Spear Of Fate, Or Key To Incredible Power - Alternative View

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Spear Of Fate, Or Key To Incredible Power - Alternative View
Spear Of Fate, Or Key To Incredible Power - Alternative View

Video: Spear Of Fate, Or Key To Incredible Power - Alternative View

Video: Spear Of Fate, Or Key To Incredible Power - Alternative View
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One of the greatest Christian relics is shrouded in hundreds of legends - the Spear, which interrupted the torment of the Savior on the Cross. It has an incredible, fabulous, and therefore unearthly energy, and over the millennia remains a symbol of strength and power. He had many names - Spear of Destiny, Spear of Power, Holy Spear, Spear of Longinus, Spear of Saint Mauritius. But one way or another, both ordinary peasants and monarchs sought to possess these weapons in order to gain power over time and completely dominate the world. It just so happened that in this centuries-old race, the fate of the Spear itself became the talk of the town. And already no one can reliably claim that in reality they even saw the real Spear of Destiny.

The famous Spear of Longinus delivered the Savior from torment. The blood of Christ gave him magical powers.

Many philosophers and scientists are inclined to argue that man is never destined to know the truth of being. And all his secrets the more overgrown with more and more new riddles, the more a person comprehends and learns. But what, perhaps, will never change in the Universe, is the desire of a person to fully possess it. To be the ruler, the ruler of the world, the best of the best, the only one. Today, in various churches of the world, several relics are kept, which are considered the Spear of Destiny. But whether it is, it remains a mystery. As well as the history of the fateful Spear itself is not fully understood.

There is material evidence that the wound of Christ was inflicted by the Spear of Longinus. This is the famous Shroud of Turin - a linen cloth in which the body of the Savior was swaddled after the crucifixion. On his yellowish-white background, the outlines of his Face and figures with traces of wounds were imprinted in a blood-brown color.

Forensic experts who studied the shroud found that the person wrapped in cloth received a spear wound 4.5 centimeters in size between the ribs. According to doctors, the spear pierced the pleura, lung and damaged the heart. There was a stain of blood under the wound on the shroud. It flowed when the pierced was upright.

Direct speech

Leading researcher of the Hermitage, Professor Boris Sapunov:

Promotional video:

- Such a wound could have been inflicted with a regular spear on a shaft about one and a half meters long. This is calculated based on the size of the cross, the height of the Calvary Hill and the location of the wound. At the same time, according to other experts in ancient weapons, the fatal blow could not have been delivered by the long and heavy Roman spear of an infantryman ("hasta") or the spear of a cavalryman • "pilum". This is the trace of a lonhe-type spear used by legionaries of military garrisons. As is known from the Gospel, the soldiers who carried out the execution were legionnaires.

Copy or original?

There is a version that this Spear was forged for his secret purposes by the third Jewish high priest, the son of the high priest Eleazar and the grandson of Aaron, the magician and Kabbalist Phinehas. An active public figure who personally executed apostates, he was famous for his unprecedented gift of communicating with the forces, which in those days were called God. Throughout his life, the spear helped to achieve goals inaccessible to mere mortals.

Over the years, the fame of the powerful relic only grew, and the number of claimants for possession grew even more. Joshua held it in his hands, looking at the crumbling walls of Jericho. King Saul threw a magic talisman at young David. Herod the Great, leaning on the Spear, gave the order to exterminate innocent babies. Then, by the will of providence, it was in the hands of the Roman centurion Caius Cassius, and the deceased Christ gained eternal life.

Legends say that the Roman Caesars Diocletian and Constantine (III-IV centuries) also owned the Spear; energetic kings of the Visigoths, destroyers of the Roman Empire, such as Odoacer (5th century); mysterious (it was seriously argued that the founder of the Merovey dynasty was born from the union of a woman with a sea monster!), later nicknamed lazy, long-haired Merovingians, and the legendary sovereign unifier and ruler of Europe - Charlemagne.

At the same time, many researchers are inclined to think that the myth of the Spear was so stable that there were other spears, which were united only by a common idea. For us, the story of the Spear of Destiny begins on June 14, 1098 in Antioch. It was described in detail by a direct eyewitness of those events, the chronicler and canon Raimund Agil-sky According to his chronicle, a participant in the Crusade, the Provencal peasant Peter Bartholomew, Saint Andrew appeared several times and indicated the place where the Spear of Destiny was buried. He also demanded that this must be reported to the valiant knight Raymond, Count of Toulouse.

But it took a long time to get to the count, since the distance between the estates in those days was simply catastrophic. Having overcome in the end all the existing obstacles and fulfilling the numerous, but indispensable conditions, a group of interested persons, having prayed, began excavations in St. Peter's Cathedral. And everything happened as predicted. The found Spear was not slow to demonstrate to those who lost faith its miraculous power: the enemy fortifications began to surrender one after another to the crusaders, who had recently suffered military defeats. Even Jerusalem soon fell with divine help.

Our reference

The Vatican Spear is kept in the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome, where it came from Paris in the 18th century, where it is believed to have been from the time of the Crusades. It is identified with the Spear, which was kept in Constantinople, and earlier in Jerusalem, at least from the 5th century.

The Armenian Spear is kept in the treasury of Echmiadzin, where it has been located since the 13th century. Until that time, it was kept in Geghardavank, where, according to legend, it was brought by the Apostle Fadey. Geghardavank literally translates as the Monastery of the Spear.

The Vienna Spear dates back to the time of Otgon I (912 - 973). It is characterized by a splash of metal, which is considered the nail of the crucifixion. After the Anschluss of Austria, Adolf Hitler took the spear to Germany and placed it in Nuremberg. It is believed to have been returned to Austria by US General George Patton and is currently in the Imperial Treasury. But no one really knows about this.

Where is the temple hidden for unearthly weapons

So where is the Miracle Spear today. In the spiritual capital of Armenia, Echmyadzin, the Holy Spear is hidden in a temple built in antiquity. It is equipped with the most modern security alarm system. This nondescript-looking piece of iron, darkened by time, is guarded by monks more strictly than a military nuclear bomb.

Christians believe that the Spear of Destiny is the key to incredible power. And that the ruler, in whose hands the tip falls, can gain power over all of humanity. For two millennia, kings and emperors believed that the weapon, on which the blood of Christ was baked, would give them the opportunity to rule the world.

Historical records show that many rulers were convinced that they possessed the true Spear of Destiny. And rattling them, they became famous as great conquerors. But none of them managed to master the whole world. In Echmyadzin, they claim that it is with them that the original Spear is located. And this was allegedly confirmed by British scientists who studied the age of the relic. But whether this is really so is not known for certain. British TV journalists have already visited Vienna and Rome, where relics that are considered the Spears of Longinus are kept. But it was decided to shoot the film about the Spear in Armenia.

This fact in no way stops historians and scientists in search of a real relic. At the same time, studies of the Spear of Destiny, which is kept in the Vienna Museum of Art History, using the latest physical methods, showed that the iron from which the legendary weapon was made was not forged until the 7th century. It turns out that this is just a copy. But it was not there. It turned out that in the center of that relic (its length is just over 50 centimeters), under the hammered gold shell that covers half of the tip, there is a piece of iron that is much older.

The researchers suggested that an ancient Roman nail was forged there. Perhaps the same one with whom Christ was crucified! Apparently, in ancient times they knew this - it was this section of the spear that was marked with tiny copper crosses. It is there that there may be pieces of a nail from the crucifix. An inscription was found on the spear, which we managed to read. It meant: "The spear and the nail of the Lord." But other spears stored in the Vatican turned out to be only later copies.

By the way, Hitler never managed to become omnipotent

Adolf Hitler, known for his passion for mysticism and astrology, always strove to possess the miracle Spear. Historians testify that even in his youth he stood for hours in the Vienna Museum of Art History in front of a window in which the relic was exhibited. And then, when Austria entered the territory of the Third Reich, Hitler declared the Spear an "imperial treasure." He was sure that with an unearthly weapon, he would be able to enslave the whole world. And even after the failure and defeat of the Third Reich, he continued to blindly follow the legends. Adolf tried to hide the Spear. There is documentary evidence that he ordered to send the relic to Antarctica by submarine. But they did not have time to complete his task. According to one version, the Spear of Fate was found by the Americans in 1946 in a well in Nuremberg. It was they who brought him back to Vienna. However, there are other assumptions,according to which the Spear remained in America, and only a copy of it was returned to Vienna, History is silent about this. And the Spear hunters are still looking for a sacred relic on the continents of the Earth in the hope of healing and possessing the main secrets of life.

L. Orobvts. “Interesting newspaper. Incredible №16 2008