UN: The Earth Is Preparing A Series Of Terrible Cataclysms For Humanity - Alternative View

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UN: The Earth Is Preparing A Series Of Terrible Cataclysms For Humanity - Alternative View
UN: The Earth Is Preparing A Series Of Terrible Cataclysms For Humanity - Alternative View

Video: UN: The Earth Is Preparing A Series Of Terrible Cataclysms For Humanity - Alternative View

Video: UN: The Earth Is Preparing A Series Of Terrible Cataclysms For Humanity - Alternative View
Video: А.В.Клюев - Обострение Кризис в Системе Мира - Ловушки Эго - Моя Чужая Жизнь и Личность 💛 8/14 2024, September

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, operating under the auspices of the United Nations, has decided to end the debate over global warming. Climatologists have stated (and experts agree with them) that temperatures on Earth are indeed rising. The trouble is that such changes lead to an imbalance in the entire system of the planet.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, under the auspices of the United Nations, has released an alarming report warning of the consequences of inaction on the issue of global warming. It, according to the experts of the group, has an increasingly noticeable impact on both the situation on land and in the oceans. In case of further inactivity, warming will have serious consequences, up to the complete death of civilization already at the turn of the XXII century.

Note that this intergovernmental group was established back in 1988 by two UN agencies: the World Meteorological Organization and the UN Environment Program. The group is considered one of the most respected in the world in the field of climatology. The contribution of this group to science is invaluable.

And the alarm of UN specialists is understandable: it is indisputable that already now, due to the processes of global warming, ice caps at the poles are gradually (for now, a little!) Melting, ice in the Arctic is crumbling (polar sailors are already convinced with their own eyes!), Fresh water supplies are being depleted, periods of abnormally high air temperatures become more frequent, some coral reefs quietly die.

The level of the oceans is rising, and the water in it becomes more acidic due to the dissolution of carbon dioxide in it, which enters the atmosphere as part of automobile and industrial exhaust. As a result, some marine organisms experience problems with stunted growth, while others simply die. In general, the list of warming “sins” is long.

And this, according to the overwhelming majority of climatologists, is only the very, very beginning of very serious consequences for the entire planet. But what about, for example, the sensational Kyoto Protocol, according to which the signatory countries (the most technologically advanced) undertake to reduce air emissions?

“It's no longer fashionable to talk about the Kyoto Treaty. 2012 was the last year of his action, so it kind of ended, and now there is all sorts of talk about what he gave or did not give. In general, whoever remembers the old has an eye out, - said Pravda. Ru Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Director of the A. M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Ginzburg. - At the end of last year, an assessment report of the International Group of Experts was released, where all these results were summed up, and now I do not really understand whether this story will have any real continuation.

For the first 10-12 years of the XXI century, methods have been developed on how to adapt to global warming. This is more or less understandable, but one must be prepared for the fact that all sorts of extreme events are increasing, this is a direct consequence of climate warming, and no one even particularly argues with this.

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The fact that at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries the Earth's climate was warmer is obvious. More frequent extreme events are a consequence of climate warming. The flooding on the Amur last year, for example, was also a direct consequence of global warming. This cannot be predicted, but one must be prepared for such events.


How to avoid the effects of warming? No way. At worst, we just need to not interfere with nature. We must behave humanly, not burn more fuel than necessary, and engage in energy conservation. This is good from all points of view. It is good for the economy both for the preservation of minerals and for the climate. That is, if you behave like a human being, think about what we will leave to the next generation, it will be easier!"

Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Sergei Markov said the following about the climate threat and the Kyoto Protocol:

“It's pretty simple. This agreement was signed by those who have a small industry, but not by those who have a large industry. It seems that since it is industry that fumes and pollutes, it is industry that requires very powerful additional investments, large industrial countries refused to sign it. At the same time, the Kyoto Protocol is in fact directly related to greenhouse gas emissions, however, strictly speaking, it has not been precisely proven that warming directly depends on them.

Many people believe that this warming is simply cyclical, that this is such a norm for the development of the biogeological sphere of the Earth. But, on the other hand, the Kyoto Protocol is absolutely definitely positive in another sense - it is not only against warming, it is against environmental pollution, but in any case it is necessary to fight this pollution”.

“Global climatic changes are accompanied by an increase in the number and strength of various climatic and weather anomalies,” said Viktor Danilov-Danilyan, RAS Corresponding Member, Director of the RAS Institute of Water Problems, in an interview. - It was known for a long time, I wrote back in 2001 that global climatic changes are a consequence of an imbalance in the Earth's climate system. Therefore, these changes will necessarily be accompanied not only by an increase in temperature peaks, but by deepening of temperature pits, which is now happening in the United States. Everything there goes in accordance with the theory, there is no reason to be surprised.

However, some commentators and journalists are surprised, who, with any local cold snap, begin to say that there is no global warming. It's just some kind of hard-to-explain frivolity. Global warming is not uniform or monotonous, there are pauses, even some backward movements, and of course, in different territories it manifests itself in different ways: somewhere it occurs faster (in high latitudes), somewhere slower (above all, in the equatorial zone). Judging by particular examples of the global is illiterate!"

Those who prepared the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 were well aware that the measures envisaged by it were insufficient to have a significant impact on the process of global climate change, added Viktor Danilov-Danilyan. Everyone understood that this was only an attempt to organize the world community to implement the necessary measures.

In general, if climatic changes proceed according to the most unfavorable scenario, then it will not seem enough to humanity.