World War II, The Search For The Spear Of Destiny - Alternative View

World War II, The Search For The Spear Of Destiny - Alternative View
World War II, The Search For The Spear Of Destiny - Alternative View

Video: World War II, The Search For The Spear Of Destiny - Alternative View

Video: World War II, The Search For The Spear Of Destiny - Alternative View
Video: Women in This Town Compete to Find a Husband Because of a Man Shortage 2024, October

1939, August.

Literally a week before the start of hostilities in Poland, Hitler made a trip to Nuremberg. Few people knew about the preparation of the voyage, even fewer people were devoted to the purpose for which the Fuhrer was sent to the old German city. Only the most dedicated (two or three people) realized that Hitler was heading to St. Catherine. Despite the slush (the end of the summer was marked by long rains), Hitler walked three hundred meters, ordering his escort cars to stop a block away from the Spear's storehouse.

The Fuhrer stayed at the Spear for a little over half an hour, without sitting down, he stood all this time almost at attention, in complete solitude and silence.

What was he thinking about? This will remain a mystery. But already on board the plane heading for Berlin, the Fuhrer signed an order for German troops to cross the Polish border. Hitler's public speeches of that time were full of pompous phrases about the predestination of his own fate, about the great mission of the German people, about the need to protect Great Germany from the Slavic barbarians.

Nothing out of the ordinary, everything is as usual.

But in his speech "crept in" (there is no other word for it) episodes of biblical history (recall that Hitler could not stand everything connected with religion).

What was it?


Promotional video:

Or deliberately mentioning: either in order to attract the attention of a larger number of listeners, or - already at a subconscious level.

* * *

1940, May:

Wehrmacht units and subunits are deployed on the western borders, no one doubts that they will strike at France and its allies (Belgium, Holland), that England will be seriously and for a long time involved in the war, that sooner or later the United States will have to intervene in the world fight. States of America.

Hitler himself did not doubt the forecasts. And again - a trip to Nuremberg, unexpected for everyone, to “worship” the Spear.

This time, the Fuhrer is only fifteen minutes late. And again, in complete loneliness and silence. Nobody and nothing has the right to disturb Hitler's thoughts. Only when he left the building did the attendants note: he was pale as a sheet, he was slightly shaken, his voice trembled noticeably. Having given some minor orders, Hitler took his place in the car - behind the driver - and, as if reluctantly, waved his hand:

- Go!

Then - the board of the aircraft, which carries him towards the future front line, Hitler decided to direct the actions of his troops. A day after the Fuehrer arrived at the command post of the operational group of forces involved in the operation, the tracks of German tanks cut through the French border. The Second World War was entering a new phase.

Bormann, who accompanied Hitler to Nuremberg (but only to the cathedral), and then to France, wrote in his diaries that the Fuhrer was "unrecognizable" - silent, quiet, clumsy, uncommunicative, completely immersed in his own thoughts. From the mental stupor he was taken out by reports coming from the front line. The French campaign, which was developing successfully for the Wehrmacht, was a pleasant gift for Germany in her struggle against "world evil".

* * *

More than once Hitler made rapid voyages to Nuremberg: in May 1941 (before the start of the war with Russia), and in December of the same year (when German soldiers froze to death near Moscow), at the end of 1942 (when in Stalingrad, ring 6th Army of Field Marshal Paulus), in the summer of 1943 and 1944 (when the German armies were defeated at the Kursk Bulge in Russia and on the northern coast of France). Was the Fuhrer not disappointed by this time in the magical properties with which the Spear was endowed? May be…

Hitler himself did not leave behind diaries or memoirs (the political testament does not count), and although his entourage struggled, they were unable to explain anything …

Martin Bormann believed that Hitler made such trips for the sake of receiving a kind of energy boost, concentration of the spirit before making any important and fateful decision.

Himmler was less prosaic, "Hitler in Nuremberg conversed with the spirits of warriors." By this time, "Ahnenerbe" had practically left the political scene of Nazi Germany and the Reichsfuehrer had to deal alone with the interpretation of this or that phenomenon. And Himmler, the consummate master of political obsequiousness, did it with Jesuit skill.

* * *

1944 year.

The Fuhrer was last seen in Nuremberg in the late autumn of 1944. The city was already unrecognizable, the "flying fortresses" of the US Air Force turned most of its buildings into piles of rubble. And the Fuhrer himself was no longer the same. Five years of war, disappointment, loss, an attempt on his own person - all this left an imprint on the figure, and on the look, and on the general mental state. Alone with the Spear, the Fuehrer spent only five minutes, then Himmler entered the room. What the two highest-ranking officials of the Third Reich were talking about is not difficult to guess. Hitler gave the order that the Spear of Cassius should not be received by the enemy, it must be hidden in the most inaccessible place. Himmler did not have to repeat it twice. In the evening of the same day, several trucks with SS men and one covered van arrived at the cathedral. On him,under reliable protection and took out (but where?) the Gospel relic.

Hitler never again remembered the Spear, there were enough other problems. Then, at the end of 1944, he still infinitely trusted Himmler and his people, considering them the most loyal subordinates and "party comrades."

* * *

The story with the Spear of Longinus did not end there, however.

1945 year:

On April 20, the American infantry entered Nuremberg (units of the 3rd American Tank Army), no one offered resistance, the Wehrmacht tanks rolled back further to the northeast, as if saving their lives. The tired Yankees were only happy about it, they were damn tired of fighting.

From the very first hours of the occupation of the city, American counterintelligence rushed to look for the relic.

According to some reports, the Spear was evacuated on the submarines of the "Personal convoy of the Fuhrer" (as, for example, the modern researcher Anton Pervushin thinks (Pervushin A. Occult wars of the NKVD and SS. M., 1999)).

According to other sources, due to a fatal mistake, another relic was taken out on submarines - the so-called "spear of St. Mauritius" (the Holy Martyr Mauritius is a warrior of the Theban legion, who suffered along with seventy Christian warriors in the IV century in Germany (present-day Northern Switzerland). According to the aforementioned Russian historian N. Lisovoy, "the spear of St. Mauritius, already in the 5th-6th centuries, was first glorified as the throne insignia of the Burgundian ruling house. Later, it passed to the Carolingian dynasty, from which its German emperors inherited." be called from the time when the king, the future emperor, Otto the Great defeated the hordes of pagan Hungarians on the feast day of Saint Longinus. From the Ottonians it passed as a state relic to the subsequent imperial dynasties,until the Habsburgs got it.”). Or maybe there was no fatal mistake, but there was a perfectly executed operation to preserve historical values?

* * *

Let us allow ourselves a research digression: archival documents (albeit indirectly) suggest that Himmler replaced the bronze box with the Spear of Destiny exported on submarines with the “spear of St. Mauritius”. The Reichsfuehrer SS was seriously thinking about a comfortable existence after the collapse of the Third Reich. And only the contents of safes and caches of the SS, which Himmler constantly replenished, could help him in the realization of this most cherished dream. (It was by his order that General Karl Wolf "accepted for safekeeping" - as a personal treasurer - exhibits from expositions of art galleries and museums in Italy (Uffizi, Prado, etc.)). The Reichsfuehrer was and remained an intellectual pragmatist, skillfully combining a "craving for beauty" with an elementary desire to profit at someone else's expense. A typical example of the state machine of the Third Reich (as opposed to, say, others,in countries somewhat similar to Nazi Germany). But only thanks to such features, Himmler, whose hands are stained with blood, was able to contribute in some way to the advances that were taking place in the sciences, for example, in archeology, which he simply adored.

* * *

One way or another, the Spear (or maybe its skillful copy) ended up in the office of the commander of the 3rd American Tank Army, General George Smith Patton (Patton George Smith. This amazing personality should, of course, be said separately: an intellectual, an expert and follower of mystical teachings, polyglot and bibliophile, connoisseur of art and antiquarian. In Soviet literature (devoted, in particular, to the history of Freemasonry and the connections of its followers with foreign "colleagues"), the name of General Patton was constantly mentioned in connection with the "ideological struggle of two systems." The stream of lies came to naught only when in Russia it became “not fashionable” to reduce the entire foreign policy of Western states purely to the formula “CIA against the USSR.” I would like to hope that the times of “hunting for the CIA” have gone into past.) literally on the second day of intensive searches. General George smiled - for the first time in the whole war - this is it! (Patton was an educated man and knew the history of the Spear of Destiny quite well.)

The diligent counterintelligence officers were awarded with military awards, but nothing is known about the progress of the search to this day. We can only assume that this relic was "under the supervision" of the American special services long before the entry into Nuremberg of the vanguard detachment "GI" ("GI" is the nickname of the American military personnel). How else to explain such a transience of a serious operation? (The usual reference in such cases to confusion does not pass: the Germans remained disciplined burghers in the days of the "General Flood".)

One more indirect evidence in support of our version. One of the American military journalists, a certain David Zelnik, saw on the territory of a car repair company stationed in Nuremberg, one of the units of the 3rd Panzer Army, a van intended, as he himself wrote, "to transport, apparently, valuables." The Americans got this van as a trophy, but how (and why) did it find itself here, far from the German capital city, where the most valuable cargo remained the Reichsmarks, which were rapidly losing "weight" by the end of the war. Zelnik suggested that the Nazis expected to use a special van to transport any items of exceptional value from Nuremberg. The last could only be the Spear of Destiny. But the van remained in Nuremberg, and, perhaps, due to circumstances, the Spear could not leave the city boundaries. Zelnik led his idea to the fact that the evacuation of Spear was delayed artificially, thanks solely to the intervention of the guys from the American counterintelligence.

From Nuremberg, the valuable trophy was sent overseas to Washington. The first person to see the Spear in America was US President Harry Truman. He also ordered to return the relic to Vienna, to the Hofburg Palace, where it had been kept for several centuries and from where it was, in fact, stolen.

The only one who expressed his disagreement (this was possible only in the United States) with the president's decision was Eisenhower, who then covered himself with the unfading military glory of a fighter, and in the future took the presidency as an intractable and incorruptible politician.

Eisenhower believed that the fall of Germany and the death of the Fuhrer himself did not mean that the very militaristic spirit of the German nation (to which, as he emphasized, they love to refer themselves and - in our opinion, quite peaceful - the Austrians), that the Spear could serve a kind of "banner" gathering revanchists. Time has shown that Eisenhower was wrong, but the just-ended Second World Massacre taught its participants (including the winners) to be not only careful, but fearful. We must pay tribute to Truman, he was unshakable.

There is a legend (just a legend, nothing more) that Truman gave the order to use atomic weapons against Japan after he left the room where the Spear of Destiny was kept.

The Russian version of the spear epic was presented by S. Makin. According to the hypothesis popularized by him, the relic was kept for a long time in the St. Sophia Cathedral of Constantinople, from where it was taken by Prince Oleg to Kiev, and then transported to Veliky Novgorod. Veche handed the sacred weapon to Alexander Yaroslavich (Nevsky) before the battle on Lake Peipsi and, after the death of the prince, it was moved to his sarcophagus. From this hypothesis, it follows that the canonization of a warrior with a spear depicted on Russian printed signs implied an allusion to a specific type of weapon.

Peter the Great, who took the spear from the tomb of Alexander Nevsky, it helped in the victory over the Swedes. Unsuccessful attempts to seize Leningrad by the Germans during the Second World War are also explained by the assistance of the Gospel relic (Makin S. Fatal Spear // Science and Religion. 1994. No. 11. P. 64; Bagdasaryan V. E. Mythologization of history as a theoretical and methodological problem of modern historiography // Armageddon. Actual problems of history, philosophy, cultural studies. M., 2000. Book 7. (April-September). S. 5.).

* * *

“From a piece of metal that fell from heaven,” a Spear was forged, carrying illusions. None of the owners of the Spear have found what they were striving for or hoped for. Power over the world is the lot of contemplators and philosophers, not politicians and tyrants. The latter are only able to shed a sea of blood, but subordinating the will of millions to their will is a utopia. Only the one who seeks to understand the laws of nature and society through not enslavement, but knowledge of the most secret hiding places of human intelligence hidden from the commonplace understanding, has the right to say: "I am the ruler of the world!"

"The Holy Grail and the Third Reich", Vadim Telitsyn