientious campaigner, disciplined and obsequious, but completely incompetent. Kruger could not replace the wound with his intelligence, flair and talent. Yes, Kruger knew about the Grail, but - only general information, nothing more.

Has Kruger ever read Eschenbach?

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Expedition - one hundred and fifty people (none of those who were here in 1937). Kruger's team climbed all over Montsegur, down to the most imperceptible cracks.

In July 1944, the work had to be curtailed, news came of the American landing in Normandy. And although there are a good thousand kilometers from Normandy to Montsegur, Himmler does not risk his people.

What were the Kruger people looking for in Montsegur? And found it or not?

Maybe they never got it. The Grail of Wolfram von Eschenbach takes the researcher "from the human realm into the world of a higher mystery, the darkness of which the poet did not want to dispel and which he, for some mysterious reasons, did not want to reduce to the mystery of Christ" (See: A. E. Makhov. about fidelity will go … ". Wolfram von Eschenbach and his novel // Wolfram von Eschenbach. Parzival. M., 2004. S. 18.).

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French historian Fernand Niel and speleologist Fernand Costa:

“Since 1956,” says Fernand Costa, head of the Ariege Speleological Society, “we began to explore Montsegur. We extracted nails, clay products, various utensils, and fragments of weapons from the excavations. But this is not what we needed. We were not looking for treasures, although the local peasants considered us to be treasure hunters.

In August 1964, Ariezh speleologists discovered six natural faults at the foot of the fortress walls. In one of them, located eighty meters from the fortress, the remains of a throwing machine and a pile of stones brought up the mountain from the valley were found. Clearing the blockage, the researchers were amazed to find badges, notches and some kind of drawing on the outside of the wall. It turned out to be a rough plan … of an underground passage leading from the foot of the wall to the gorge. Apparently, the builders were guided by this drawing when rebuilding the castle. And then followed the opening of an underground passage, skeletons with halberds and a new riddle: who are these people who died when leaving the dungeon? …

One of the fortress explorers, digging under the foundation of the wall, brought out a number of interesting objects with Qatari symbols inscribed on them. So, a bee was engraved on the buckles and buttons, for the Perfect ones it symbolized the secret of fertilization without physical contact. Among the finds was a lead plate, forty centimeters long, folded into a pentagon. The pentagon - the main symbol of Manicheism - was the hallmark of the Perfect Apostles. It is known that the Cathars denied the Latin cross and deified the five-pointed, which was for them a symbol of eternal diffusion - dispersion, dispersion of matter, the human body. These findings once again confirmed the continuity of the Cathars' ideas and philosophy of Manicheism and pointed to the now understandable oddity in the construction of the pentagonal castle.

But the ruins of Montsegur found their true Schliemann in the person of Fernand Niel, a retired French engineer-mathematician, Niel knew the history of the region, was familiar with sources on the Qatari problem, with special literature. (Fernand Niel is now considered one of the most knowledgeable historians of Catharism in France.)

The unusual layout of the castle caught Niel's attention. Why did the Perfect ones ask the owner of the castle to rebuild it according to their own plans? Is it just to express in the construction of the fortress the symbol of your strange faith - the pentagon?

- In Montsegur, says Fernand Niel, there is a mystery everywhere, first of all it is in the very structure of the castle - this is the strangest structure that has ever existed. Undoubtedly, in himself was laid the key to the rituals - a secret that the Perfect ones took with them to the grave.

- However, - invites Niel, - let's climb the peak of Montsegur on June 21 or 22, on the day of the summer solstice. What do we notice when we climb to the top? First of all, the pentagon of the castle is very elongated: diagonally - fifty-four meters, width - thirteen meters. It seems that its builders deliberately did not care about strengthening the castle, since the site on which the fortress is located is worthy of a better citadel. Judging by the construction technique and construction, these were experienced architects, and they could not fail to notice the miscalculation in the defensive qualities of the fortress. So, something else came to the fore here …

Now let's go down to the citadel, cross the courtyard and go up to the tower. Don't forget that today is the summer solstice! Here is one of the archer stands - you can sit on any of them. Whichever embrasure we choose, it exactly matches the same one in the opposite wall. The sun rises … In the narrow opening of the embrasure, the edge of a fiery body appears. You might think that it comes here on a date at a strictly defined hour … The same can be observed through the embrasures of the northern facade of the tower; for this, it is enough to sit on the supports of the opposite stands for the shooters …

Thus, while studying the tower, continues Fernand Niel, I discovered an ensemble of four points for observing the sunrise on the day of the summer solstice. Naturally, this can happen only once a year … It is known that for the Cathars the sun was a symbol of goodness, and I affirm: Montsegur is a solar temple! Otherwise, why are its walls, doors, windows and embrasures oriented towards the sunrise?

… On the north-eastern wall of the castle, Niel noticed one curious detail. The wall, fifty-three meters long, forms an angle of 176 degrees, although nothing prevents it from being perfectly straight. On the outside of the corner, on the stony masonry, the scientist saw a deep vertical notch. A clear straight line descended from the top to a third of the wall and ended.

What for?

What role did she fulfill?

And here the researcher was helped by his former specialty - a mathematical engineer. He was interested in architectural proportions, numerical values, dimensions, degrees contained in the structure of the castle. The calculations carried out by Fernand Niel allowed him to draw a sensational conclusion: the castle of Montsegur concealed curious properties in its design - by just observing the sunrise on the day of the summer solstice, it was possible to set the month and day of any season here. In a word, it was a kind of calendar and astronomical device, unique in its kind. For seven and a half centuries, it has not lost its enormous scientific value, opened for researchers unknown pages in the history of the development of human knowledge and thought (G. Eremin.

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Medieval Germanic legends say that every seven hundred years a hidden treasure comes to the surface. Himmler saw this as a connection to the Holy Grail.

Scientists from "Ahnenerbe" presented a more complete "alignment": in 544 St. Benedict died ("The founder of monasticism in the Western world, St. Benedict did not like to sit idly by. He traveled all over Europe, founding monasteries in places considered sacred to pagans. The most famous monastery was founded on Mount Cassino (Monte Cassino), especially revered in pre-Christian beliefs. St. Benedict died in 544, 700 years before the Cathar massacre in Monsegur and 1400 years before the fanatical defense of Monte Cassino by Hitler's army … After death The Order of St. Benedict was founded, which took over almost all the holy places of the Catholic world by 1100. It has been established that in their activities the Benedictines often resorted to the knowledge of the "accursed pagans" who were ruthlessly suppressed by the Catholic Church. Former members of the order could be found in many secret societies, including Frederick the Great's Masonic lodge. It is known that the Order Fathers saw in the “sacred geography” (the location of monasteries) one of the means of psychic subordination of the peoples under their control. Related to this is the mastery of subtle energies, which is allegorically called the Holy Grail. The possession of the Grail was the cherished dream of all orders. But all searches were unsuccessful. " (Goncharov V. Crusade against the Grail. [?]), In the same year the most famous king, Arthur, passed away. In 1244, the Albigensian Cathars in Montsegur were destroyed. Related to this is the mastery of subtle energies, which is allegorically called the Holy Grail. The possession of the Grail was the cherished dream of all orders. But all searches were unsuccessful. " (Goncharov V. Crusade against the Grail. [?]), In the same year the most famous king, Arthur, passed away. In 1244, the Albigensian Cathars in Montsegur were destroyed. Related to this is the mastery of subtle energies, which is allegorically called the Holy Grail. The possession of the Grail was the cherished dream of all orders. But all searches were unsuccessful. " (Goncharov V. Crusade against the Grail. [?]), In the same year the most famous king, Arthur, passed away. In 1244, the Albigensian Cathars in Montsegur were destroyed.

Consequently, 1944 was to mark a "turning point": in March, one of the fiercest battles unfolded - at Monte Cassino. Monsegur also became one of the strong points.

An order from Berlin demanded that they hold their positions at the cost of any sacrifices, and the Germans held out, they fought "to the last bullet, soldier, breath" …

Heinrich Himmler flew to Montsegur (according to other sources - Alfred Rosenberg.), Hoping to morally support the knights of the Third Reich.

Fierce fighting lasted four months, and both sides suffered huge losses. Here, in the region of Montsegur, Wilhelm Kruger, the last leader of the last expedition "Ahnenerbe", also died. He arrived at the unit operating in the area as a volunteer and was killed while repelling one of the many tank attacks.

A few days before the complete defeat of the German group, German soldiers and officers drew attention to the fact that a huge flag with a Celtic cross was raised over the ruins of the castle. Himmler himself ordered to resort to this ancient German ritual, counting on the help of mystical forces.

But it was too late, the American infantry, throwing hand grenades at the last enemy positions in front of the dilapidated fortress wall and hiding behind machine-gun fire, rushed into the territory of Montsegur …

Himmler left the special communications room, the defenders of Monsegur did not hear his last calls, it was already too late … The German army retreated from Monte Cassino.

“Another seven hundred years …, - the Reichsführer's mind was spinning … - But for humanity, every 700 years there is an offensive of fire. In other words, every 700 years the consciousness of his responsibility in this cosmic struggle returns to man. He again becomes religious in the full sense of the word. He re-enters into contact with long-lost minds. He prepares for future mutations. His soul expands to the size of the universe. He again finds the meaning of the world epic. He is again able to distinguish between what comes from the man-god and from the man-slave, and reject from the practice of mankind what belongs to the condemned breeds. He again becomes adamant and flaming, faithful to the function to which the giants once ascended (Povel L., Bergier J. Morning of the Magicians. Kiev, 1994).

The year 2644 is still very far away …

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In the Cathedral of Valencia (Spain) there is a bowl carved from stone. The history of its emergence and transition from one owner to another is said to be documented and has nothing to do with the Grail (Schafer H.-W. Kelch und Stein. Frankfurt / M., Bern, Neu-York, 1985. S.53.) … But who knows, maybe all the pieces of paper are just camouflage.

"The Holy Grail and the Third Reich", Vadim Telitsyn